Reckless through another world

Chapter 766 9-Star Powerhouse

Chapter 766 Nine Star Powerhouse

Chen Mo's eyebrows darkened, he had already seen it, it was probably because he smashed the Tianzhu King's Demon Army Road, that's why he was dragged here.

Of course, it is possible that it is only his spiritual body that came here, possessing consciousness, and will be obliterated. It remains to be verified whether there will be a threat to his life.

Maybe, maybe not.

However, Chen Mo guessed that his chance of surviving would probably be more.

Because the barriers of the world still exist, although the celestial demons have created something like the Demon Army Road, they have not yet broken through the barriers of the world. Although the level of the Shenzhou world is not top-notch, it is still a haunted domain of extremely terrifying evil spirits.

Preliminary speculation is that it is also a terrifying evil ghost at the level of ghosts and gods. Even superpowers from outside the territory will detour when they see that kind of ghost.


The breath flowed long and slowly, and the surrounding black matter also moved rapidly along with the flow of air.

"Hey!" The black dust fell on Chen Mo's arm, and immediately burned a black spot on his arm.

Chen Mo frowned in pain, the damage caused by something that directly affects the spirit is not comparable to the kind of physical damage.

Chen Mo didn't shout out, nor did he do anything else, but tightened his clothes while looking at the surrounding environment.

The black scorched earth, and in the cracks of the scorched earth there are bright red things like magma, flowing slowly.

Chen Mo even smelled a smell of corruption, just like the smell of an old man, but it was very different. It was obviously more hopeless here, without much vitality.

Huge skulls, shattered bodies, ashes and decayed land, not even a single newly grown plant.


Darkness seems to be the only place to go.

The only one alive seemed to be the demon old man in black robe not far away. His chest was still heaving, but his breath was as weak as a gossamer.

Those tentacle-like organs in his body were full of vitality, and the bloodshot flesh in his body, which looked like internal tumors, also jumped slowly. Although it was slow, it looked like it had life.





The old man in front of him slowly opened his eyes. Because of the right half of his face, one of the eyes seemed to be overwhelmed by the extreme squeeze of flesh and blood, and would close at any time, while the eyes on the left half of his face were piercing. There is God.

The old man seemed to be looking at Chen Mo in front of him.

Of course, Chen Mo was also looking at the old man in front of him. The nine shining black gemstones above his head were like the shining stars in the night sky.

Although it looks a little weak, there is some vastness and magnificence that Chen Mo has never felt, that is the infinite power that does not belong to the world but is added to the body alone.

As deep as the stars, but also like the vast sea of ​​stars.

"Nine stars." Chen Mo was inexplicably uneasy, and murmured silently in his heart.

Seems to think of something.Chen Mo touched his forehead, he didn't seem to have that kind of star, but the scarlet ghost eye on his forehead was glowing faintly red.

"Are you wondering why you didn't condense into a star?" The old man spoke slowly, his voice was like a gentle lake, but when he listened carefully, it sounded like the sound of thunder from the great avenue, which was deafening.

Although the opponent did not exude his coercion and momentum, Chen Mo felt that he could not defeat the opponent at all.

"Nine-star powerhouse?" Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and instead of answering the question, he asked in a calm voice.


"The nine-star powerhouse of the celestial demons outside the Territory." Chen Mo repeated it as if confirming it.

Although he looked very stable, Chen Mo was very nervous, even a little flustered. Seven stars already possessed the strength to wipe out stars, let alone nine-star powerhouses.

Chen Mo himself was also a little flustered. Although he felt that he was a spiritual body, nothing serious would happen, but he was not afraid of [-], just in case. If the other party had some strange means to attack him directly across the barriers of the world, what might happen? The dead don't know.

Chen Mo didn't even know what kind of mentality the other party was holding.

If you want to talk about fear, Chen Mo also has it. He is only afraid of the unknown.

The opponent's unknown means, unknown purpose, and even whether it will cause harm to him.

The opponent is a strong man who can arrange the way of magic soldiers.

"Don't be nervous, you will come here to meet me once you break the Demon Army Road. Over the years, there are only five people who have been able to come here, and you are the sixth." The old man said very flatly, even Also quite appreciated.

While speaking, the tentacles that emerged from the opponent's body slowly squirmed like hidden pythons.

"Why don't I have that kind of star on top of my head." Chen Mo pointed to the nine black gems on the old man's forehead. From left to right, from right to left, they are all from small to large, and the one in the center is the largest and twinkling. With a faint light.

Chen Mo's questions and even his answers were very jumpy, as if he just asked something when he thought of it.

This was intentionally done by Chen Mo, he didn't want to be guided by the other party, who knows how many traps there are in it, even since the other party will bring Chen Mo over, there must be some kind of purpose, if there is no purpose, just want to meet If so, why bother.

Everyone is the enemy and us after all, can the demon still retreat?
Chen Mo didn't believe it. Aggression wasn't something that could be settled at the negotiating table. The winner must be decided by force. Chen Mo even felt that the other party wanted to pull him over and kill him.

Whether it is the Son of Destiny, the Master of Many Ghosts, or the first Ghost Commander with a seven-star strength, Chen Mo is now No. 1 in Shenzhou on the bright side, and it is understandable that the opponent will have the idea of ​​​​killing him.

Because of this kind of thinking, Chen Mo himself often has and even often does it, capture the king first when capturing a thief, and shoot a horse first when shooting a man.

War is different from fighting. You can use beheading to expand the results of the battle, and you will definitely not fight with the opponent's real knives and guns.

"Only by stepping out of one's own world can the stars be condensed. Outside the domain, one can see at a glance what star level the opponent is in. This is also a common law of thousands of worlds." The old man said.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the Heavenly Demon King of the Heavenly Demon World. I can't remember how many generations it is now." The Heavenly Demon King introduced.

"Shenzhou World, Chen Xianzhi, Seven Star Ghost Controller." Chen Mo clasped his fists, his voice quite solemn.

At the same time, Chen Mo also confirmed what the great Heavenly Demon said, that the Heavenly Demon World does have nine-star powerhouses, and the nine-star world is already the strongest, and the Heavenly Demon World actually has the conditions for the birth of nine-star powerhouses.

Unlike the Shenzhou world, the strongest is the third rank, that is, the six-star strength, and the Great Sage rank is barely a seven-star.

And now Chen Mo finally understands the attribute panel's definition of the strength of evil spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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