Chapter 751

"This world is interesting. Although they are not as strong as us, another life is obviously much stronger than us. Unfortunately, they don't have their own consciousness!"

Standing on the zenith of the porch, the Three-Turn Heavenly Demon looked at the black clouds floating in, his eyes flashed, although his face was proud, but he also took it seriously. Those terrifying things do have strange and unpredictable means .

"Regardless of whether they are conscious or not, evil spirits are hard to deal with after all, and this big world is hard to take." Another big demon shook his head. If it was an ordinary big world, the army would be crushed when it crossed the border.

This big world can only wait for the big power to suppress it after tearing down the barrier.

But the barriers of the Shenzhou world are even more terrifying than they imagined. Coupled with these strange buffer zones, they can only throw in low-level demons, and in order to hide from the world barriers, they need to use corresponding weapons to suppress them.

"Having conquered so many worlds, you won't be afraid of Changgong, right?" The big demon with two goat horns bent and rushed to the sky looked coldly at the black clouds below, and then looked at the sky in the sky. giant fleet.

They are heavenly demons, existences that are feared by thousands of great worlds, devourers, and the terminators of the world. Those who possess the heavenly demon insects will never die.

"There will always be a unique world in this world." Chang Gong slightly shook his head.

"They are here, let's fight with the whole army!"

Another three-turn great demon who had never said a word from the beginning to the end spoke, his body was walking in the air, behind him was an army of tens of millions of demons, the darkness was like a tide, there was no roaring or killing, it was as quiet as silence Waiting for the steel machinery on the real battlefield.

Just like what the Great Heavenly Demon said, they have experienced countless battles, and they have long cultivated their steel-like minds. They can't even make a sound while waiting, but only when they start a real war can they experience the horror of the Heavenly Demon army. .

"Three-eyed Yama!"

Chen Mo let out a long roar, and his body flew out of the battle formation. The one who replaced Chen Mo was a powerful ghost in his body.

Chen Mo, who raised the long knife in his hand, suddenly turned into a powerful evil spirit 500 meters high, and the three-eyed Yama completed the control in an instant.


The big celestial demon on the ceiling of the porch waved his hand, and the celestial demons arrayed on the city began to skillfully manipulate the heavy artillery.




The shells struck, across the sky, and then exploded into black fireworks.

"Suppress firepower, give the Vanguard Army and Chen Xianzhi a chance!" Lu Jin was faster than the Heavenly Demon. When Chen Mo said that he wanted to charge, Lu Jin had already changed his mind. It was not a deterrent, but a real fight battle.

Chen Mo's selection was very bad, because they went through a large formation, but Chen Mo's selection was very good, because the demons in the entrance were not ready yet, maybe they could be opened with the fleet in the sky and the vanguard on the ground. situation.

In this way, the troops behind would not have to fight against the entrance, and could even rely on the entrance and the Heavenly Demon base camp inside the Tianzhu to fight a tug-of-war.

"Full fire, hit me hard!"

With the sound of artillery bombardment, some of the heavy artillery were stopped by the giant fleet, while others were not, but went straight to the army led by Chen Mo, and some even directly passed the 500-meter-high three-eyed Yama.

In the bombing, there were demons who died, and martial arts who died as well.

Whether it's the giant ship in the sky or the vanguard on the ground, they are very eager, but the demons are obviously more passive. After all, they don't have much time to react, and they can respond hastily because of their vigilance.

"Open the shield."

The three-eyed Yan Luo leaned his arms forward, and two arms grew out from under his ribs. A huge black crystal shield wall appeared in front of Chen Mo, not only blocking the heavy artillery bombardment from the zenith of the entrance, but also protecting those behind him. The vanguard and countless ghost shadows.

"It's really different from ordinary people, is it the Great Sage?" The big demon guarding the city watched with a serious expression as he drove the terrifying evil spirit that was 500 meters high and advanced quickly.


The celestial demons in the formation had never seen such a scene, one by one desperately watched the approach of the terrifying evil spirit, and they didn't even dare to look directly into the ghostly eyes of the evil spirit.

"General, we can't open the situation!" The vanguard wanted to charge in, but the tightly closed entrance door firmly withstood the impact of the vanguard.

"I'll open the situation!" Chen Mo roared.

"Autistic breathing technique with ghost qi!"

The tornado-like black ghost energy was sucked into Chen Mo's body, and the scarlet lines were ignited, and the black ghost tattoo on his body seemed to come alive.

The scarlet ghost eyes in the body of the three-eyed Yan Luo who was already driving lit up.

The scarlet lines on the body of the three-eyed Yama gradually appeared, just like Chen Mo used his own blood when he first contracted with the three-eyed Yama, the blood scattered like blood vessels.

The three-eyed Yan Luo who was originally wearing armor, the armor in his body appeared to be broken, and the ghost eyes on his forehead flashed, and his figure had already appeared in front of the entrance door.

"All invincible power!"

Chen Mo's body became in an abnormal state, controlling the three-eyed Yama, Chen Mo even felt that he was an evil ghost, and the evil ghost was him, as if the soul in the body was originally an evil ghost. of.


one strike.

The gate blocked by countless heavenly demons was blasted open with one blow.


"Come on!"

The vanguard behind roared, urging the iron cavalry to charge madly towards the entrance under the shadow soldiers, and the heavenly demon blocking the way instantly turned into meat paste under the iron cavalry.

The three-eyed Yan Luo, who took the lead, raised the saber in his hand, swung the saber and went straight to the ceiling of the entrance where the three-turned demon was.


The three-turn big demon turned into a hundred meters, trying to resist.

The three-eyed Yan Luo's speed was too fast, so fast that he couldn't dodge at all, and could only choose to resist, otherwise he would not be able to survive this blow at all.

The light of the knife flashed with a swarm of ghosts.

The big demon in front of him was beheaded with one blow, and a surge of energy and blood poured into the body of the three-eyed Yama.


The three-eyed Yama controlled by Chen Mo let out a roar, and the scarlet muscles in the mouth were stretched, revealing a scarlet ghost eye, and the shocking coercion burst out from the body of the three-eyed Yama, which turned into a wave of light visible to the naked eye swept out.


"Take back the lost ground of Tianzhu today!"

The roaring iron cavalry charged forward, and the giant fleet in the sky did not lose the chain at all, but quickly took over the battlefield in the sky. I have to say that Lu Jin is still a level person.

Chen Mo glanced back at the giant fleet in the sky, and turned his head into a state of massacre.

The method was simple and neat, and the remaining five evil spirits were also released by Chen Mo. When the fierce ghosts came out of the cage, they would have no mercy at all. As the most capable of killing, ghosts are the most sophisticated killing machines, born specifically for killing.

The terrifying ghost shadows passed by, and the demon fell down.


"Ghost, ghost!"

"There's a ghost!"


"I'll leave the rest to you." The three-eyed Yan Luo's figure shrank, and Chen Mo left, and three three-turn powers appeared in front of him. Except for the earliest one who was killed by him, In the entrance, there are actually three three-turn powers.

(End of this chapter)

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