Reckless through another world

Chapter 745 As long as I'm still alive

Chapter 745 As long as I'm still alive
"The trapped beast is still fighting!"

The second-rank demon calmly looked at the [-] vanguard army divided in front of him. He had seen this kind of scene a lot, and his heart had long been calm, and he didn't even have the slightest sense of accomplishment, because in his opinion, the As it should be.

Their world is powerful, and a powerful world has the qualifications to dominate a weak world.

This is the dark forest law of the universe.

The universe is a dark forest, and those born worlds are hunters with shotguns. Some hunters are old and powerful, and some are new hunters. As long as they dare to shoot, they will be discovered by other hunters.

And there are only two endings to be discovered, swallowing other worlds, or being swallowed by other big worlds.

The sound of fighting, the sound of weapons cutting into the body, the sound of tearing, the sound of galloping iron horses, and the roar of evil spirits in the black mist, can be heard endlessly.

The wailing, pain, and madness after killing the red eye are staged under the gray sky that looks like dark clouds that can fall.

"Master Wan, we have been separated from the other brothers!" An anxious voice sounded, and a young celestial being martial artist roared, splitting the tall celestial demon in front of him, and blood splashed onto his black ghost face. superior.

"Follow me to rush to the past!" The leader Wanfu directly completed the ghost control mode, the tall evil spirit quickly slaughtered the demon in front of him, the black ghost energy was consumed rapidly, and the cavalry behind him tried his best to join the large force .


The jumping celestial man Wanfu roared, and the evil spirit in his body manifested. The tall evil spirit, more than ten meters high, came straight to the second-ranked big heavenly demon, with scarlet ghost eyes full of madness and strong killing intent .


The second-turn big demon stood up fiercely, punched out, and the surrounding vigor was surging. The tall evil spirit in front of him was immediately consumed, and the powerful evil spirit more than ten meters high collapsed in an instant, and retracted into the body of the ghost master.

"No one will be left alive!" The Great Heavenly Demon said lightly.


The black ghost mist filled the air, and all the demons around stopped fighting at this moment. It wasn't that they wanted to stop, but that they couldn't move. They raised their heads one after another, and the panic in their eyes flickered.

Something is coming, and something extremely terrifying is coming.

The mist seemed to come suddenly, and there were little scarlet lights shining in the black mist.

The second turn of the big demon's eyes froze, he also felt that something extremely terrifying was coming, and his perception was released, but he didn't feel the breath of a living person. He thought it was some kind of powerful general, or maybe He is the strongest among the Tianzhu kings.

But after careful consideration, the breath of this thing is actually very similar to that of a ghost.


The face of the second-turn big demon changed slightly. It is not that they were not involved in the massacre of evil spirits during the battle, and even killed the evil spirits in the ghost's body because of killing the ghosts, but they never Has been targeted by evil spirits.

The evil spirits seem to only kill human martial arts, and they have no interest in them. If they run to the evil spirits, they will kill the creatures in front of them, just like human beings don't care about what is blocking the way. Both ants and cockroaches will step on it.

The millions of troops were in tacit understanding and no one made a sound, and the entire battlefield was silent for a while.

"Master Wan, it must be a big ghost." The young man on the side swallowed, and the fear in their eyes was even worse, because the evil spirits mainly target humans. Compared with demons, human martial arts seem to be stronger. Get the love of evil spirits.

"It's possible!" The leader, Mr. Wan, looked at the surrounding black mist, and the vigilance in his eyes did not relax for a moment. He always felt that there was something peeping at them from the black mist, and the ghostly aura in his body did not let him down. How much security.


"Dong dong!"

The heart was beating violently, and the blood in the body was circulating rapidly, but no one felt a trace of warmth, and even felt that the surrounding temperature dropped faster, as if something was coming in the dark mist.

The footsteps were getting closer.

It was as if something was slowly coming from behind, with malicious eyes, step by step...

Scarlet flashes past.


Dozens of celestial warriors and warriors of the vanguard army gathered together, and there was even a ten thousand commander, but none of them dared to act rashly. Every one of the evil spirits born on the battlefield was a murderous existence. Just an appetizer.

A tall figure broke through the black mist and came out.

right in front of their eyes.

Thick ghost Kai, scarlet ghost eyes, this is a tall evil ghost, 20 meters high, the heavy footsteps give off a deadly heaviness, and the exposed skin is pitch black.

"Don't move!" Chief Wan's eyes sank, and he transmitted sound to the surrounding soldiers. He was also very frightened. The evil spirits in front of him were too frightening. His eyes looked at them as if they were alive.

There is no resentment, no madness, only the calmness of stagnant water, the eyes that belong to evil spirits alone, as if ghosts and gods don't care what the creatures that block them in front of them, and they will be killed if they dare to block them.

And when you encounter such a terrifying evil spirit, you must be calm.

The evil spirit walked quietly in front of them, even passing by the vanguard cavalry one by one, and no one was killed by the evil spirit.

It's just that wherever the evil spirits passed by, those heavenly demons fell down one after another.

"Evil ghosts don't kill people, and started killing demons?" The soldiers looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment. The surprise caused by this scene was even more surprising than when they encountered such an existence in such a small-scale encounter.

All of them stared dumbfounded at the falling demon beside them, while the evil spirit in front of them didn't even make any unnecessary movements, as if they simply walked over.

This scene not only happened on the battlefield of the Fourth Vanguard Army, but also the Second Army and the First Army. They were terrified and thought that they would surely die today. They won't let them go, but they didn't expect the evil spirits to start slaughtering the demons.

Chen Mo's tall figure appeared on the battlefield of the Fifth Vanguard Army. Wherever he passed, all the demons fell to the ground. There were no wounds on his body, but the demons were already dead. Chen Xianzhi, who was wearing ghost armor, was like a powerful evil spirit.

"As long as I'm still alive, you won't die!" Chen Mo said, his voice penetrated the gloomy sky, and all the vanguards around could hear it. Qi propped up a natural barrier.

While Chen Mo was speaking, the ghosts who went to support other armies also made their voices through the vibration of ghost energy.

"It turned out to be an evil ghost with three ranks of power, no wonder it is so terrifying!"

"Did we win this battle?"

"Yes, with the power of the third rank, no one will die, and we can even counterattack!"

What Chen Mo was holding in his hand was the second-ranked Heavenly Demon, and the other party roared ferociously, "The Heavenly Demon World will devour your world!"

"Bang!" His head exploded, Chen Mo had no interest in talking to the other party, and he took out another picture from the other party's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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