Reckless through another world

Chapter 746 The Scary Chen Xianzhi

Chapter 746 The Scary Chen Xianzhi

The gloomy and hazy sky is as heavy as lead, and the clouds are connected into a large area, and the air is filled with faint gray mist everywhere.
Chen Mo would believe it was the period of the Industrial Revolution, because it was too similar to that time, like the never-ending smog over the city of London, the light rain falling from the sky and dripping on the dark red land.

The scorched ground, black scorched earth occupies most of it, this world seems to have experienced a huge war.

Chen Mo saw the dark red sky after the haze from the demon's head.

That day, the sky opened its eyes.

The huge dark red void pupils slowly opened, surrounded by tentacles-like things, the sky distorted, the earth distorted accordingly, and even the demons living in the world of demons also distorted.

They mutated, their tall bodies became even taller, and their twisted bodies became even more twisted.

Chen Mo even substituted into the consciousness of this second-rank demon, and saw the distortion of many demons. They became stronger, but their world became worse and worse.

Chen Mo turned around and raised the giant saber in his hand: "The generals are mighty!"

"The general is mighty!"

The soldiers who were still alive roared, venting the negative emotions brought about by the war. They needed a vent, they needed to shout, they needed to be hoarse, and more importantly, they followed the general in front of them to gather more troops.


"Marshal, the vital signs of the fifth vanguard demon have disappeared!"

"The heavenly demon that the commander-in-chief's Fourth Army faced has also disappeared."

"The second army is also..."

"The same goes for the First Army."

"It's amazing. In a short period of time, all the heavenly demons faced by the five vanguards died. It is impossible to do it even with the third-rank power?" The deputy general looked at the data in his hand dumbfounded. The Heavenly Demons that the remaining four armies faced perished almost at the same time.

"This shows that Chen Xianzhi directly affected the four war zones across regions. Could it be that the other party can be separated." The lieutenants who were observing the formation map looked at each other in blank dismay.

"I didn't expect Chen Xianzhi to be ahead of us." Lu Jin said with a smile. The Great Sage Zhenyuan said it well. He did support them with a ruthless person. As soon as the order was issued, the four major war zones had already Taking back all of them, Lu Jin even felt that the 50 vanguard army should not have lost much.

As for whether there will be clones, Lu Jin, as a three-turn power, has naturally read Chen Mo's information. When introducing Chen Mo, he focused on introducing many ghosts who can control many evil spirits, so this time Chen Mo's mission is none other than Chen Mo.

"March into the Heavenly Demon battleship group and destroy them within half an hour!" Lu Jin swung out his token, closed his eyes slightly, and immersed himself in the control system directly.

On the other side, the group of giant skeleton ships that confronted the Tianzhu King's Department did not have much background. After all, they were heavenly demons, and they preferred the collision of personal force. Even the giant ships were used as a deterrent and a channel for transporting troops.

Batu was sitting on the general's throne, holding a white jade cup with a curved angle in his right hand, and he was stepping on a round head. The owner of the head was a human martial artist. His eyes were wide open, as if he was dying.

On the huge deck in front of him, two ghost envoys, Wu Xiu, were tied by star-gold iron chains, and Batu watched them fight each other leisurely.

If they don't fight, they will all be killed. If they fight, one will survive, so they have to fight, even in the form of evil spirits, to please the big demon sitting high above.

Batu is a great heavenly demon with a rank three cultivation base, and even faintly wants to advance towards the battle power of the great saint level, but their world of heavenly demons does not use the transformation as a standard, but continues the common division of the heavens and myriad worlds Intensity prevails.

The third turn is a six-star strength, while the Great Sage is a seven-star strength, and Batu is right in the middle of the six-star to seven-star.


"General, it's not good, Taipingpo's army has lost contact."


"What?!" Batu's eyes widened. In the blink of an eye, all five theaters and millions of Heavenly Demons lost contact, and even their vital signs disappeared.

Batu was frightened and kicked out the head at his feet. It was kicked out like a ball, and fell on the baffle of the deck, shattering like a watermelon.


The flames soaring into the sky hit, and Batu watched helplessly as a huge flame rushed in front of him.

"Boom!" A corner of the giant skeleton ship was instantly shattered, and even he suffered serious internal injuries from this shot.

"Lu Jin!" Batu roared angrily. He didn't expect that the deterrent giant land fleet would open fire, and it was so accurate that it directly hit their main battleship and hit him in front of him.

And it happens to be at such a point in time.

"It's finally started!" The Great Sage Zhenyuan sat calmly in front of the huge sand table, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl, and the green light spots began to move under the command of the Great Sage Zhenyuan. This is Tianzhu King The mobilization of troops within the Ministry.

The Great Sage Zhenyuan has long been dissatisfied with Tianmo's ability to establish a lair opposite the Tianzhu King's Department, and now Chen Mo's arrival is just an opportunity to break this balance.

Originally, the Great Sage Zhenyuan was worried that Chen Mo would not be able to do the job, but after the meeting, the Great Sage Zhenyuan knew that the young man in front of him did have a chance to turn the tide of the battle. In the realm of turning, the six great ghosts, not to mention attacking the great sage, should have a chance to resist the attack of the great sage.

That alone is enough.

Today's Tianzhu King's Department is equivalent to one more great sage, so it's strange that the great sage Zhenyuan didn't beat them.

Chen Mo may not know the arrangement of Zhenyuan Dasheng, but since the other party sent him to the vanguard, it must have a deep meaning, so Chen Mo came, and killed millions of demons in an instant, leaving no one alive.

"fight back!"

"Put up the defensive circle!" Batu roared. He was very angry and annoyed. It was obviously only a small-scale encounter, but the five-way vanguard disappeared. It was an army of millions of demons, that is, hundreds It takes a long time to catch ten thousand pigs, but within a few breaths, millions of celestial demons are gone.

What's more, the huge fleet of Tianzhu King's Department on the opposite side seemed to know about this for a long time, and they opened fire directly when they didn't react.

In the past, it was because the ground troops could threaten the giant ships, but now that the ground troops are gone, it would be a ghost if the giant ships of Tianzhu King's Department did not fire.

"Grandma is a bear, it's unreasonable, it must have dispatched a rank-three master, otherwise it would not be possible to collapse so quickly, and there must be more than one dispatched!" Batu cursed angrily, commanding the skeleton giant fleet to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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