Reckless through another world

Chapter 750 I'm Sure

Chapter 750 I'm Sure
Chen Mo raised the broken bronze knife in his hand.

The black ghost domain suddenly doubled in size, and the already huge cloud now looked even bigger, like a rushing wave, the ghostly aura was exposed, and countless fine yin energy dissipated in the air with the wind.

There seemed to be something more in the black ghostly air.

The surrounding area, which originally felt a little scorching hot, suddenly dropped in temperature, as if it had suddenly cooled down.

Wang Daniu rode on the dragon horse, the blood in his body was rushing, and he charged with Chen Mo. He felt invincible, but he seemed to be a little dazed just now, and the crowd around him was much crowded.

"Hey, brothers beside you, which unit are you from?" Wang Daniu asked casually looking at the cavalrymen who were rushing around. The armor styles on their bodies were different from theirs, but they ran together.

So he thought it was a brother army, so he asked a question.

"噗!" The Yin soldiers around did not pay attention to his question, but continued to attack, but Wang Daniu didn't seem to realize anything, but took a closer look.

one look!
A burst of cold sweat immediately wet his back,

The yin soldiers running with him in front of him had no legs, even if they had no legs, they didn't even have shadows, they themselves were like shadows, and even the war horses were like a cloud of mist, as if they were yin soldiers from the beginning. soldier.

"Gudu!" Wang Daniu reassured himself not to be afraid, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's normal for some ghosts to sneak in when you're disguised as a ghost soldier... a ghost!"

"Captain Wan, something has happened, a ghost has come in." Wang Daniu didn't dare to shout loudly, but used the token to call their leader, Chief Wan.

This scene not only happened to Wang Daniu, but other cavalrymen also noticed that the people around them seemed to be other things.

They kept silent, like illusory ghost shadows, the huge team became even bigger, and even looked very crowded, but because the surroundings were colder, they didn't feel that there were many more people.

It wasn't until someone discovered that their colleagues were not human, it spread rapidly like a virus, and everyone around them seemed to have discovered it.

These Yin soldiers beside him are not their own people, they are like real Yin soldiers.

"Don't be afraid, this is the skill of the evil general!" Chen Mo saw that there seemed to be a possibility of mutiny in the military camp, and said directly, at the same time, he secretly slandered why these people are so restless, haven't they seen the world, it's so obvious I can't see the ghost skills.

Even if you can't see it, you don't need to panic, he is just sitting there.

In fact, Chen Mo took it for granted. The evil spirits these people know are very terrifying things. After all, they are either evil spirits born from the military camp, or evil spirits born from the battlefield. Each one is extremely terrifying of.

Those who survived from that kind of evil spirits didn't want to recall the past at all, and they were even more vigilant against evil spirits than the people inside Shenzhou.

Being able to do this is already the result of strict military discipline.

"The vanguard led by Chen Xianzhi is so fast, our giant fleet has just been able to keep up with the opponent." The lieutenant on the giant Lu character sighed.

They drove the giant fleet to the maximum horsepower to keep up with the speed of the huge black clouds marching on the ground. If they didn't go full speed, they really couldn't keep up.

Of course, they didn't know that this was the result of Chen Mo's control of the speed. The speed of the ghost domain was not something that the giant ship could keep up with.

Moreover, the Great Sage Zhenyuan had already told Chen Mo that if he was required to take down the Heavenly Demon Entrance within an hour, he could not spend all his time on the march, and he would not have much time to attack the entrance.

As the saying goes, there are many dreams in the night, in case the Heavenly Demon headquarters on the opposite side reacts, the more time you buy, the more chances you will win.

"His marching speed could be even faster. If it wasn't for bringing the army with him, he would have already reached the entrance of the Heavenly Demon." Lu Jin nodded and said, without the army, even if one person took down the entrance, it would be impossible. Do a thorough cleanup.

Moreover, there are several rank-three big demons guarding the Heavenly Demon Entrance. Lu Jin felt that even if Chen Mo possessed that kind of strength, he would probably only be able to summon it a few times. After all, he was also a rank-three martial artist and knew his means.

To judge others by himself, I feel that Chen Mo should not be able to maintain that state for too long, maybe he is motivated by the secret method.

"What is that?" The three-turned demon in the entrance frowned and looked at the black clouds that floated over. He had seen clouds before, but black clouds were rare, and black clouds that were close to the ground were even rarer. up.

But regardless of the black clouds, the giant fleet in the sky is obviously more conspicuous.

"Batu lost the giant fleet of Tianzhu King's Department?" The big demon with two horns on his head frowned.

"Defeated, not only defeated, the battleships are all blowing up fireworks, and I have received the order from Marshal Li, the Tianzhu King's Department has started!" Another big demon walked up to the city wall.

The tall entrance is the portal of the Heavenly Demon Base Camp. If the entrance is lost, the Heavenly Demon Base Camp will be exposed to the heavy artillery of the Tianzhu King's Department.

Of course, originally this place was not called Heavenly Demon Entrance, but Tianzhu Entrance, but the strength of Heavenly Demon was so strong that the entrance originally belonged to Tianzhu King’s Department was taken away. At that time, Tianzhu’s troops were not enough. It was after the invasion of the demons that the troops came up.

After all, no one thought that another world would invade them. These soldiers and generals had already been abandoned for a long time, and they would not have been opened if it hadn't been for the invasion of the demons.

"I don't know how to live or die, even if we can be caught off guard, our power will crush them!" The third three-turn big demon sneered.

"Follow me to charge!" Seeing countless celestial demons gathering, the celestial demon army swarmed in, and on the tall celestial demon porch were three three-turn big celestial demons. Chen Mo's expression did not change at all, but he raised the long knife in his hand.

"What is he going to do!" Lu Jin looked at Chen Mo's operation in astonishment. Chen Mo didn't seem to stop at all, and even the speed was a little faster.

"Tell him to stop, it's sending him to death, but there are three three-turners on the top of the city, and even an army of ten thousand demons, is Chen Xianzhi going to die?!" Lu Jin quickly picked up the token.

"Chen Xianzhi, you...!"


"General, no, we only have 50 people, and we can't get through the entrance!" The general of the second army on the side hurriedly persuaded.

"Listen to my order, everyone will charge with me!" Chen Mo's voice enveloped everyone.

"Follow me to charge, I'm sure!" Chen Mo said to the token, and then cut off the token's sound transmission.

"Chen Xianzhi!" Lu Jin roared, and slammed the token in his hand on the ground, "You have a certainty!"


Chen Mo raised the bronze broken knife in his hand, and countless ghost shadows crawled out from the black mist. They were the shadows of Chen Mo beheading the demons and other creatures. Suddenly, there were only about 50 troops, and they suddenly turned into ghost soldiers. With the tide, millions of troops appeared.

"Shuai Lu, we!"


As soon as Lu Jin gave an order, if he wanted to fight, he would press up in a wave. So what if the three had three turns, so what if there were still three turns, the support from Tianzhu would arrive soon.

(End of this chapter)

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