Reckless through another world

Chapter 765 1 Bombarding the Road of Smashing Demon Soldiers

Chapter 765
"Withdraw troops, withdraw troops!"

"Everyone, stay away from the big ghost!" The voice of the Great Sage Zhenyuan was transmitted to all the soldiers.

Seeing this kind of horror sweeping past, countless soldiers were even killed by Chen Xianzhi's terrifying coercion, not to mention that Chen Xianzhi is obviously going to use the extremely terrifying field clearing skill now.

Even for carpet cleaning, it would be good if it didn't harm the fish pond. If they stayed by Chen Mo's side, there would be no way for them to leave.

Even on the road of the demon soldiers, the army of heavenly demons who were originally unhurried have increased their marching speed.

The avenue formed by the light red barrier in the sky leads to the sky outside the domain. This is the direct use of large means to forcibly tear open the barriers of the world, and at the same time take this measure in.

The Magic Bing Road is like humans creating a huge artificial ant nest, and then connecting the two ant nests with plastic pipes.

It's just that the other party can come over, but the ants on this side can't get through. Even after the other party retracts into the pipe, they can use the plastic door to close the pipe, making the ants on the opposite side anxious.


"Endless ghost energy!"

Chen Mo couldn't count how much ghost energy he had absorbed, even the five evil spirits released from his body were sucked up by him, returning to his body to re-condense the body of the evil spirits.

The diameter of the ghost cannon in front of him expanded to thousands of meters.



Black light burst out.

that moment,
it's dark.

No, it was the entire Tianzhu King's Department that was darkened. It wasn't the coming of night, but it was washed by the black light.

It is by far the strongest ghost-monitor of human beings, a challenge to the power of extraterrestrial demons.


The black light cannon swept away the sky demon's city and razed it to the ground.

Not only that, the black light also bombarded the light red barrier.

The barrier was indeed wearing down the attack of the black light, but the path of the magic soldiers seemed to be extremely strong, it didn't seem to tremble at all, and it even seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

"Break it, break it!"

All the soldiers looked at the confrontation of the huge monster expectantly.

The evil spirits are very terrifying.

But they want the evil spirits to prevail.

I hope that horrible evil ghost can open the way of magic soldiers.

Looking at all the great saints in front of them, each of them didn't say a word, just watched, they desperately hoped that Chen Xianzhi could create a miracle.

"Phew, it was a false alarm." Li Xiuzhen breathed out, looking at Chen Mo's majestic momentum, he thought it was Chen Xianzhi who was about to create a miracle, but he didn't expect that it was just a mantis with a bigger momentum.

A praying mantis wielding its double blades, no matter how strong the double blades are for a mantis, they are vulnerable to giants.

"Failed?" After a few breaths, the Great Sage Zhenyuan sighed.

Although he already knew the result, he still hoped for a miracle to happen. It's a pity that even a seven-star-strength horror ghost still couldn't open the path of the magic soldier.



"not yet!"

One attack and one defense.

The path of the magic soldier, which was originally easy to handle, became unstable.

The Demon Army Road began to shake violently.


The Heavenly Demons on the Demon Bing Road could not stand firm. The Magic Bing Road tore apart not only the world barriers of the Shenzhou world, but also the void in front of them. The Magic Bing Road was unstable, and countless black cracks appeared around it.

Some demons fell in and could never come out again.

Originally solid and abnormal, the magic soldier road, which is like a high-dimensional method, has actually weakened.


Accompanied by a slight noise throughout life.

Although it was very slight, the heavenly demons on the magic soldier road heard it. They looked up in horror at the magic soldier road above their heads and the light red mist like a barrier in front of them.

"It's broken!" Li Xiu's heart skipped a beat.

Others don't know, but he knows, what a powerful person is to shape the path of the magic soldier.

But now the Demon Army Road was about to be smashed to pieces.

Under the scour of the other party's black light, cracks have already appeared.


The black light crazily washed over the path of the magic soldier in front of him.


The crack widened, and black rays of light rushed in.


The celestial demons that were contaminated by the black light were directly burned to ashes, some of them were powerful enough to shout, and even more of them did not even have a chance to shout, and were decomposed into fly ash by the black light, not even dust left.

What it was like before, what it will be like later.

The Mobing Road is like an old machine that is getting old and finally overwhelmed. With a bang, a huge hole was opened by the black light.

And most of the demons on the entire demon soldier road fell into the black cracks.

The remaining part disappears under the black light.

"Open it for me!"

Chen Mo roared loudly, the ghost of his body crazily gnawing at his body, just like thousands of evil spirits eating Chen Mo's body, countless black evil spirit heads appeared on Chen Mo's thousand-meter body, gnawing crazily devour.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Boom, boom!"

Magic soldier road.


Although countless celestial demons have been let go, countless celestial demons have been left behind, and Li Xiuzhen has also been left behind.

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

"A defeated general, how can you speak bravely!"

Chen Mo yelled loudly, raised his head to the sky and screamed, as if he was questioning Li Xiuzhen, and he seemed to be questioning the sky, and even questioning the great power behind Li Xiuzhen who established the road of magic soldiers.

A mere defeated army, why would you want to leave completely!



An old man slowly opened his eyes.

The old man was surrounded by countless black substances and scarlet flowing liquid, which looked like magma, but it was obviously more terrifying.

The old man was dressed in a black robe, sitting cross-legged in the center, with countless things like tentacles behind him.

The shots behind are connected to the half sphere behind.

That half of the sphere was incomplete, with a faint light shining.

His body swayed slightly, and he could see flesh and blood wriggling like a python, but what he saw through the gap looked like distorted flesh and blood.

Twisted and creamy.

Some are like tentacles, and some are like organs without fur.Lively beating.

The old man raised his head slightly.

Half of his face has been distorted, and the entire right side of his face has become a mess, like a wriggling of flesh and blood, and a lot of unknown tumors.

The strangest thing is that there is a row of black beads growing on the old man's forehead. If you count them carefully, from left to right, the ones on the two sides are the smallest, and the ones in the center are the largest. From small to large, there are nine in total.

The black bead in the center grows in the center of the forehead and looks like a sparkling gem.


While smashing the magic soldier road, Chen Mo felt as if he had hallucinations, and he came to a strange place in an instant.

Surrounded by black unknown substances, red magma-like things flowed from his feet.

Not far away is an old man in a robe. The old man seems to be a heavenly demon. He looks ordinary, but the deformed flesh and blood look very weird.

It's just that the most peculiar thing is that the nine stars on the forehead of the demon old man shone faintly.

 Anyway, this is the point, and the next chapter will also be presented, which happens to have a more complete plot.

(End of this chapter)

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