Chapter 742
"General, the generals in front of the battle, the other party may not participate. The general of the third vanguard army was killed by us a few days ago." The tall demon on the side said to the general of the demon on the eight-wheeled frame.

They have already attached great importance to the vanguard army, and the demon generals sitting in the town are all powerful second ranks.

In the past, heavenly demons could completely crush martial artists at the same level. Since the appearance of evil spirits in Shenzhou, they can no longer defeat human ghost warriors with the same level of combat power, and even a little carelessness will be defeated by the same level. The first-level ghost-controlling envoy beheaded and killed.

That's why the second-rank big demon led the army to face the first-rank vanguard.

"No, the vanguard army without generals is not even qualified to charge. They will have someone to fight." The second-ranked big demon seems to have a chance to win. His tall body is covered with thick armor, and his eyes are watching calmly. to the distance.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if there is no one to fight. The opponent’s morale is low. As long as the army of demons rushes over and engulfs them, relying on those big demons with a height of [-] meters, they can completely eat up an army of [-]. To open fire, not only to take into account the giant fleet of the demon, but also to worry about the troops on the ground.

The giant battleship in the sky was moving slowly, and bursts of crystal-shaped defensive circles appeared on the giant ship.

In the main tent inside the giant ship, a general wearing a cloak looked at the huge sand table in front of him, which looked like a 3D model. The Heavenly Demon army has already lined up, and the battle will start at any time.

This is the real war. Although neither side has sent a large army, it is just a battle of millions against millions, but it is obvious that the chariots and horses are ready to fight hand-to-hand at any time.

"Fighting general?" The tall figure sitting on the general's seat asked.

"Back to Marshal Lu, the five-way vanguard army has taken the lead in contacting the demon army, and they should have started fighting for generals." The deputy general on the other side reported.

"It's good to be a general." Lu Jin showed an unpredictable smile on his face. This time, he prepared a big surprise for them. I hope the demons will like it.


"Fighting General?" A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Mo's mouth, but it was just a disdainful smile. Chen Mo didn't bother with this kind of one-man battle at all, because the sky demon who was on the opposite side was not qualified to fight Chen Mo at all.

"He is not worthy!" Chen Mo said calmly, looking at the eight-wheeled chariot surrounded by the demon army with a pair of scarlet ghost eyes. for.

"Is there no one in the vanguard army, and even the general is a coward. It seems that your Shenzhou world is doomed to perish." Yizhuan Tianmo shook his head regretfully, as if he felt sorry for the Shenzhou world.

The voice of Yizhuan Tianmo was flat, but it was so harsh in the ears of the hundred thousand vanguard cavalry.

The Ten Thousand Chiefs sat on the dragon horse and looked at Chen Mo who was sitting on the strange beast.

They also knew about this general two quarters of an hour ago. They didn't even know his behavior style, and they didn't know whether he was a hawk or a dove. people.

The military orders are like a mountain, and they are also waiting for Chen Xianzhi's order. Without the general's order, they can't act rashly.

"General, the last general invites you to fight." Hearing Chen Mo say that the demon is not worthy, one of the ten thousand commanders holding a big ax clasped his fists and asked for the battle.

"General, please also fight, the last general. If you can't kill him, the last general will come to see you." Another burly ten thousand commander cupped his fists, the black ghost energy in his body had evaporated, and there seemed to be ghost ghosts. Gather behind him.

"No need!" Chen Mo raised his arms, and the Ten Thousand Chiefs behind him stopped their voices immediately.

It would be better for the main general to make a move. They hope to see the powerful means of the third rank, but just like what Chen Mo said, a small rank one demon is not worthy of their powerful attack of the third rank, but there is no way now up.

"Go, Jedi Saber Lord!" Chen Mo waved his hand, and Jedi Saber Lord climbed out of Chen Mo's body, fear and pressure permeated out.

Everyone suddenly felt that the temperature of the surrounding air had dropped several times, and even the Jiaoma under their crotch backed away in fear, not even daring to breathe, and stood tremblingly behind Ling Kui.

And Ling Kui glanced at it with a proud expression, and then looked into the distance without squinting.

After the appearance of the Jedi Sword Lord, he stood just on top of Ling Kui's head, wearing a scarlet sleeve robe and armor, showing a stunning face, and the bronze iron boots under his feet were still stained with blood rust.

A sense of terror permeated everyone's hearts.

The [-] vanguards, the strongest are only the peak of heaven and man. Although there are quite a few ghost emissaries among them, they have seen such a terrifying big ghost there, and they were speechless for a while in shock.

"Get... get... get!"

Their teeth chattered non-stop. If it wasn't for the fact that the Jedi Sword Lord was not targeting them, they would definitely turn around and run away just because of this fear and coercion.

"Is this the evil ghost with the power of the third turn? It's so terrifying. Just the escape of fear makes the heavens tremble."

"Such a terrifying evil spirit!"


The horrified eyes were also full of rejoicing, glad that this was their own person, no, even if they were their own person, they didn't dare to look directly at the female ghost in armor and holding a broken knife. Involuntarily want to escape.

Jedi Knife Lord turned his head back slightly, his face was full of death, and there were scarlet ghost eyes in the opened eyes, and the body like a dead body exuded a frightening coercion. It has appeared in the battlefield, just like teleporting.

"What!" The second-turn big demon suddenly sat upright. His body was more than three meters high. Horror flashed in a pair of purple eyes, and he stared wide-eyed at the armored man who walked onto the battlefield. female general.

The great heavenly demon felt the fear and coercion emanating from the other party, which is the most profound and terrifying thing that can lure people's hearts.

"Escape!" the Great Heavenly Demon roared.

"What?" Xu Zisheng was stunned for a moment, and looked back. His commander seemed to have shouted the word "escape", but he was very puzzled, why did he need to run away with a celestial demon?
"Boom!" It was as if something exploded in my head.

Xu Zisheng felt that the temperature around him dropped rapidly, black mist filled the air, and the coolness passed through his limbs. He didn't dare to turn his head. He felt the great terror behind him.

"Ghost!" Xu Zisheng roared, and slashed back with the long knife in his hand.


There was no fluctuation of ghost energy, Xu Zisheng suddenly found that the world seemed to start to rotate, he saw his headless corpse, holding a long knife in his hand, and at the same time he also saw the terrifying thing behind him.

She stepped on his beast mount with a smile, a broken bronze knife in her hand, and looked over with scarlet ghost eyes.

The blackness struck, Xu Zisheng was already dead, and even he himself didn't know how he died.

"Invading so many worlds, this is the first time I encountered such a weird thing." This was Xu Zisheng's last thought, but he was not worried, they would not die if they possessed the Sky Demon Insect.

(End of this chapter)

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