Chapter 757

Chen Mo didn't know that the Qin Tianjian Research Institute had already started to trick him, and wanted him to sell his blood.

Walking out of the hall, without looking at others, Chen Mo turned into a streamer and flew away, intending to directly enter the right-wing army.

The right-wing army is in the millions, and because it is the main force to attack the city, most of them are elites. Among them, there are eight generals who are three-rank high-level generals. If you count Chen Mo himself, there are nine in total. They are the main force that is well-deserved. .

Although the force in the Heavenly Demon Army is greater than that of the Tianzhu King's, the gap between the Heavenly Demons has long since been smoothed out because of the Ghost Controller.

Even today's demons one-on-one are not necessarily opponents of martial arts of the same level, they need two to fight one to be safe.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Chen Mo stepped into the big tent.

"General Chen is here."

"General Hu." Chen Mo cupped his fists and nodded slightly.

Facing him was a thin general, a head shorter than Chen Mo, with a warm smile on his face, and a warm and peaceful breath, as if he usually looked like this.

Eight of the leading generals also greeted Chen Mo with this one, but Chen Mo didn't care.

He didn't come to lead the army. It was already said at the meeting of the Great War that he came to break the situation, and at the same time contain the Great Saint-level combat power that might appear in the right-wing army.

When they attacked the city, the Heavenly Demon found the main force of the Tianzhu King's Department, and would definitely send the Great Saint-level Great Heavenly Demon to hold back the battlefield. That's when Chen Mo came into play.

Chen Mo found a corner to sit down and poured himself a cup of tea. Chen Mo took two mint leaves from the sachet and put them into the tea.

Chen Mo tasted it and felt that it was a little weaker, and added two mint leaves to it.

A man with the appearance of a Confucian general sat beside Chen Mo, watching Chen Mo's act of adding mint leaves to the tea, he almost slapped a question mark on his face, and then looked at the teacup on his desk , Take it up and taste it.

"Do you want to add it?" Chen Mo handed over the sachet.

"Thank you, no need." The general shook his head.

The commander of the right-wing army, surnamed Zhu, looks quite old, with many wrinkles on his face and a beard, making him look even older, like five or sixty years old, but his vitality and blood have not decayed at all, even his own body Strength is still at its peak.

It is also a three-rank power who is very close to the Great Saint level.

Commander Zhu waved his hand, and the offensive and defensive positions on the right side of the Demon Giant City appeared in front of him, as well as their own deployment.

Huge siege engines are on display.

At the forefront is the army of millions, the most elite soldiers, all heavily armored, the echelon of the ghost guards is in the middle army, and the ones behind are huge siege vehicles, heavy artillery arrays and other siege equipment.

Of course, there are not only heavily armored soldiers at the front, but also elites pushing battering rams.

This is the battlefield of cold weapons. Although heavy artillery has developed well, due to the problem of personal force and large-scale military formations, even heavy artillery fire may not be able to suppress such an army, not to mention that most of the heavy artillery of the demons are imitated gods continental world.

Shenzhou World is still advancing, and this old type of heavy artillery has already begun to retire on a large scale.

This is why Commander Zhu wants to put the elite at the forefront.

"In this battle, we are responsible for the right wing, which is also the position of the city wall of the heavy valley. Although the demons have strong artillery, as long as they wait for the main force and the left wing to attack the city, the deployment here will naturally relax."

"There is also the suppression of the firepower of the giant fleet in the sky, which will also give us a chance."

Looking at our deployment, Chen Mo nodded slightly. In Chen Xianzhi's world, the battle with cold weapons was almost like this, with the elite at the forefront.

Of course, there are also very doggy troops. The Eight Banners Army of the Manchu Qing Dynasty likes to coerce ordinary people to attack the city, so that the Ming army dare not use firearms to kill and injure the old and weak women and children who were coerced.

"It's just that when the great saint-level demon appears, we still need to rely on General Chen to take action." Commander Zhu said as he cupped his fists at Chen Mo.

"It's easy to say, everyone is trying to drive away the demon, I won't hold back." Chen Mo clasped his fists and said very calmly.

"It's kind of like that." The generals on the side whispered through sound transmission, Chen Mo was just a rank-three martial artist, and he looked so young.

"Who knows, maybe there are some treasures that can compete with the Great Saint-level Heavenly Demon."

"I heard that this person seems to be Laojun's apprentice."

"To be gilded?"


As the saying goes, if you have no hair on your mouth and can't do things well, you will always look down on young people, and you are still such a young third-rank martial artist.

When they heard that they were Laojun's apprentices, they all showed no surprise.

"Ge Laozi, I should deal with this matter." The big man with an accent complained quite a bit, but he didn't say anything, he still wanted to see the truth in the battlefield.

Zhu Wushi had long heard that the Great Sage Zhenyuan had transferred a ruthless man from Qintian Supervisor, and now this ruthless man was in his army, it was Chen Mo and Chen Xianzhi.

Although Commander Zhu also has some doubts that a third-rank martial artist, no matter how strong he is, can he compare with the Great Sage?

After knowing Chen Mo's information, Commander Zhu felt that Chen Mo had the qualifications to compete with the Great Sage.

Chen Mo's strongest record was defeating the Demon Lord of Heaven and Outer Heaven, and he was at the second rank. Now that he has reached the third rank, he should be more confident. Therefore, for the task of the Great Sage Zhenyuan to Chen Xianzhi, Commander Zhu There is no criticism.

It is extremely boring to listen to the deployment of the war, but Chen Mo still pays attention to it, at least he must know the deployment of our army, otherwise, it will be bad if he accidentally injures the friendly army, so Chen Mo also sat quietly.

Anyway, Taoism naturally exists, and Chen Mo is practicing it all the time.

"Okay, everyone, get ready, attack the city in an hour!"

After walking out of the big tent, a general who looked like a bear found Chen Mo.

"Old man Ge, Chen Xianzhi, can you do it?" The big man like a bear looked at Chen Mo and patted his head with suspicion on his face.

"Look at the battlefield." Chen Mo said flatly. The big man with the shape of a bear in front of him exuded a dangerous atmosphere, but it was nothing to Chen Mo. As for the other party coming to the door, Chen Mo had expectations, but it was also unexpected , he actually just asked Chen Mo if he could do it.

It doesn't look like they want to provoke a dispute.

"Grandma bear, if you can't do it, tell me as soon as possible, or you will die a lot of soldiers." General Xiong's frown slightly relaxed, but his coercion could not have any influence on Chen Mo, which made General Xiong A little more confidence.

After asking, before Chen Mo could speak, he left in a hurry.

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing. In the barracks, the weak preyed on the strong. If he could go up, if he couldn't, he would come down. It's not surprising that he is not famous here, and he is not recognized by others.

(End of this chapter)

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