Reckless through another world

Chapter 763 The Horror of the Demon Soldiers Road

Chapter 763 The Horror of the Demon Soldiers Road

"It's not so easy to retreat, is Shenzhou a place where you can come and go whenever you want!" Hao Han's voice came out.

Even accompanied by bursts of golden light, the powerful coercion of Zhenyuan Great Sage overturned.

All of a sudden, the situation changed, and the real energy around him formed a torrent. What intertwined with the coercion of Wu Xiu was the terror of evil spirits. The black ghost energy was like a black sky, covering the sky.

The sky, which seemed to be still broad daylight, suddenly became the color of dusk.

One can imagine the might of the veteran Great Sage.

The Great Sage Zhenyuan walked out and stood in the air, looking at Li Xiuzhen on the main city of Tianmo.

At the same time, I also saw Chen Xianzhi who suppressed the entire army of Heavenly Demon by himself.

Of course, now it is Chen Xianzhi's ghost-controlling form, and the three-eyed Yama is now like a round of black sun, exuding bursts of scarlet light, terrifying and powerful.

The satisfaction in his eyes flashed past, and he even nodded slightly. Chen Xianzhi's current combat power is not what it used to be.

"Hmph." Li Xiuzhen sneered, with a flash of sarcasm, even if all the demons died in battle, with the demon insects around, they could still make a comeback, not to mention that they had made up their minds to retreat now.

"Magic Soldiers Road!"

Li Xiuzhen let out a long roar, and the sound pierced the sky. The heavenly demons who had been intimidated by Chen Mo's terrifying coercion woke up one by one, and took action one after another.

Even the perfect terrifying ghostly aura created by Chen Mo had flaws in this long howl.

"You cut Tuogu and Zhang Jianzhi, how much strength do you have left?" Li Xiuzhen finally confirmed now that the terrifying ghost just now was just an empty shell. Since the other party was able to kill Tuogu and Zhang Jianzhi, it means he His strength is terrifying, but even if he is also a great sage, it is extremely difficult to do it.

Even though the terrifying big ghost in front of him has broken through, it is impossible to fully display his cultivation base. To be able to kill two great saints in a short period of time, he must give his best every time.


Chen Mo laughed out loud.

"Even if my ghost energy has been exhausted to the bottom, I can kill another great sage."

Just as Li Xiuzhen thought, most of Chen Xianzhi's ghost energy had indeed been consumed, and because of Chen Mo's method of inhaling ghost energy into his body to transform his strength, Chen Mo's body suffered considerable damage.

But just now, now is now, because of the replenishment of Qi and blood, Chen Mo's own injuries are recovering quickly, and because of beheading two great saints, Chen Mo's own strength has also been pushed to a powerful level.

"Autistic breathing method of ghost qi."

The tornado-like black ghost energy was sucked into Chen Mo's mouth, scarlet lines even appeared on the body of the three-eyed Yama, and turned into traces of scarlet blood that moved quickly, even the heavy blood in the body There were slight cracks in the armor.

The malice in the scarlet ghost's eyes was even more full.

Escaping as quickly as the substance.

"The meaning of evil—ghost slash!"

The frantically converging black sword light emanated from the three-eyed Yama's long sword, and the soaring sword aura pierced through the black clouds in the sky, and the black sword light that looked at least a thousand meters gushed out of the three-eyed Yama's hand.


The city wall in front of him was shattered by a single blow, and the black city wall melted under the majestic light of the knife.

The soaring sword light poured down like a waterfall.


"Huh?!" Chen Mo's pupils shrank slightly, and the knife light dissipated when he was not far from Li Xiuzhen.

It's not the kind of intense dissipation that is offset, but it is directly obliterated by something horrible, like a stone will melt under a laser.

The light of Chen Mo's thousand-meter knife has all dissipated, turning into dots of black light and dissipating in the air.


A light red barrier-like thing fell from the sky, and such a thing appeared in front of all the demons.

And those big camps where a large number of demons gathered formed a river of blood falling from the sky.

Fei Liu went straight down to 3000 feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days.

That's true!

It's just that what is in front of me is not the Milky Way, but the blood river with a faint blood mist floating, like a long road extending to the sky, extending from the sky.

Under the guide of the blood light, the heavenly demons who were originally like loose sand walked directly on the long road of blood light.

The army, which seemed to be very disorganized, gradually began to get better, and the remnant army who had discarded their helmets and armor was also ready again.

And Chen Mo also discovered one thing, that is, all attacks will be offset by the bloody long road.

The light red long road really formed a long road, and the demon army retreated in an orderly manner.

"Can't attack, why?" General Xu stared blankly at everything in front of him. The demons who were about to be killed were picked up by the bloody long road, and their attacks even broke the long road. None of the qualifications.

Only the Great Sage Zhenyuan looked at everything in front of him quietly, and then let out a faint sigh.

This is the sorrow of being weak, the opponent's methods cannot be solved, and there is even no chance to beat the dog in the water.

Although the Heavenly Demon suffered heavy losses, it still retained its elite. After they were taken back, as long as they had a good rest, they would still be the main force for the next invasion.

"Ghost Slash!"

The light of the knife reappeared, the light of 2000 meters.

A huge vortex appeared above Sanmu Yanluo's head, and a long knife appeared in the vortex, as if there was some terrifying existence, holding a 2000-meter-long long knife.

Looking carefully, the handle of the knife seems to be held in the hands of the sky.


The majestic power seemed to sweep everything in front of him.

Everything that stands in its way will be wiped out with one blow.

It's just a pity that even such a terrifying knife light turned into a faint light under the road of the demon soldier, and it melted silently, turning into a broken light.

The light red long road descended from the sky and slowly formed a long road. Li Xiuzhen stood on the road, silently watching the horrifying evil spirit struggling in front of him.

Looking at the other party, Li Xiuzhen seemed to see him back then.

Their world once seemed to be the same.

Later, he woke up and became a heavenly demon, watching his own world disappear. At that time, he understood that the longer he struggled, the more painful it would be.

"Ants are ants after all. If you want to shake a tree with a gnat, or use a mantis as a car, you will only be overwhelmed in the end. That's right, the more stubborn a creature is, the less it will understand." Li Xiuzhen said something to Chen Xianzhi as if he was lamenting himself, Then slowly turned around.

They will come back after all, will take this huge world away, and will kill all the creatures in this world.

"Hey!" Zhen Yuan stood beside the three-eyed Yan Luo, and sighed slightly. The crushing of the high-level world on the low-level world cannot be stopped by the barriers of the world. lead back.

"I want to try again and try my best!" Chen Mo's calm voice came, the voice was flat and calm from beginning to end.

Just like Chen Mo's calmness when he knew that the Heavenly Demon had an eight-star or nine-star powerhouse, he only had the will to fight, and he didn't intend to back down in the slightest.

Chen Mo actually agreed with Li Xiuzhen.However, if you don't even have the courage to try, how can you become stronger.

A strong person is not only a strong person who is strong, without the heart of a strong person, he still cannot walk on the road of being the strongest.

 The computer crashed this afternoon, so that the time was compressed crazily. Lingshan will present two chapters first, and there will be another chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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