Chapter 760

Chen Mo sneered, he originally wanted to anger Tuo Gu, and even when he defeated him, Chen Mo did not beat him elsewhere, but directly defeated him on the city wall.

It's like punching from one end to the other.

There were already many celestial demons on the wall, so Chen Mo naturally wanted to sweep some more, let alone embarrass this great sage-level celestial demon.

From his behavior style, one can tell that he is extremely competitive.

In less than a few breaths, he appeared on the stage and said three weak words in a row. Chen Mo had already grasped his psychology.

Coincidentally, didn't you say that others are weak?When he was defeated by a human martial artist of the same level or even lower, wouldn't it mean that the big demon was even weaker.

"It's poor and weak, is this the Great Saint-level Heavenly Demon of the Heavenly Demon Great World?" Chen Mo sneered.


Tuo Gu charged forward, and the city wall under his feet cracked and a crack appeared. Chen Mo seemed to be left in his purple eyes, but he wanted to kill and then quickly!
Fang Fang was reckless, and the momentum of charging changed the world, but Chen Mo was even more reckless.

"Self-closing skills, ghost breathing method!"


Whale-like suction, a black tornado surrounds the corners of Chen Mo's mouth, turning from dark to scarlet, reddish mist drifts from the corners of Chen Mo's eyes, and the scarlet ghost eyes firmly lock on the impacting Tuogu.

The scarlet ghost eyes on his forehead stared straight at the other party.


The two fists collided, and with a bang, the city wall under their feet collapsed, and the two semicircular auras formed collided with each other. The ground within a radius of one kilometer collapsed, and even the air was burning. The majestic coercion.

Therefore, within a radius of one kilometer, whether it was Tianmo or Tianzhu Wang's soldiers, they were all turned into powder.

Even among them there are many great masters with one turn and two turns.

The body shape of the Great Heavenly Demon has not changed, even the body shape has not changed, but Chen Xianzhi's body shape has changed. He is eight meters tall, and the lines of the evil spirit on his body seem to come alive. The meandering meridian is swimming.

Even the ghost aura erupted all over his body, and his skin all changed back to the appearance of ghost armor.

"It's so powerful, the power of the Great Saint-level Great Heavenly Demon is so terrifying!" The surprise in Chen Mo's eyes was deeply suppressed by him. He had already activated all the blessings in his body, but the other party hadn't fallen into it yet. downwind.

"Killing you should be able to improve my characteristics." Chen Mo grinned, if he could kill the Great Heavenly Demon in front of him, he should be able to obtain the characteristics of the Great Saint level and become even more powerful .

Now that Chen Xianzhi and Tuogu are wrestling with each other, each has already developed the determination to kill the other.

As soon as the murderous aura was revealed, the power in Chen Mo's body became obviously stronger, and even his strength became stronger.

"What a weird human, why is it so powerful?" Seeing Chen Mo's calm expression, even revealing a ferocious killing intent, Tuo Gu was startled. The human martial artist in front of him clearly seemed to be only at the late stage of the third rank. , It is very difficult to go further.

Don't look at the third turn is close to the Great Sage, but the Great Sage is the most powerful among the third turn, not to mention the great sage who appeared with a population base like Tianma is even more extraordinary, but he never expected to be a third turn The transferred human Wuxiu was delayed.

Although Tuogu thought that the power of the rank three martial artist in front of him seemed not weaker than him when the young martial artist blasted him away, but the fact was beyond his expectation.

"Don't fight for a long time, or the city will be lost!" A task flashed through Tuo Gu's mind.

Li Xiuzhen, the commander of the Tianzhu Tianma army, repeatedly told him not to fight for a long time, but to defend the city, otherwise the other two battlefields would also be attacked, so he came to the right-wing city.

"Myriad Calamity Fist!"

The opponent resisted the tumbling of anger and blood and retracted his fist. In an instant, tens of thousands of punches had been bombarded out.

"Ten thousand ghosts town the sea!"

Chen Mo didn't give in at all, and now all the ghost energy in his body has been released, and the ghost energy gathered by the six terrifying evil spirits doesn't have to worry about the energy problem at all.

A real man will punch to the flesh.

After all, Chen Mo was not a boxer. Four arms grew out from his ribs, and the six arms attacked together.

"Bang bang bang!"

Tuo Gu's fist bombarded Chen Mo's body, Chen Mo was not to be outdone, and greeted him with his fist.

The broken fist force plowed the surrounding area which was already flat ground again.

"The attack range of the two of them can't even be seen!"

"In the battle of the Great Saint level, you can't even see the shadow of the opponent, let alone close to their attack range. It would be good to be able to save your life under their strength."

General Hu shook his head slightly. Not only could they not get in, they were even being pushed out constantly.

Fortunately, the battlefield of Chen Xianzhi and Tuogu is far away from the big battlefield. Otherwise, the battle of these two great saints will make the surroundings enter a state of strong winds. The third turn can be passed, and the second turn barely survives. Will be dismembered, not to mention these armies.

Seeing the continuous burst of light waves and the wanton explosion of the Great Saint Battlefield, General Hu sighed.

"Charge, take down the right-wing city wall!"


"Heavenly Demon Physique!" Tuo Gu roared angrily. He had had enough. Not to mention the power of the rank three martial artist in front of him. It's all so cyclical.

The 500-meter-high celestial demon body appeared in the sky and the earth, just like the same statue facing the sky and the earth.

"It's time to end!" Chen Mo spat out a tooth. His self-healing ability is strong, and his ability to resist attacks is also top-notch, but it is still very stressful to fight against the Great Saint-level demon.

In order to see his own strength, Chen Mo didn't use the evil spirit to possess him, and now it's time to end everything.

"Three-eyed Yama!"

Facing the demon body is the three-eyed Yan Luo controlled by Chen Mo. The 500-meter-high three-eyed Yama is wearing a thick ghost armor, carrying six long knives, a bronze short knife on his waist, and six arms.

"What happened?!" Li Xiuzhen was shocked and angry. He saw Tuo Gu's Heavenly Demon Physique. The master who could force Tuo Gu out of the Heavenly Demon Physique must also be the most powerful master in the third rank. He thought it was on the left wing. , I didn't expect it to be on the right wing.

"Zhenyuan, you are cruel enough to interfere with my sight with the lives of millions of soldiers on the left wing!" Li Xiuzhen roared, he wanted to fly out, but then, another giant who was no less than Tuogu unexpectedly also Then appeared.

The 500-meter-high scary ghost.

"It's him!" Li Xiuzhen said, he recognized the aura.


"Six Paths of Reincarnation Slash!" Sanmu Yanluo held six horizontal knives in his hands, each with a length of 500 meters, and six long knives, five of which were legendary.

(End of this chapter)

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