Reckless through another world

Chapter 759 This is Military Power

Chapter 759 This is Military Power

Tuogu was tall, nearly four meters tall, standing on the city like a little giant, with a pair of lavender eyes that exuded coldness, as if exuding a chill.

The light black aura around him exuded a huge coercion, like ripples emanating from his body.


Gently, with a punch, I can't even feel the flow of breath.

Several huge 200-meter siege ladders erected in front of them were instantly shattered, and even the soldiers on the ladders also shattered.

"Ants!" Tuo Gu sneered.

The coercion of the Great Sage in his body emanated, and it swept away as if a huge storm had formed. The soldiers of the Tianzhu King's Department in front of him disappeared, and countless engineering vehicles and battering rams shattered and became dissipated. Dust in the air.

"What kind of demon is this, why is it so terrifying?"

The soldiers who came in front of Tuogu stared blankly at themselves turning into dust, stretched out their arms, and wanted to hold the knife in their hands, but they could only hear the sound of a knife falling to the ground, bang, and then the surroundings returned to silence again.

"Why do you still meet such a terrifying guard?"

"It's over."

The soldiers rushing to the top of the city couldn't feel their own bodies, or even their own strength. They couldn't even feel it with their heavenly cultivation base. They couldn't even move under the pressure of the opponent. The existence of terror has already made them feel hopeless.

"What are you doing in a daze, charge forward!"

"Move all for me, burn the primordial spirit, qi and blood, and true spirit, and break it for me!" The vanguard general roared angrily, and the scarlet breath gushed out from his body.

The general jumped out, holding a Yanyue Saber, and slashed towards Tuo Gu's head.

Burning the true spirit means that he will no longer be eligible for reincarnation and will disappear forever in this world, but now the only way to get close to this tall big demon.

"Too weak!" Tuo Gu shook his head slightly, pointing his finger.

An illusory and invisible ripple vibrated out, and the body of General Wu Xiu in front of him collapsed instantly, and he could even see his unwilling expression before he died.

"Too weak, the weak should be swallowed by the strong, enslaved by the strong, and ruled by the strong."

A flat voice echoed in the battlefield.

Standing alone on the city, Tuo Gu blocked the attack of the main army of the Tianzhu King's Department. Although some of them still climbed up the city, the morale of the demons was even higher because of Tuo Gu.

The gap that had already been pierced was unexpectedly blocked by the opponent.

"Great Saint-level combat power, there will be a third Great Saint-level combat power?" Commander Zhu's heart skipped a beat.

Although he is in the commanding position of the central army's tent, Commander Zhu feels his heart sink for no reason. Although he has expected this kind of power, and he himself is a master among the three ranks, but when he really faces the great saint level At the time of the demon, Commander Zhu still felt invincible.

When there were no evil spirits, demons of the same level could even compete with several human beings in martial arts. Now that there are evil spirits, the horizontal line can be pulled back.

But the tall, cold-eyed Great Heavenly Demon on the opposite side was obviously not an ordinary person, and he alone blocked the entire army from attacking.

"Looks like it's time for me to come up!"

The voice was calm, and a stream of light flew out from behind, wrapped in a black ghostly aura, like a shooting star across the sky.

"The weak who will be sent to death." Tuogu whispered calmly, and took half a step forward. The surrounding kilometers formed an absolute vacuum field.

"Good come!"

Chen Mo's body crashed down.


The strength of the fist was completely evaporated, and with one punch, countless white steam circles appeared behind Tuo Gu who was blown away.

Instead, Chen Mo appeared where Tuo Gu was standing.


The black mist dissipated, and a five-meter tall giant appeared. The giant's body was covered with black armor, and the scarlet light flickered, and he took off his grimace mask.

Chen Mo laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, Great Saint level, that's all."

"Heavenly Demon Great Sage, that's all!"

Chen Xianzhi smiled wantonly. He admitted that the opponent's strength was good, but it was only good.

White steam gushes out from the gaps in the ghost armor.

Black ghost mist and white steam intertwine, like a huge cloak, appearing behind Chen Mo's body.

"This is military power!" Chen Mo's voice was sonorous and powerful, beyond doubt.

The black ghost armor was removed, and Chen Mo revealed his inner figure. On his tall body, there were knotted muscles with sharp edges and corners. The muscle blocks like granite showed a streamlined shape as a whole, which was more prone to explosive type.

The arrogant smile, the presumptuous breath is like a tornado.

The broad back gave countless soldiers great encouragement.

"So fierce?" The bear-like general stared dumbfounded at Chen Mo's punch to fly the Great Saint Heavenly Demon, beheading the Heavenly Demon in front of him casually, which was a little unbelievable.

In his eyes, Chen Xianzhi, who is only 1.9 meters tall like bean sprouts, has such fierce strength.

"Is this the one who made tea and added mint leaves?" The general sitting next to Chen Mo at the meeting stared blankly at Chen Xianzhi who was laughing wildly, and didn't know what to say for a while. To have such terrifying power.

"The generals are mighty!"

Chen Xianzhi let out a long roar, and the sound penetrated the clouds and the entire army of the Heavenly Demon, and even echoed in the ears of the soldiers of the Tianzhu army.

All the soldiers' eyes were red, and they looked at the tall figure above the city frantically, like a banner, they heard the general's call.


The gallop of qi and blood!
The frenzied blood is the reawakened morale, it is a kind of madness, a kind of military spirit that regards death as home, and it is a kind of strength that is still proud even after hundreds of battles.

"The general is mighty!"

A roar sounded.

How angry they were suppressed by the Great Heavenly Demon at the Great Saint level, how carefree they are now.

That's our general.

With one punch, the Great Heavenly Demon of the Great Saint level was sent flying.

"Come on!"


"Wind, wind, wind, gale, gale..."

The black battle formation pressed up.

The siege ladder was erected again.

Even though the ladder was already weak, countless soldiers carried the ladder up.


Zhu ignored the roar, and the Chinese army began to advance.

"Come on!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Tuo Gu, who was blown away by a punch, stopped his legs, his face was full of anger, he thought it was an ant, who would have thought that under [-]% of his strength, he would be directly pierced by the opponent, and even his body would be smashed at random. It flew away.

He knocked down countless instruments and even killed countless demons, but Tuogu didn't care, he just wanted to kill people now.


As soon as he stepped on the footsteps, a footprint appeared on the city wall more than 20 meters wide, and the strength actually split a long crack in the 200-meter-high city through the footprints.

(End of this chapter)

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