Reckless through another world

Chapter 762 The Heavenly Demon Wants to Retreat

Chapter 762 The Heavenly Demon Wants to Retreat

"Send troops!" The Great Sage Zhenyuan walked out in the air, and the terrifying pressure in his body dissipated.

Although his expression was neither happy nor sad, there was a hint of imperceptible excitement in his voice.

Chen Xianzhi not only gave him a big surprise, it can be said that he was frightened. In a moment, he actually beheaded the great saint-level powerhouse in the left-wing army, but the great saint-level powerhouse was not a Chinese cabbage.

If it is said that Tuogu's death was caused by an accident, then the death of the Great Saint-level Heavenly Demon facing the left-wing army means that Chen Mo's strength has been completely stabilized, not only at the Great Saint-level, but even at the Great Saint-level. China has absolute dominance.

"It must be that the evil spirits have evolved." The Great Sage Zhenyuan didn't even need to think about it.

Because of the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, it is impossible for the creatures on Shenzhou to surpass the Great Sage, and it is already the limit to reach the Great Sage level.

Although he didn't feel it, Chen Mo's own strength obviously hasn't come to an end. Even if it reaches the end, he is only a great saint, and it is impossible to form a dominant level of suppression to other great saints.

Looking at the black ghostly aura that spread to the entire battlefield, although it was only a thin layer, it carried unspeakable fear.


Meteors flashed across the sky, scarlet flames burned in the blackness, and terrifying power spread from the meteors.

Layers of coercion overturned from the sky as if forming a huge barrier.

"So strong!" Li Xiuzhen looked at the huge evil spirit that fell from the sky and landed in front of him.

The terrifying evil ghost in front of him exudes a stronger coercion than ordinary saints.

There are scarlet ghost eyes hidden in the gaps of the black heavy armor, and a hideous ghost helmet on the head, and the vertical eyes on the forehead are opened accordingly.

Standing in front of the city wall is like a high wall reaching the sky.

All the heavenly demons looked up and looked at the terrifying evil spirit in front of them in horror.

It takes a few breaths just to look up, and through the faint black mist, you can see the scarlet and flickering light, and all the demons who saw the existence of this terrifying evil spirit lost their minds.

It's too powerful.

That was something that essentially suppressed them, and that thing had a strange name "ghost"!
"What is this?"

"Is it God?"

"Not gods, even gods are evil gods, but the world of Shenzhou seems to call them ghosts."

Countless celestial demons looked up, it seemed that the other party didn't need to breathe at all, and they didn't even need to release any terrifying coercion, just the faint black ghost energy attached to the opponent's body swept out in waves, which was enough to make the celestial demon They lost their will to fight.

"Which Ghost Commander is that?"

Seeing the terrifying evil spirits standing on the city wall, the soldiers of the Tianzhu King's Department were obviously even more shocked. It was the first time they knew that the ghost guards could reach such a terrifying situation.

It's almost like ghosts and gods are alive.

Even because of the terrifying evil ghost, the murderers who woke up from the body of the ghost master in the entire battlefield slowly left the battlefield.

The evil spirits themselves are like wild beasts. They all have their own prey areas. Even the old evil spirits can't avoid such a terrifying coercion of fear, let alone many new evil spirits among them, and some of them are The evil spirit in the body of the death samurai.


Accompanied by the roar of steam, black ghost energy rushed out from the gaps in the thick ghost armor.

Thousands of ghost eyes moved and stared straight at Li Xiuzhen on the city wall.

The thousands of ghost eyes in the body of the three-eyed Yama seem to be alive, moving one after another, making subtle noises, and the ghost eyes on the face have already moved to the place without any movement of the head of the three-eyed Yama. The most suitable location.

Chen Mo grinned, and with the smile on Chen Mo's face, a little smile appeared in his eyes, but there was deep malice in that smile.

"Got you."

The voice vibrated out in the form of ghost energy, forming waves of sound, but even the voice seemed to have become colder, like the whisper of an evil ghost.

With a surly voice, it seemed that he was really a murderous ghost.

But now, he is standing quietly in front of the countless army of heavenly demons.

At that time, Tuogu blocked the progress of the entire right-wing army.

But now Chen Xianzhi is even more terrifying, he even directly suppressed the entire battlefield with his own power, as long as Chen Mo doesn't let go of the ghost aura around him, all the demons in the entire battlefield will be killed by him on a large scale.

The height of 500 meters is indeed very high for ordinary demons or martial artists, but to Li Xiuzhen, 500 meters is nothing more than the strength of a great saint-level demon that has expanded its own demon body, and there is nothing unusual about it .

But looking at the 500-meter-high monster in front of him, holding a long knife in each of his six arms, and exuding malice from his whole body, Li Xiuzhen felt that the 500-meter-high thing in front of him was huge.

"Hmph!" Li Xiuzhen snorted coldly.

Li Xiuzhen was still very calm. With the army undefeated, it was too early to say anything.

He really didn't expect that the ghost envoy would actually come to him, but so what, Li Xiuzhen is even more powerful than Tuogu at the Great Saint level.

"Coming by common name!"

"The weak don't need to know my name, I just hope you won't be like two wastes on the left and right wings, leaving me with no experience in fighting!"

Chen Mo laughed loudly, if this big heavenly demon asked him to say his name, he would just say it, wouldn't he be very embarrassing.

The three-eyed Yan Luo with seven-star strength, let him sweep away among the great saints.

"What!" Li Xiuzhen was shocked immediately. He thought that Tuogu's defeat was fine, but even the army on the left wing was defeated. Moreover, according to the words of the ghost-controlling envoy in front of him, the Great Saint-level Great Heavenly Demon on the left wing should have already died. .

There were bursts of voices.

Everyone in the battlefield could hear Chen Mo's words, and the morale of the demons suddenly became demoralized.

The two great saints on the left and right wings are dead, and for them, it is like a sharp sword piercing through the heart. Such a blow is unacceptable for a while.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. The guards on the left and right flanks are all Saint-level powerhouses. How could they be defeated so easily, and the time is still so short." One of the three-ranked Great Heavenly Demon shook his head in disbelief.

He didn't believe it, he didn't believe that the Great Sage Society was defeated so easily, and so quickly.

"It's still two quarters of an hour away from the reinforcements. When the time passes, there will be no dregs left." Another demon sighed slightly. Now there is no news from the left and right wings, and something has probably happened.

Even if it's not what the scary ghost in front of him said, the real situation is definitely not optimistic, and there is a powerful saint in the Tianzhu King's department.

They will lose after all.

Li Xiuzhen sighed: "Open the path of the demon soldiers, retreat!"

(End of this chapter)

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