Chapter 743
"Impossible!" The second-ranked Great Heavenly Demon has completely lost his voice, and even the tone of his voice is tinged with panic.

"Impossible, how could such a terrifying thing appear."

The Great Heavenly Demon was searching in a panic. Suddenly, he saw Chen Xianzhi sitting on Ling Kui's body, wearing a thick black ghost suit with scarlet lines, two ghost horns extending from his forehead, and scarlet ghost eyes. Open and close with a click.

Four winding ghost horns extend to the back of the ghost helmet like hair.

Just in time, when the Great Heavenly Demon looked over, Chen Mo's scarlet ghost eyes just looked over.

"Three turns!!!"

The big demon's eyeballs are staring round, this kind of small-scale conflict of the **** will encounter the power of the third rank, this is the same as the small-scale conflict and then encountering the little fat man's nuclear weapon, and it is not to blame for the second rank The Great Heavenly Demon will lose his composure.

Originally, Wuxiu had the qualification to fight against the demons because he controlled the evil spirits. They couldn't hold down the second ranks of the same level at the second rank, and sometimes they even couldn't beat the first rank ghost masters. He actually met a martial artist with a rank three high energy level, and he was an envoy of ghosts.

Not to mention that the big demon was surprised, even the one hundred thousand vanguards couldn't keep their mouths shut. They didn't see how the big ghost made a move at all.

"Since you want to fight, then kill them all!" Chen Mo waved his hand.

The evil ghosts in the body crawled out, first of all was the three-eyed Yama, with scarlet ghost eyes opening and closing, and as soon as the six-star supreme ghost came out, a powerful fearful pressure swept out.


The scarlet letter on the instrument in front of the lieutenant kept rising.

"What!" The lieutenant general was stunned, and the red letter in front of his eyes had turned into black. The rich black was like thick ink dripping on the white paper, and half of the paper was stained immediately.

"Shuai Lu, it has been detected that the fear and coercion of Taipingpo has risen sharply, and the intensity of ghost aura has reached the black alarm level, at least six stars." The deputy general hurriedly reported.

"It doesn't matter, it seems that our colleague is still capable."

Lu Jin nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, it would be strange if it wasn't for the black alert.

The giant fleet not only has a weapon system for heavy artillery, but also a system for detecting ghost aura. After all, they need to carefully control the battlefield.

As for Taipingpo's terrifying power, it must be the new three-rank power who made the move. Otherwise, no one would be able to exude that terrifying pressure. Now that Chen Xianzhi has made the move, their plan can also be started up.

"You don't need to pay attention to the ground battle anymore, just focus all your attention on the Batu giant fleet!" Lu Jin stood up and waved the command, and the giant fleet moved accordingly.



"How come, there will be a second evil ghost, and it's even more terrifying!" The old soldier looked in astonishment at Chen Mo who was sitting on the strange beast not far away, his surprise couldn't even cover the ghostly face on his face go.

This is too abnormal, they have never heard of someone who can control the second evil spirit, and it is even more terrifying than the first one.

"No, there are more!"

"It's the third one."

"The fourth one."

"the fifth."

"The sixth one!"

Counting the Jedi Sword Lord who appeared first, a total of six appeared beside Chen Mo. The figure of the evil ghost seemed to be suppressed, so it seemed to be only more than two meters, or more than three meters, but no one dared to underestimate these from the past. The evil ghost that crawled out of Chen Mo's body.

"No...Impossible!" The vanguards who were closest to them all swallowed, which had already overturned their three views.

"How could someone be able to summon so many evil spirits."


Chen Mo raised the long knife in his hand, and Chen Mo's voice pulled everyone's attention back.

"Roar!" Ling Kui roared, and took a step forward to charge.

The six evil spirits lined up, standing beside Chen Mo, as if they were floating in the air, and they used Chen Mo as a spearhead to go straight to the evil spirits of the million army.

"Boom boom boom!"

One hundred thousand troops charged together, although they didn't react, but the obedience to the order in their minds had prompted them to start the charge, and one hundred thousand flood horses rushed after them, and the shaking sound was like the sky falling and the earth cracking.

The surging tsunami rushed forward.


The second-rank demon roared, and took the lead in running away.

The panic in his eyes was beyond words, his face was full of panic, and he murmured unconsciously, "How could that kind of monster appear, six evil spirits, three turns of power!"

It's not that they can defeat the monster at all, even if they rush over, they will still be killed. Now, only by running away quickly, only by running back to the Heavenly Demon's base camp in the Tianzhu Battlefield can he feel a sense of security.

That is fear. Although they are not afraid of death, it does not mean that they will not be afraid.

After all, evil spirits are monsters that can trigger the greatest terror in the heart.

The one hundred thousand army led by Chen Mo and the six big ghosts charged, and the ten thousand commanders followed behind the six big ghosts.

Wherever the evil spirits passed by, the heavenly demons fell down one after another like reaping wheat.

"Boom boom boom!"


The steaming energy and blood gushed out, and Chen Mo's figure flew out first, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of the Second Rank Heavenly Demon.

"Third turn!" The second-turn demon gritted his teeth. He knew he would be caught up, but he didn't expect to be caught up so easily. The regret in his heart flooded like a tide. If he knew it was so easy, he would be caught up. He must have given the order to charge, not to flee.

Looking back now.

There was no sound of fighting at all, where the six huge ghosts passed, all the heavenly demons rushed to the end as if they lost their voices, and at the same time their heads rolled to the bottom of their feet.

In the blink of an eye, a corner of the magic tide of millions of troops disappeared, and it is still expanding rapidly.

"Roar!" Hundreds of huge celestial demons with a height of [-] meters wanted to charge, but the evil spirits passed by, and their heads were chopped off and fell to the ground, even killing a large group of celestial demons beside them. .

The six evil spirits didn't show their size at all, but after a charge, the demons in front of them died.

"Turn [-] actually intervened in this kind of battlefield!" The demon of rank [-] roared angrily. Although the army of celestial demons is immortal, they still need time. A small battlefield of this level should not have a power of rank [-] at all.

"Is it possible that you are allowed to invade and we are not allowed to fight? It's ridiculous!" Chen Mo sneered, and the scarlet ghost eyes on his forehead looked at the second-turn demon in front of him.

"In the past, Sanmu Yanluo didn't break through, and I couldn't break through. Today, it's time to break through!" Chen Mo grinned, with a slight flash of scarlet.

The last time Chen Mo wanted to take a look at the situation in the Heavenly Demon World, but at that time, there were protective measures in the head of the second-ranked Heavenly Demon, which could not be destroyed like a program, so Chen Mo had to kill them all.

Now that the strength of Sanmu Yanluo has improved, Chen Mo needs another living person to test.

(End of this chapter)

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