Reckless through another world

Chapter 747 One Sword Battleship

Chapter 747 One Sword Battleship
Chen Mo looked up, and the sky was bursting with bright fireworks, the heavy artillery attack of the giant fleet roared, and the crystal array formed waves like tides, and then returned to calm.

Compared with the battle on the ground, the battle in the sky seems to be more intense.

Behind Chen Mo was the Fifth Vanguard Army, but they suffered a lot of casualties. If Chen Mo came a little later, maybe the whole army would be wiped out.

Of course, as Chen Mo said, he is here, as long as he is still alive, no one will die again!
This is Chen Xianzhi's strength.

"General Chen, gather all the vanguard troops, and within an hour, take down the entrance of the Heavenly Demon. In this battle, we will recover all the lost ground of the Tianzhu King's Department, and drive the Heavenly Demon back to the Demon Army Road!" The voice of the Great Sage Zhenyuan appeared in Chen Mo's guerrilla Among the general's tokens.

"Hurry back to the Demon Army Road?" Chen Mo grinned, his scarlet ghost eyes flickered, and the blood mist from the corners of his eyes drifted away.

"The generals are mighty!" Chen Mo shouted.

"The general is mighty!"

"Follow me to charge." Chen Mo rose from the ground, and the black mist covered all the [-] troops.

The vanguard army of more than 7 was completely enveloped. They rode the Jiaoma and rushed to attack. Chen Mo charged at the forefront.

Everyone seems to have been assimilated into Yin soldiers by the ghost domain. The outside world can only see phantoms rushing past, just like Yin soldiers passing through the border. The surrounding black mist protects them and improves their movement. speed.

From the perspective of the outside world, it is just a large black cloud with scarlet color drifting past, the speed is fast, like a terrifying evil spirit rushing rapidly, bursts of terrifying evil spirit coercion radiate out.

"Something is coming!"

"Don't be afraid, we have the protection of General Chen's big ghost, even the big evil ghost doesn't need to worry!"

The Fourth Pioneer Army looked not far away at the horrible ghost holding the head of the second-turn demon. Although they trembled just by looking at it, it was because of this that they felt more secure. This terrifying ghost Definitely able to deal with those things that came.

"Herod!" The flood horses retreated in panic.

The loss of the Fourth Vanguard Army was not, even the main general was not killed, and because they were very close to the Third Army, Chen Mo directly left the Six-armed Valkyrie and rushed directly to the Fifth Army.

There are still [-] to [-] people left, looking at the black clouds mixed with scarlet clouds floating not far away, you can even hear the sound of galloping iron horses.

Through the black mist, they could only see some phantoms, as if some terrifying evil spirits were carrying a group of ghost cavalry to pass by them.

"It's the Fourth Army!" The Fifth Army saw the Fourth Army outside, and at the same time saw the terrifying ghost standing in front of the Fourth Army. past.

"Fight it!" Everyone was thinking like this, the ghost energy and true energy in their bodies were transpiring, they gritted their teeth, and charged towards Chen Mo.

The six-armed Martial God raised his head slightly, and saw Chen Mo who was leading an army of tens of thousands to control the ghost domain. He moved slightly and plunged into the ghost fog.

"It's the general!"

Seeing the reaction of the Six-Armed Martial God, they realized that it was Chen Xianzhi who came, but none of them thought that Chen Xianzhi's coercion would be so terrifying, and he also carried such a huge army of Yin soldiers.

It wasn't until the black ghost mist enveloped them that they also became part of the Yin soldiers. Only then did they realize that it was not the Yin soldiers, but the Fifth Vanguard Army.

"The generals are mighty!" Chen Mo yelled, all he heard was this sentence. Chen Mo didn't know what else to say, so he could only rely on this trick. Anyway, he has a thick skin, and others can't see his face.

"The general is mighty!" The 16 troops shouted in unison, and the voice was like rolling thunder.

"Charge with me!"

The ghost fog then expanded, forming a larger and huge cloud, and Chen Mo himself was like a terrifying evil ghost, exuding an extremely powerful fear pressure.

"For a quarter of an hour, gather all the remnants, and within an hour, take down the Heavenly Demon Entrance!" Chen Mo's voice was transmitted to all the cavalry behind him, and at the same time, the black ghost cloud moved quickly.

Without the interference of the heavenly demons on the ground, Chen Mo can gather all the 50 troops. With the characteristics of the ghost domain, Chen Mo can directly lead the 50 troops to rush to the Tianmo's entrance and open the door to the Tianzhu King's headquarters.

"What is that?!" Batu was already in a state of desperation, and was beaten back by Lu Jin's giant fleet. In a blink of an eye, a large black cloud appeared on the ground.

The black clouds are mixed with scarlet, exuding bursts of fear and coercion.

Batu was stunned for a moment, but it didn't mean that he didn't see the evil spirits surging inside, and those things who looked like ghost soldiers riding flood horses.

Batu felt a crisis, and it was a major crisis. The thing in front of him actually made him, a powerhouse with three ranks, feel fear, and the direction of this huge black cloud seemed to be the "Entrance!" '

"There is a problem!" Batu yelled, and he couldn't even care about Lu Jin who was opposite him.

"Turn the muzzle, don't let that thing rush past!" Batu the Great Heavenly Demon pointed to the huge ghost domain that was moving fast below, the scarlet color in the ghost domain flashed past, the wind howled, ghost energy flew, and the iron horse stomped on the ground The voice is endless.

Even if it wasn't for the fact that they could still hear the sound, they would have thought it was just a black cloud, but when they looked carefully, it was clearly a large battle formation composed of countless Yin soldiers.

"Turn all the firepower, charge the heavy artillery of the main battleship, destroy that thing for me!" Batu yelled.

"General, if all the energy storage is adjusted, our battleship group will no longer be the opponent of the Tianzhu battleship group."

"Execute the order!" Batu yelled, he no longer wanted to care about Lu Jin on the opposite side, and the thing on the ground was even more terrifying, so he couldn't ignore it.


Chen Mo looked up, and the main skeleton giant fleet of the demon in the sky was actually staring at them, and it seemed that they were going to die, even their own battleship fleet was gone.

"It seems that they want to bombard us!" Chen Mo grinned.

"No, they want to attack Chen Xianzhi's troops on the ground, concentrate their firepower on me, and destroy their main guns!" Lu Jin's expression froze.

"General, we can't take down each other in a short time." The deputy general said nervously.


"Autism breathing technique!" Chen Mo clenched his front teeth, and the black ghost breath was sucked into his body from the corner of his mouth.

"Three-eyed Yama!"

"Full invincible power, fully open!"


A huge evil ghost's head emerged from the black clouds.

Followed by a huge evil ghost body.

The evil ghost was dressed in ghost armor, and a huge body 500 meters high flew out of the clouds on the ground, holding a huge saber in his hand, which was 500 meters long.

"My God, what is this?!"

"Is this God?"

"It's God!"


"That's it?" All the soldiers on Lu Jin's battleship stared blankly at the huge monster not far away, and they recognized what it was, it was a ghost!
It's a ghost!

But a terrifying ghost at a height of 500 meters is simply unheard of!

"Ghost Slash!!!"

Chen Mo roared, his ghostly aura surged.


The black sword energy swept across, the light of the sword passed by, and the main battleship of the Tianmo giant fleet was slowly divided into two halves. The sharp incision cut it open with one knife, and the 3000-meter-long giant ship was cut open with one knife.

The haze that had accumulated for a long time in the sky seemed to be cut open with a single blow.

Cut the ship with one blow!

God is like a prison!

(End of this chapter)

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