Reckless through another world

Chapter 756 During the Test

Chapter 756 During the Test

Looking at the hundreds of nutrition cabins in front of me, there is a strong martial artist in each cabin, some of them are congenital, and the other are heavenly beings, few of them are acquired, and those with more than one turn are even more. Very few.

Innate martial arts are easy to find, even death row prisoners of heaven and man are easy to find, but those with more than one turn are hard to find.

Of course, not only death row prisoners, but also some experimenters who joined because of the generous conditions offered by Qin Tianjian.

Only a very rare part is martial arts who hope to become evil ghosts through mutations.

Although basically all martial artists have this wish, and even those powerful ghost warders want to become evil ghosts, the first batch of unstable experiments still discourage most people who want to become evil ghosts .

The large frame of the metal cabin is made of star gold.

Star gold can effectively suppress evil spirits, even if there is any accident during the experiment, it can still be suppressed, and each metal cabin is manufactured with the highest technology of Qin Tianjian, no less than a cage of evil spirits.

Through the crystal glass in front of him, it happened to be able to better observe the state of the experimental subject.

The status of each experimental subject is detected through the huge instrument beside him.

This time is the largest experiment of the institute, and it is also the most complete experiment, because a special element has been added to it.

Dr. Qin looked at the huge experimental cabin in front of him calmly, without any emotion.

In his eyes, life is inherently fragile, whether it is a second-rank master or a third-rank power, there is actually no difference, their essence is still human.

If the experiment is successful, it will break the barrier of evolution, allowing the fragile life to rise to another higher dimension, which is the evolution of the essence of life.

Therefore, it is a good thing for these people to make some contributions to scientific research.

A flash of frenzy flashed in Dr. Qin's eyes, and even his breathing became a lot faster. After three breaths of calm, he took off the data panel glasses on the bridge of his nose, took a breath, wiped it with the corner of his sleeve robe, and wiped it again. worn on the bridge of the nose.

"Start the experiment!"

Dr. Qin said calmly, and at the same time, the data panel connected to the main control system quickly collected the signs of these experimental subjects.

"Start the experiment."

change the internal environment,

Inject beacon tower combustible substances,
Adjust the ratio of golden particles for luck ghosts.

Inject eg blood cells.

With the change of the environment, the injection and appearance of golden light spots, the faces of these experimental subjects began to distort, and their bodies quickly began to turn into ghosts.

The first one to start ghosting was Houtian Wuxiu, who didn't seem to be in pain, with corpse spots and black ghostly cuticles already appearing on his body.

"Report, subject No. 98 has lost its vital signs"

"Report, No. 79 has lost vital signs..."


In the blink of an eye, more than ten people have lost their vital signs, but although they lost their vital signs, even their faces were covered with a layer of death, but it seemed that they would open their eyes afterward.

It was as if they were still alive in the first place, but just fell asleep, covered with a faint sense of death.

"It's appeared!" Dr. Qin's eyes widened excitedly, and he walked quickly to the front of those experimental cabins. The people inside were already dead. It was the disappearance of vital signs, like a dead body.

But the mutation in their bodies didn't end, and the faint corpse spots had grown all over their arms in the blink of an eye.

The change was very fast, and the body that was still alive quickly showed this change.

"This is evolution!" Dr. Qin's eyes flickered with heat.

These people in front of them all exuded a faint death intent, and even began to form fear and coercion, and even the vitality of their bodies was quickly transformed.

Everything was so still.

It's like nothing has changed.

Obviously because of the physical problems of the acquired martial arts, they first started to transform into evil spirits, followed by the innate martial arts.

Although it was slower than Houtian, it was not much slower. More than 20 Houtians had problems, not to mention the remaining half of them were congenital martial arts.

And at that time, Hei Wuchang was an evil ghost transformed into an innate peak.

"Sure enough, that kind of variable is missing, and now they have started to change after joining." Hei Wuchang, who was observing the data on the other side, nodded secretly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but rejoice.

Fortunately, I met Chen Xianzhi at that time, otherwise, he would never be able to transform into a demon.

At that time, it should be because of the battle with Chen Mo, and the fusion of Chen Mo's blood in the materials made the experimental materials more perfect, so it became a real evil spirit.

"Report, Subject 65 died completely."

"Report, there is also a problem with subject No. 31."


"How could someone die?" Dr. Qin frowned, moved his palm slightly, and recalled the data.


Dr. Qin quickly calculated, it should be a problem of personal system and standard measurement, but it doesn't matter, this is only a small number of phenomena, the measurement is also experimental, it is only calculated by virtual data, and then it is accurate, when it comes to personal body will be different.

"All innate grades are measured normally, acquired grades are reduced by one-third, heaven and man are doubled, and one turn is five times."

"Doctor, are you ruling out the experiment of the Earth Extermination Master? The EG blood sample is not enough to continue the experiment next time." Dr. Gao asked.

"Don't rule it out, just keep going!"

Dr. Qin thought about it, then shook his head.

If the blood is not enough, let Chen Xianzhi come back and draw it again. Anyway, Chen Xianzhi must have a huge blood volume in his body.

However, Dr. Qin also had some hesitation. After all, it was almost the limit for Chen Mo to give them a broken arm. He didn't know if he could get blood from Chen Mo next time, and it was easy to tell Chen Mo about these things.

Tell him that there are ghosts in his blood, and if the evil ghost itself cannot be known by the ghost steward who is boarding, Chen Mo may die immediately if he knows the evil ghost.

So there are a lot of troubles in it.

But now that the arrow is on the line, it has to be launched. A completed experiment is better than a half-finished experiment without any useful data.

Dr. Gao nodded, opened the valve to increase the metering, and there are not many metering equipment, otherwise it would not be just a small part of the test, but a large-scale test and then screening, not the current situation.


With the adjustment of the measurement, many of them had painful expressions on their faces, and the veins on their foreheads were throbbing, but soon they all looked dead.

Several of them have turned into ghosts all over their bodies, and even the ghost energy has begun to dissipate.

"A mutation has occurred?" Dr. Qin excitedly walked to the metal cabin, looking at the dead corpse of a celestial being with a smile on his face.

Heiwuchang also stood up, staring straight at the image on the virtual program in front of him.

Dr. Gao's eyes also shone with excitement.


The corpse's eyes opened.

The white of the eye occupies [-]% of it, with a black dot in the center, and scarlet blood threads spread all over the white of the eye like a spider web.

Violence, madness, nausea and even fear can all be felt from a pair of weird eyes.

In a short while, the whites of these eyes turned completely scarlet.

A pair of scarlet ghost eyes stared straight at Dr. Qin outside through the crystal glass.

(End of this chapter)

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