Chapter 764

Chen Mo looked at Li Xiuzhen, who had already walked on the path of demon soldiers, and turned away, as well as the overwhelming army of heavenly demons.

Chen Mo's mood is very calm, but he has more competitive thoughts.

To put it bluntly, the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation is countless ghost domains, and the fact that the opponent can directly intervene in the ghost domains is enough to show the strength of the people behind the scenes.

The Demon Army Road can not only send in the extraterritorial demons, but also take them away.

It's as easy as taking an elevator.

Come as you say it, and leave as you say it.

And when he left, Shenzhou had to pay attention and watch him go quietly.

This is fucking outrageous.

So Chen Mo really wanted to drag the big demon who turned around out of the path of the demon soldiers, and dragged him out fiercely.

Wanting to ask him a good question, he held up his collar and asked him: "A defeated general, how can you speak bravely!"

"If the magic weapon path cannot be opened, the opponent must be a powerful person." Hearing Chen Xianzhi's words, the Great Sage Zhenyuan shook his head slightly.

To be honest, being able to drive them back to the Great Sage Zhenyuan is enough, although he also has a hope that he can kill all these demons on their land.

After all, what they entered was the world of Shenzhou.

"What will you do, watch the other party leave?" Lu Jin, who was sitting in the giant fleet, looked at the back of Yan Luo with three eyes. He did tell his colleagues that Chen Xianzhi was a reckless man, but precisely because he was a reckless man, That's why he was able to attack again and again.

"How could you just leave like this!" General Yuan yelled, punching over and over again, and every time he tried his best to bombard the road of bloody demon soldiers.

Seeing the retreat of the demon army, countless soldiers waved their weapons.

"Unlock all the power!" Chen Mo murmured in his heart.

The black ghost energy in the body gushed out like a dragon.

Even Chen Mo's body was eroded by a large area of ​​ghost energy, and the five evil spirits in his body crawled out one by one. were all excluded.

Five evil spirits stood behind the three-eyed Yama.

The three-eyed Yama, which is only 500 meters long, has grown rapidly.

The size of the body represents the combat power to a certain extent. The body of the evil spirit at 500 meters is already extraordinary, not to mention that the body of the three-eyed Yama is still expanding, and he has already reached the body of a thousand meters in a few breaths.

The body of the thousand-meter body does not seem to be the limit of the three-eyed Yama.

"Erosion by evil spirits." Chen Mo looked at the changing cuticles in his body, and smiled on his face. This was the erosion of evil spirits, but Chen Mo didn't care. To control the power that doesn't belong to him needs to pay far more than the price of power.

This is the principle of equivalent exchange of fate.

That's right, it's an equivalent exchange, because there is a handling fee for replacing the power that you can't control now, and the price you pay is naturally more expensive.

Of course, being expensive also has the advantage of being expensive, that is, you can get more powerful power.

"2000 meters!" Chen Mo grinned.

The head of the three-eyed Yama even crossed the height of the giant fleet, the scarlet ghost eyes gleamed, and all the ghost armor in the body had fallen off, revealing the body that originally belonged to the three-eyed Yama. In the black body were countless Scarlet ghost eyes.

Each one is swimming like a living life.

"God, is that a ghost?"

The soldiers of the Tianzhu King's Department no longer knew how to express their feelings, and even some martial artists who lacked concentration had already been frightened by the mighty fear of the three-eyed Yama and fell to the ground. Kneel down on the ground.

"No, at least it's an evil spirit with a seven-star strength, but how is this possible!" The Great Sage Zhenyuan looked at the three-eyed Yama in front of him, and seemed to have a feeling that he was dreaming.

"The Great Sage Council." The Great Sage Zhenyuan opened the Great Sage Council directly, even on the battlefield, opened the Great Sage Council from his own perspective.

"I'll show you something, just don't get too excited!" The Great Sage Zhenyuan suppressed his excitement, and even his voice trembled.

"Why did you suddenly convene the Great Sage Council? What are you looking at... His grandma, Zhenyuan, is the Demon Army Road behind you? You really drove away the demons in your royal department."

"The Demon Army Road is extremely overbearing, and it is impossible to break through, and we can only watch them leave."


All the great saints spoke with regret in their voices. After all, they are not that kind of powerful opponents, and they can't even open the opponent's means.

Zhen Yuan didn't say much, but waited quietly, even with a bewildered smile all the time.

"How is my apprentice?" Laojun asked.

"Your apprentice? See for yourself!" The Great Sage Zhenyuan directly opened his own perspective, and everyone can use his perspective to look at the world inside the Tianzhu King's Ministry.

The first to bear the brunt is the ever-expanding Three-eyed Yama. Compared with the Heavenly King Fortress, the Three-eyed Yama is not even much smaller than the Heavenly King Fortress.

"Hey, why is there a wall?"

"What wall?"

After the eighteen Great Saints saw clearly, the entire Great Saint Council fell silent, and the silent needle drop could be heard, but it was silent for less than three breaths!



"Damn it, what the hell is this, Zhenyuan, don't tell me it's a ghost???"

Usually high above the sky, every one of them seems to be a great saint who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world.

All the bosses who seem to be deep in the city, scheming, and calm.

Now they are all swearing at the street, even swearing is not enough, and those who have something in their hand even throw it hard.


"Hehe, this is Laojun's apprentice." Zhenyuan smiled, but the smile on his face was also a superficial smile, not that he didn't smile, but that he couldn't smile.

"My apprentice?" Laojun was stunned for a moment. He had many apprentices, but only one person went to Tianzhu King's Department, and that was Chen Xianzhi.

After a while, Laojun threw the chess piece in his hand on the ground fiercely, with a sonorous "grass!"


"Ghost Cannon!"


The huge head opened its big mouth, which looked like a mouth sewn up with black thread, but now the black silk thread has been torn off one by one.

Then the big mouth opened, and a scarlet ghost eye appeared in the mouth, and the ghost eye even turned slightly.

The ghostly aura around him frantically gathered.

"My God!" Curious, Li Xiuzhen turned his head and took a look, and then he saw the complete form of the three-eyed Yama, and even the appearance of the other party sucking ghost energy around him. .

Li Xiuzhen suddenly felt his calves tremble.

"I'm pretending to be aggressive, just talking, don't be so serious." Li Xiuzhen licked his chapped lips, he was a little bit uncertain now.

Li Xiuzhen felt that he had acted too aggressively before leaving, that's why the other party was so desperate.

"Not enough, not enough, not enough!"

"I need ghost energy."

The great sage Zhenyuan saw that Yan Luo with three eyes was about to misfire, which was fine, and the majestic ghost energy in his body gushed out in an all-round way, and was absorbed directly.

"All ghost emissaries support Chen Xian's ghost energy!"


All the ghost stewards let go of the ghost energy pouring out of their bodies.

"Ghost Cannon!" Chen Mo roared, swallowing the ghost energy around him, the huge black ball in front of him kept rolling, and it turned into a big ball with a diameter of 500 meters in the blink of an eye.

The black light seemed to absorb all the ghost energy.

It even absorbs everything around it.

(End of this chapter)

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