Reckless through another world

Chapter 744 Death Battle

Chapter 744 Death Battle
"Nether Ghost Eye!"

The scarlet ghost eyes on his forehead flickered slightly, and a dazed look appeared in the eyes of the second-turn demon in front of him, reflecting the ghost eyes in his eyes.

Chen Mo took a step forward, stretched out his hand and pressed the top of Tianmo's head.

When Chen Mo wanted to observe the memory of the second-rank demon, resistance suddenly appeared, just like a program, if Chen Mo invaded violently, the second-rank demon in front of him would bang and blow his head.

Chen Mo won't get anything.

"Crack the protective measures of Yuanshen!" Chen Mo murmured, and the three-eyed Yan Luo appeared behind him, and at the same time, a layer of ghost domain appeared around Chen Mo, covering the body of the second-turn demon.


The second-rank big demon showed a painful look on his face, and the aura in his body struggled crazily, hitting Chen Mo in front of him, but he couldn't do anything.

Chen Mo is as stable as Mount Tai.

Chen Mo frowned slightly, and had some clues, but there was still a layer of resistance. Now the six-star strength three-eyed Yama still couldn't break through the last layer of protection.

"It seems that we can only take a look at it by brute force." Chen Mo didn't find it difficult. Since it didn't work this time, there will always be a time when it can be done.


"Boom!" The head of the second-ranked Great Heavenly Demon exploded.

But at the same time, Chen Mo also saw a scene, which was a scarlet sky, gray mist, and black scorched earth. Although Chen Mo had never been to that place, Chen Mo recognized it from the head of the second-turn big demon. world scene.

"Is the world of Heavenly Demon so difficult?" Chen Mo was quite puzzled. Although he only glanced at it, the situation of Heavenly Demon seemed to be much worse than that of Shenzhou, and he was depressed.

That's right, if the world of Shenzhou is a vibrant world, the world of the demon is a world that is declining. Chen Mo even feels that the world of the demon will die soon.

Chen Mo withdrew from Huangquan, and at the same time let Sanmu Yanluo also participate in the massacre, and the army of millions of demons disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the big tent of the giant ship in the sky, everyone looked shocked. The vanguard army on Taiping Slope and the army of millions of demons had only been in contact for a few breaths. The reaction of the army of demons had completely disappeared, and all the demons had disappeared.

And within such a short period of time.

This is the case even for the rank two Great Heavenly Demon.

"So strong?"

Lu Jin also had a look of surprise on his face. He heard that the Great Sage Zhenyuan had sent a ruthless character this time, but he didn't expect it to be so ruthless. Within a few breaths, the vital signs of millions of demon troops disappeared.

"This time, I really sent a monster." A smile appeared on Lu Jin's face.

"Okay, let's fire directly and destroy Batu's giant fleet!" Lu Jin waved his big hand, and the position of the opposite demon skeleton giant fleet appeared on the sand table in front of him. .

"Commander, if we fire now, the burden of the millions of troops below will all fall on the vanguard." The deputy general at the side reported.

"Order all the vanguard troops to hold on for half an hour!" Lu Jin's face didn't change at all. He couldn't wait for such an opportunity. If he missed it, he would have to fight for a long time. It must be when the other party didn't react. shot.

As for whether the vanguard army can withstand half an hour, this is something that the vanguard army needs to consider.



"Order all the vanguard troops to withstand the demon army on the ground for half an hour!"

An order was issued to all the generals of the vanguard army, and the remaining generals of the four routes were all taken aback for a moment. They had been fighting for a quarter of an hour before, but today they had to hold on for half an hour in this battle. Are they going to fight to the death? ?

Except for the third army, the remaining four vanguards were all dumbfounded, but they didn't complain. The military order was like a mountain, saying that if they want to hold out for half an hour, they have to hold out for half an hour.

"There is an order from above, hold on for half an hour, brothers, charge with me!" The general of the first vanguard had a tragic face, because the ghost face covered the expression on his face, the ghost in his body pumped out, evil The ghost then crawled out.

"The generals are mighty!"

"The general is mighty!"



Facing the first vanguard's army of demons in an orderly manner, the big demon of the second rank watched the charge of the first vanguard with a sneer.

"Kill!" The second-ranked demon waved his hand, and the army of demons beside him swept out like a tide. There were millions of fearless troops, and a huge twisted demon with a height of [-] meters. You can also swallow it all.

"This battle was too easy." The third vanguard hadn't recovered from the charge, they just felt a charge, and the demons in front of them fell to the ground like wheat, and they didn't even pass by. what a fight.

It seemed real and unreal, very unrealistic, but looking at the corpses of the demons around them, they recovered from their daze.

"That's right, it's all because of the general." The old soldier riding on the dragon horse looked at Chen Mo who was standing in front.

"The general won't stay for too long. This kind of good thing will only happen once." Dasha sighed. There must be some mission in the battle formation, they can't keep such unrivaled power here.

To put it bluntly, even shallow water can't support a big dragon, and at least a million troops are needed to make a third-rank Da Neng the commander-in-chief.

"Hold on for half an hour, it seems like I'm betting the burden on me." A smile appeared on Chen Mo's face. With him this time, the Five Route Pioneers will not suffer.

"You go to support the second vanguard army, and I will support the fourth and fifth routes, and I will be there soon!" Chen Mo looked back at the [-] soldiers and horses behind him. It is against the general three-turn can resist a wave, but Chen Mo can't lead them, they are too slow.

After Chen Mo left his words, his body had disappeared in mid-air.

"What should we do?" Dasha looked at the old soldier.

"Listen to the general and let's support the Second Pioneer Army!" The old soldier nodded and said.


"The generals have all been cut off from their horses, and the fifth vanguard army is already dying." The guard on the other side is still a second-rank demon, he laughed and ordered the army to charge, without the general The morale of the army has been low, and they can completely eat each other within a quarter of an hour.

"The other side's Heavenly Demon made a move, and we and the brothers behind us were cut off."

"And the body of the great general was also washed away by the army of demons, we..." At this point, this celestial-level ghost emissary was already in tears. Although they have always disliked the strength of their own general, their general Every time he rushed to the front, this time he didn't even get back the general's corpse.

"Damn it, damn it!" Tianren Wuxiu slapped himself across the face, but was pinched by Mr. Wan's arm in front of him.

Master Wan looked solemn and said nothing, but raised the weapon in his hand.

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death and never retreat!

(End of this chapter)

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