Reckless through another world

Chapter 748 How do you feel?

Chapter 748 How do you feel?

The sky was clear, as if the gloomy sky had been shattered with that knife.

Even the entire battlefield lost its voice.

The 500-meter-high Three-Eyed Yama stood in the sky, like a soaring giant, even blocking most of the line of sight, and the black ghost fog followed like a shadow, turning into a black cloak.

Floating in the wind.

The tall, three-eyed Yan Luo held a saber in his hand and slashed open Batu's main ship, and even the surrounding escort fleet was reduced to dust under the mighty pressure.

Batu watched helplessly as the saber light came, but he didn't even have the thought of resisting.

too strong.

The powerful evil spirit, terrifying like ghosts and gods, exudes majestic pressure, making all the creatures on the battlefield tremble.

The demon facing the three-eyed Yama is undoubtedly under tremendous pressure. Similarly, the giant land fleet behind the three-eyed Yama is also under tremendous pressure.

Evil ghosts at a height of 500 meters are unheard of, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are ghosts and gods.

What's more, they also saw this kind of evil spirit make a move.

heaven and earth change color,

God is like a prison.

"Is that the level that the ghost master can reach?" The soldiers in the giant ship group stared blankly at the huge evil ghost that cut the ship.

"Like a ghost!"

Even the main general Lu Jin looked at the huge evil spirit not far away in astonishment.

He was dressed in thick ghost armor, with a slender figure, and in the gaps of the scarlet ghost armor were ghost eyes with open jaws. There was no expression in the ghost eyes, as if this knife was just an ordinary knife.

"The undefeated king of hell, Chen Xianzhi, I'm not as good as that." Lu Jin shook his head slightly.

When it comes to the ability to control ghosts, Lu Jin is indeed willing to bow down, but he is the captain of a giant fleet, and his role is different from that of a single person, and he is also a third-rank martial arts practitioner.

So the surprise turned into surprise, but he didn't lose his composure, because Lu Jin knew that every one of those great saint-level ghost-controlling envoys must have such a terrifying ability to control ghosts.


"Clean up the giant fleet of demons."

The towering ghost then dissipated, and Chen Mo's figure returned to the black cloud. It seemed that everything just now was everyone's illusion.

More than 40 vanguard troops followed behind Chen Mo, looking at Chen Mo's back as if they had seen a ghost.

They were looking forward to seeing the three-turned-powerful shot, but when they really waited for the three-turned-up to make a shot, they all showed disbelieving expressions.

It's not that they didn't meet expectations, but they far exceeded their expectations.

The moves of the three-turn ghost master are like gods, not to mention that the three-turn superpower in front of them is also a master of many ghosts. They only saw six evil spirits, which means that except for the one who is covered in scarlet In addition to the evil spirit with eyeballs, there are five other evil spirits that can match that kind of strength.

"There is half an hour and a quarter of an hour left, we are going to take down the Heavenly Demon Entrance!" Chen Mo's voice was transmitted to everyone through the covering of ghost energy, most of them were martial artists, and a small number of ghost guards , The 50 army is also a vanguard army, the vanguard who stepped through the entrance of the demon.

"No!" The army responded in unison, and while the iron cavalry shouted, the flood horses galloped along with them, and the black ghost domain assimilated them into Yin soldiers.

"The generals are mighty!"

"The general is mighty!"

The soldiers inside the Tianzhu King's Department had already been mobilized, and the Chinese army had even left the city. The left and right wing troops spread out like rushing dust to protect the Chinese army.

They watched the gigantic fleet of the Heavenly Demon being cut in half, and at the same time saw the terrifying 200-foot-high evil spirit. When they thought that this terrifying existence was their companion, they felt a sense of security.

The morale of the army increased rapidly.

"The army is dispatched!"


"How do you feel about the person I sent you?" Lao Jun opened the mirror in front of his eyes, and the one who appeared in front of him was the Great Sage Zhenyuan.

"As a master, how do you feel about your disciple's fighting power?" Great Sage Zhenyuan smiled.

"I just got the news that the vanguard of the demons has been completely wiped out, and even the giant fleet in the sky has been destroyed. Although you only sent a three-ranked one, Laojun, you are truly powerful." Zhen Yuan The Great Sage said with a sigh.

In this situation, it is precious for Wang Bu to have one more Great Saint-level combat power, not to mention a multi-ghost driver like Chen Xianzhi, whose ability to control evil spirits is already at the Great Saint-level, and there are five ghosts. It can suppress the terrifying evil spirits of the same rank and three ranks.

After the connection was disconnected, Laojun didn't feel anything unusual. After all, he had already seen Chen Mo's combat effectiveness when he was in Sky Sea. of.

It's just that both Laojun and the Great Sage seem to have overlooked an important point. They all regard Chen Mo as a Great Saint-level combat power, but Chen Mo himself has just stepped into the realm of the third rank.

Thousands of miles away, the Heavenly Demon Camp is backed by the Demon Army Road.

The Heavenly Demon Camp is entirely cast from scarlet stones. There are countless Heavenly Demons inside. The tall ones may be of normal size. Most of them have dark red skin, and some have black skin. They look more like demons than humans. Of course, they are originally from outside the territory Omen.

In the demon camp, in a huge dark red fortress...

"The army is destroyed, even the giant fleet is destroyed?" Li Xiuzhen threw the information in his hand to the ground, and was furious. As a great celestial demon of the Tianzhu theater, Li Xiuzhen would never underestimate Tianzhu. The Great Sage Zhenyuan of the Royal Department.

That was an extremely powerful character.

This time, it was just a trial as usual.

An army of millions is not much for the Heavenly Demon.

Even the demons of the giant ship group don't value it that much. If it wasn't for the need to confront the sky power of the Shenzhou world, they wouldn't even use the giant ship, because pure personal force is enough.

But I don't care, I don't care, in less than a quarter of an hour, the demon army disappeared, and even the news of the giant ship in the sky disappeared, and a big firework exploded in the sky, and the opposite was dark.

That's right, the giant ship in the sky even set off a big firework, but the millions of Heavenly Demon troops on the ground didn't even set off a single firework.

This is outrageous.

Li Xiuzhen, as the commander of the Heavenly Demons of the Heavenly Pillar King's Division, is also a Great Saint-level Great Heavenly Demon. He not only has the responsibility of being the commander in chief, but also the overseer of all the Heavenly Demons.

But for him, the Heavenly Demon army, which didn't even splash a single splash, has to bear a huge responsibility, otherwise, he wouldn't be so frustrated.

And based on my understanding of that old opponent, since he has already defeated his vanguard with a thunderous force, it means that his old opponent is about to attack, and maybe even reached the entrance.

"Not good! Zhenyuan wants to do something!" Li Xiuzhen reacted immediately.

"Pass down the order, all the demons prepare for battle!"

"Blow the horn!"


The trumpet of the Heavenly Demon blew, and those originally sloppy Heavenly Demons suddenly woke up, and they quickly began to assemble with their armor on.

(End of this chapter)

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