Reckless through another world

Chapter 758 It's My Time

Chapter 758 It's My Time
"It seems that some strength needs to be improved."

Chen Mo looked at the huge amount of energy and blood experience stored, and then took out a large part of it and added it to his cultivation base, pushing his own cultivation base to the late stage of the third rank, and his strength became even stronger.

"There should be a chance for the three-eyed Yama to break through the strength of the seven stars." Chen Mo looked at the black city in the distance. There are probably hundreds of millions of demons in the city. If they are all harvested by him, maybe he can push the three-eyed Yama to a higher level. , Seven-star strength is definitely no problem.

After all, it is now the strength of a six-star supreme, and it is only one step away from a seven-star, although this step requires a lot of blood.

In the tall black city, Li Xiuzhen's face was livid.

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in his own strength, nor that he accidentally loses the entrance, but that he complains about such a poor intelligence system of the celestial demons.

Looking at the information in front of him, it just said that the Tianzhu Royal Department once again added a group of soldiers, but there is no information about who the strong one is.

The spies who worked on the matter didn't even get such a little information. Although the time was tight and Qin Tianjian's secrecy measures were very good, logically speaking, the spies who were inserted in based on the demon insects should also be able to get the information That's right.

There are even many senior officials of Qin Tianjian among them.

It's just that what Li Xiuzhen didn't know was that Chen Mo's information was classified as top secret by Qin Tianjian. After Chen Mo handed over Hei Wuchang, ordinary high-level officials basically had no chance to check Chen Xianzhi's information.

Although everyone knows about Chen Xianzhi now, they have no chance to check Chen Xianzhi's detailed information.

"That kind of terrifying coercion cannot be from an unknown powerhouse." Li Xiuzhen frowned slightly.

He recalled the terrifying coercion he felt an hour ago. Although it was far away, even more than 500 miles away from them, the soaring fear and coercion still made the great saint-level powerhouse Li Xiuzhen felt it.

That strong sense of oppression cannot be from an unknown person.

"Could it be the Great Saint guarding the Qin Tianjian, or a new Great Saint-level powerhouse, but there is only one, so what if it is a Great Saint-level powerhouse?"

Liu Xiuzhen didn't think about it any more, the enemy had already reached our mouths, the army was on guard, and he, a great sage-level demon, was needed to sit in the town, everything still had to be seen in the battle.

As long as they can hold on, the Heavenly Demon's reinforcements will soon be able to come here through the Demon Army Road.

Maybe at that time, there will be a chance to annex the current Tianzhu Royal Department. After all, war is a crisis for both sides, which is both danger and opportunity.

"The army is ready!""

"The giant fleet is on alert."

"General Tiaotuolu went to the left wall..."

"Tune into a general and go to..."

A series of military orders were issued.

"Tell Commander Tuogu not to worry, find the main force of the Tianzhu King's Department before making a move."

Li Xiuzhen didn't think they couldn't hold it. After all, besides him, there were two great saint-level great heavenly demons in the demon camp, and they had always claimed that they were two.

As for why they have not attacked Tianzhu King's men, one is because Zhenyuan Dasheng is too strong, and the other reason is that they can't attack the big city of Tianzhu. .

"It seems that this time is also a big opportunity for us. Zhenyuan has moved out his family property." Li Xiuzhen stood on the deck of the giant ship, looking at the sky fortress giant ship in the distance group.

"The generals are mighty!"

"The general is mighty!"


"The generals are mighty!"

"The general is mighty!"

The voice of the great sage spread throughout the army, and the army surrounded the entire Tianmo city.

With an army of more than 2000 million, the formation alone is enough to frighten people, not to mention shouting at the same time.

Chen Mo felt the vast sound waves passing by, and the blood seemed to be ignited, and the turbulent blood was rolling in his chest.

Chen Mo sat on the saddle on Ling Kui's back, quietly looking at the huge city opposite and the city gate on the right wing.

"Can I penetrate the city gate with one blow?" Chen Mo weighed silently. Without the blessing of the big formation, Chen Mo would even have the confidence to penetrate the city wall with one blow.


The long tone sounded like a charging horn, and all the ready troops started to attack the city at the same time.





A dense firepower network suddenly appeared in the sky, and countless heavy artillery shells with long tails were fired from the giant fleet.

The originally gloomy sky suddenly seemed to be on fire, black smoke was everywhere, and red light ball flames blasted towards the city of the demon in the sky.


Commander Zhu gave the order.

Millions of soldiers lined up to form a huge shield to withstand the fierce attack.

"Call me!"

The heavenly demons on the city were naturally unwilling to be lonely, the pattern of the heavy artillery flashed again and again, and huge shells were fired one by one.

"Horn bow suppression!"


Millions of troops line up their bows.


A salvo is millions of arrows thrown from the sky like black clouds.

Moreover, there is a thin silk thread on the tail of these arrows.

Some of the millions of arrows were nailed to the city wall, some passed through the demons, and some were lost, but it might as well pave a long passage directly, allowing the soldiers to step on these paved passages to rush up city ​​walls.

"Heavy artillery cover!"

"Pioneer, charge!"

A long road paved with millions of silk threads, as long as there is one thread left alive, soldiers can rush up.




Heavy artillery hammered the city wall...

Omen resistance.

The sound of fighting, the sound of shouting and killing, and the release of true energy made the already chaotic battlefield appear chaotic.

"Where is the main force of Tianzhu King's Department?" Li Xiuzhen searched calmly. Although it seems that the front door is the most aggressive, it is the result of the pressure from the huge fleet in the sky. In other words, the main force is not actually The frontmost army attacking the main city gate.

"The left and right wings?"

"Report to the commander, the left-wing army is about to break through the city gate!"

"Is it the left wing?"

"Mobilize troops, left wing..."


"Our pressure is less." The joy in General Hu's eyes flashed, and the pressure on their side was dropping rapidly.

"It was the left wing who gave us the opportunity, don't be dazed, tell the soldiers to go up!"

"The generals are mighty!"

"The general is mighty!"


A huge 50-meter-high battering ram was pushed out from the central army, and a [-]-meter-high siege engine was set up with a ladder and directly placed on the edge of the city wall.

Hundreds of huge siege vehicles began to erect ladders, and a dozen or so horses could run side by side on the wide corridors on the ladders.

"It's not good, Commander, the right city gate is about to be breached?"

"It's the right wing!" Li Xiuzhen sneered, "It's a good move, call Tuogu commander, guard the right wing!"


"Rush up!"


A tall and big demon looked coldly at the army in front of him, and with every punch, several construction vehicles were shattered.

"Great Saint-level Great Heavenly Demon!" Commander Zhu's eyes widened. He received the order to press all the way up because of the Great Saint-level Heavenly Demon on the left wing.

Now there is a great sage in the main city, there is a great sage on the left wing, and there is a great sage on their right wing, how can we not be surprised?
"It's my turn!" Chen Mo grinned and stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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