Chapter 755

Chen Mo beckoned, and the six powerful evil spirits that spread out returned to Chen Mo's body.

The ghost mist filled the air, and it was gathered into Chen Mo's body again. The Lingkui below reappeared beside Chen Mo, circled around, and jumped onto Chen Mo's shoulder like it was the size of a palm.

Chen Mo turned around and entered the giant ship in the sky.

Feeling the terrifying coercion exuded by Chen Mo, the soldiers around hurriedly saluted, watching Chen Mo enter the largest Tianzhu fortress.

The 5000-meter Sky Fortress is also known as the Heavenly King's Palace. Only the kings of the royal family are qualified to use the Sky Fortress. Of course, without the background of the Great Sage, there is no way for this kind of war machine to continue its battery life.

"Welcome, this is our great hero, Chen Mo and Chen Xianzhi." In the main tent of the main hall of the Sky Fortress, the upper seated person was the Great Sage Zhenyuan, and the Great Sage Zhenyuan introduced to the surrounding generals with a smile on his face.

The main hall is very wide, even if it can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, there should be no problem. What is in front of you is a huge sand table, and the main power system of the Sky Fortress is right under the main tent of the main hall.

"The last general just did what he should do." Chen Mo clasped his fists and said.

"I've heard about Marquis Wu's name for a long time, and I finally got to see him today. It's really extraordinary." One of the younger ghost emissaries said.

"That's right, the entrance has been lost for many years, and now it is a happy thing to get it back from General Chen's hands."


It's nothing more than flattering each other. Most of Chen Mo just dealt with it. It is inevitable that people will feel that Chen Xianzhi is a little arrogant. However, Chen Mo did not explain too much. With this time, it is better to make a good strategy for the next step, or Practice.

Everyone sitting here is also a third-rank power. Since Chen Xianzhi is cold, there is no need for them to post, but it is certain that they are a little distant from Chen Mo.

"Okay, it's too early to celebrate now, we still need to drive the Heavenly Demon back to the Demon Army Road!" the Great Sage Zhenyuan said.

Chen Xianzhi won't stay for too long, and the relationship between colleagues doesn't need to be dealt with. Chen Mo can handle it by himself. The Great Sage Zhenyuan doesn't want to interfere, and the generals are not summoned today to let everyone know Chen Xianzhi, but in order to regain the lost ground of the Tianzhu King's Department, drove the demons back to the Demon Army Road.

"Sorry, I'm late." Lu Jin approached the hall apologetically, and said with cupped fists.

"General Lu Jin, sit down, now you are complete." The Great Sage Zhenyuan nodded slightly.

Lu Jin took his seat. There were still many urgent military affairs in the army, and he had only dealt with half of them. He came in a hurry, but unexpectedly, he was a step late.

The generals sitting here did not show any surprises, there was always a back and forth speed.

Hearing the words of the great sage Zhenyuan, Chen Mo looked over and looked at the captain of the giant land fleet.

He looks about 40 or [-] years old, and looks like a Confucian general.

After Lu Jin took his seat, he felt a gaze, and followed his gaze. It was a general who didn't look old, and he didn't look very old, but his aura was not to be underestimated.

Lu Jin nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, as if he had met this new colleague.

The sand table raised from the huge flat ground in front of him happened to be the location of the Heavenly Demon base camp, as well as some military defense maps.

"We were able to take down the entrance so quickly. It was a coincidence. When we got to the base camp of the demon, we would not have such a good chance. It must be a hard fight." The Great Sage Zhenyuan said.

Similarly, all the generals present know that the next battle will not be so easy.

It's a real soldier-to-soldier, general-to-general brutal battle.

"The giant fleet is the main force, and the ground forces attack the city. They need to take down the big city of the demon within three hours. Otherwise, the support from the demon soldiers will come, and even the retreat will be muddy." Zhenyuan Dasheng calmly Said.

"All the information in the Heavenly Demon camp is here, you can take it yourself."

As soon as the voice fell, the token was issued.

Chen Mo also took one casually. The crystal panel displayed the detailed information of the Tianzhu Heavenly Demon base camp, and even introduced in detail the three-turn Great Heavenly Demon and the two Great Saint-level Great Heavenly Demons sitting in it.

"Commander of the Heavenly Demon, Li Xiuzhen?" Chen Mo browsed quickly. Speaking of which, there are obviously more masters among the Heavenly Demon than the Tianzhu King's Department, but there are huge fleets to make up the gap, and the Tianzhu King's Department is not without a chance.

"The main force project, the left and right wings attack the city from the walls on both sides, the giant ships in the sky will step up the attack, and the main force will act as a feint attack, the right wing will show weakness but will support you with more firepower, wait for the deployment of the demons to fall to the main force In front of the giant fleet..."


The time passed quickly, and the strategic deployment had already been prepared. In the end, it was just a confirmation of an offensive route.

The huge fleet in the sky is responsible for the suppression of firepower, and the pretended main force pretends to attack the front city, but actually puts the main force on the right wing.

"General Zuo, order your troops to serve as left-wing reinforcements and attack normally."

"One-third of the Demon Hunter Army's army was removed..."

"General Hu..."

"General Xu..."

"General Hou."



"Everyone performs their duties, do the generals understand?" The Great Sage Zhenyuan glanced calmly.


All the generals sitting here responded in unison, and at the same time held the tokens they had received in their hands, and said with clasped fists.

"General Chen, you can go to the right wing. When our firepower is covered, you need to open the situation." The Great Sage Zhenyuan finally gave the token to Chen Xianzhi.

"No!" Chen Mo took the token with a smile on his face. Since he was on the right wing, it meant that Chen Mo was ready to contact the Great Saint-level demon in the demon army immediately.

As for letting him open up the situation, if Zhen Yuan had confidence in his Chen Xianzhi's strength, after all, Chen Mo's current rank-[-] strength was already comparable to that of the Great Sage.

Just like what Shengnv Mo said, at the second turn, Chen Mo was able to cross the third turn and carry the Great Sage with all his strength. Now, at the third turn, Chen Mo can already cross the Great Sage.

Of course, Chen Mo actually has some idea of ​​his own strength, and he may not be able to attack the Great Sage horizontally, but it is absolutely no problem to fight against the Great Sage.

After all, when he was in Tianwaitian, Chen Mo did not rely on his own strength to defeat the demon lord. In that battle, the demon lord released water, and Chen Xianzhi also relied on the power of Tianwaitian Great Ghost Domain.

Chen Mo doesn't know where his strength is now, and he needs a candidate for verification.

"Generals, go back and prepare!"

The generals of the third rank got up one after another, and walked out of the hall in twos and threes.

"Hey, General Lu, you fought side by side with that Chen Xianzhi, what kind of way is he?" A rather friendly-looking general walked up to Lu Jin and asked in a low voice.

At the same time, he pointed to Chen Mo's side.

Chen Mo walked out of the hall alone, and flew away in a stream of light.

"Chen Xianzhi?" Lu Jin suddenly recalled the young general in the hall. The general Chen who was awarded the right-wing badge was obviously Chen Xianzhi.


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(End of this chapter)

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