Reckless through another world

Chapter 761 7 Stars, 1 Slashing Saint

Chapter 761 Seven Stars, Killing Saints with One Sword
The weapons made by Chen Mo went bankrupt. At that time, one of them was not checked and one was lost. Chen Mo's later exploits were not enough for Chen Mo to make up for six weapons, so he only made two and made up five.

But now five handles are enough.


"Great Sage, support the left wing, I can't stand it anymore!" General Xu's voice came from the badge, anxious and even annoyed, but if you listen carefully, you can even hear a hint of crying.

"Not yet!" The Great Sage Zhenyuan shook his head slightly.

"The left wing is going to be overwhelmed. It's too miserable. The combat power of the Great Saint level is not something they can compete with. Even the coach is dead!"

The Great Sage Zhenyuan looked at the left-wing army on the display screen in front of him. They were defeated very quickly, but none of them retreated. When one general died, another general would go up to the top. What they had to face was another great soldier from the Heavenly Demon Legion. The saint is also the second great saint on the bright side.

Several of these generals are all strong in the late stage of the third turn, but they can't last long. Each of them can hold the Great Sage for a dozen breaths at most. For a long time, there were not many generals left.

Even though he knew it was tragic, the Great Sage Zhenyuan shook his head slightly. Now they can't be kind to women, let alone make mistakes. If they make a mistake, 2000 million soldiers will be buried with them, and the Great Sage Zhenyuan can't retreat even a single step.

"not the right time yet!"

"Persist for another [-] breaths!" Zhenyuan Dasheng clenched his fists and said fiercely.


The sound transmission token was hung up, and the Great Sage Zhenyuan stared at the sand table in front of him. The mirrored flowers and water moons on the sand table showed the battle between Chen Xianzhi and Tuo Gu, and the same was the case of the right-wing army.

Now as long as the right-wing army rushes away, the three sides will form a siege, and the inside should cooperate with the outside, and the mere left wing will be nothing to worry about.

In front of the pretended main force, there is a great sage who has not moved. The great sage Zhenyuan can't move. He does have extraordinary strength, but if his evil spirit or him appears on the left wing, Li Xiuzhen will go straight here. At the same time, it will also defeat the main force of the feint.

At that time, so what if the right wing attacks in, so what if he can carry two great saints alone, without the army, he is defeated!

"Chen Xianzhi, I don't ask you to defeat him, as long as you hold on for another [-] breaths, just give him a chance to breathe." There are clenched fists in the sleeves of the Great Sage Zhenyuan. On the side are slightly trembling cheeks.


The three-eyed Yama jumped up, leaping a thousand meters, and the six long knives were in the hands of the three-eyed Yama, with arms bent, wrapping around the body of the three-eyed Yama.

There seemed to be a scarlet ghost eye slowly opening in the sky behind the three-eyed Yama. It seemed to be a ghost eye, and it seemed to be the moon, a bloody moon.

"The eye of heaven?!" Tuo Gu lost his mind.

"No, that's not it!" Tuo Gu roared, but there were more and more ghost eyes in front of him. The scarlet ghost eyes seemed to be all over the sky, forming a huge ghost eye. shine.

But his body was gradually becoming stiff.


The light of the knife flickered, and six long knife marks were intricately formed.

The light in Tuo Gu's eyes suddenly disappeared, and intricate knife marks appeared on the huge demon's body.


When the body collapsed, it turned into black dust, overwhelming the sky.

"Tuo Gu lost?" Li Xiuzhen didn't seem to have reacted yet, he watched Tuo Gu's huge body fall down, and the eyes in his head gradually lost their expressions.

With such a dramatic failure, Tuogu seemed to stand there and let the terrifying ghost slasher.

"Fuck it!" Li Xiuzhen yelled.

"Okay, I didn't expect Chen Xianzhi to surprise this old man!" Contrary to Li Xiuzhen, the Great Sage Zhenyuan stood up directly, the joy on his face couldn't be concealed.

The light of the saber retracted, and all the scabbards on the back of Yan Luo with three eyes were closed.

Chen Mo felt the surge of power in his body and the strengthening of his characteristics. Now even if he was to confront the Great Sage with his physical body, Chen Mo would not be afraid at all.

"There are two more!" Chen Mo murmured.

The three-eyed Yan Luo has seven stars, and now, the devil blocks and kills the devil.

Chen Mo jumped up suddenly, turning into a black light and flying away.


"General Xu, haven't the reinforcements arrived yet? The soldiers on the front line can't stand it any longer. Now you and I are the only ones left among the thirteen generals!" the rank three general asked in a low voice, foaming from his mouth.

"General Yuan, the Great Sage asked us to take another [-] breaths." General Xu put the helmet on his head. During the last breath, the penultimate general died in order to stop the Great Sage-level Great Heavenly Demon. Now there are only two of them left Three-level powerhouse.

Although their left wing was considered a feint attack, they did not have a lot of generals at all. They even drew generals from the giant fleet, but their soldiers were not elite.

That's why they fought so hard.

What's more, when the opponent has the combat power of the Great Saint-level Great Heavenly Demon, it is even more difficult to fight, and now it is almost wiped out.

The army lost at least [-]%, and only two generals remained.

"Everyone is dead, now it's our turn!" General Xu fastened the helmet straps on his upper and lower jaws.

"No, General Xu, I can still fight. Give me the first twenty breaths, and you come for the remaining ten breaths!" General Yuan swallowed all the foam in one gulp, his eyes were burning with flames, and he regarded death as home.

"The generals are mighty!" Yuan Junjie roared, holding the broken gun tightly in his hand.

"The general is mighty!"

"Next, leave it to me." A gentle voice came, and Yuan Junjie was stunned for a moment. He felt that something was coming, and when he looked up, it seemed to be a black meteor falling from the sky.


The black meteorite descended from the sky with terrifying coercion, and went straight to the Great Heavenly Demon of the Great Saint level.

"Heavenly Demon Physique!"


The body of the 500-meter-high Heavenly Demon emerged from the sky, and powerful forces penetrated both arms.

"Self-closing skills, ghost breathing method!"

"All invincible power!"

"Ghost drop."

"Bang bang bang!"

"Six Paths of Ghosts and Gods Slash!"


The light of the knife flashed, the head flew up, and cut the saint with one blow.

The three-eyed Yan Luo is so terrifying.

"There is one left!" Chen Mo murmured.


The big black ghost flew away again.

"This is winning?" Yuan Junjie stared blankly at the dead corpse of the Great Saint.

Tears welled up in my eyes, "Then what exactly is our sacrifice, why, why didn't you come earlier!"

"Ah, why!" Yuan Junjie burst into tears.


"Those are all my soldiers, those are all my colleagues!"

"They're all real people."

Snot and tears covered his face, and even coughed up blood.

Xu Jingjun quietly looked at Yuan Junjie who was crying loudly, tears streaming down his face inadvertently.

"There's one left."


The terrifying black ghost finally arrived at the army, and it was Li Xiuzhen, the commander of the Heavenly Demon, who was facing him.

(End of this chapter)

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