Chapter 767
"I don't know why senior invited me here." Chen Mo looked at the Demon King who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the magma lake.

Those in the Earth Extinction Realm have a lifespan of more than a thousand years, while the Demon King on the opposite side seems to have entered a period of decline ahead of schedule. The opponent's strength is like a vast sea of ​​stars, but the vitality in the opponent's body is rapidly passing away.

And the opponent's life seemed to be sent into the half sphere behind him through the tentacles that grew out.

Chen Mo didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Tianmo's gourd.

"It stands to reason that if you want to hang your life, it should be imported into the body of the Demon King, why is it sent out instead?" Chen Mo secretly slandered, instead of plundering life force now, he would instead send out his precious life force.

Even though the two sides are hostile, Chen Mo is still at a loss, unable to understand the operation of the Demon King.

"Thousands of worlds, there are many worlds that have already restricted the path of practitioners, so many practitioners have to leave their original worlds and go out to find opportunities for breakthroughs."

"However, when you travel through the world, your cultivation base will be ruined, and your soul will be scattered. Many great powers will disappear in the world."

"Other worlds are dangerous, but the outside world is even more dangerous. Not only do you need to intrigue with those practitioners who have come out of the world, but you also need to guard against many terrifying and even weird things."

"If I'm not mistaken, your world can at most support you to reach the strength of seven stars, after that it will be difficult to go any further."

Chen Mo listened quietly. It was also the first time he knew the situation outside the territory and other worlds, but these seemed to be no different from Chen Mo's imagination.

There are so many resources that you must fight for each other, or even fight to the death.

The universe is a dark forest, and everyone is a hunter with a gun.

It's just that Chen Mo still doesn't know what the other party's purpose is, and he seems to feel something vaguely. Could it be that the other party wants to recruit him?

After this idea appeared, Chen Mo shook his head slightly. He would definitely not become a demon. When he thought of those distorted flesh and blood, he knew that there would be no good end. Moreover, when Chen Mo got the characteristics, he would remove those distorted characteristics.

The so-called distorted way of heaven made Chen Mo even more horrified.

A ghost slayer is still a human being, of course, it’s okay to be a ghost, at least he’s still himself.

But if he becomes a demon, Chen Mo can't see much hope.

But Chen Mo didn't interrupt the Heavenly Demon King, since the other party wanted to say it, let's talk about it. Chen Mo originally came here hoping to learn more about the Heavenly Demon, let alone the Heavenly Demon King who met the Heavenly Demon World now.

When the Demon King speaks, there are still large pieces of flesh and blood in his body mutating, but most of them are suppressed by the opponent.

There are also a few that have turned into distorted flesh and blood, growing like weird horrors on their bodies, and they feel extremely disgusting just by looking at them.

Even after watching for a long time, Chen Mo still felt groggy, and his body seemed to be about to move.


The ghost eyes in his body flickered slightly, and Chen Mo came to his senses instantly.

"It's such a strong spiritual influence, and the terror that the other party radiated unconsciously almost made me fall into it." A fear rose in Chen Mo's heart. Although his face was still calm, it was not good-looking, but he made up his mind not to become a demon.

"If you are willing to take my place, you can take these nine stars and become a strong man beyond the Dao." The Demon King looked at Chen Mo and said.

The sound is calm.

But this is a nine-star powerhouse, and among the thousands of worlds, there are only a handful of them. If seven stars can wipe out planets, then nine stars can already create a world and become the unique god of that world.

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, then looked at the nine stars above the opponent's head, counted them one by one from left to right, and there were indeed nine stars.

It is also because of the nine stars that Chen Mo was so astonished, and even felt absurd.

Honestly, it's really tempting.

"I won't give my cultivation for nothing, right?" Chen Mo chuckled, he didn't think there was such a good thing, and let him take over the position of Demon King.

What Chen Mo believes in is exchange of equal value, even if he suffers less loss, it’s okay. This kind of practice of giving away cultivation bases, giving away subordinates, and even giving away a big world obviously made Chen Mo more vigilant.

It should be noted that there is no free lunch in this world, and of course there is no breakfast and dinner.

"Of course, taking over the position of the Demon King means not only accepting the nine-star cultivation, but also fulfilling responsibilities, and that's the responsibility." The Demon King pointed to the half sphere behind him.

The sphere is very large, like a huge seat, and the Demon King himself is sitting in front of the seat. The tentacles in his body are connected to the hemisphere behind him, and the vitality is continuously drawn from his body and input into the body behind him. in the hemisphere.

"That is?" Chen Mo asked curiously.

"This is the Great World of Heavenly Demon, but it is already in decline." There was a wry smile on the face of the Heavenly Demon King.

"It's going to die?" Chen Mo frowned.

From the minds of those heavenly demons, he found many pictures of the great world of heavenly demons. Although he hadn't seen them, the black scorched earth, the scarlet magma rivers, and the gray sky all meant something.

"You are renewing its life!"

Chen Mo's eyes widened suddenly.

After this idea appeared in Chen Mo's mind, it was out of control, and even escaped like crazy.

Chen Mo looked at the demon king in front of him and the half sphere behind him in shock. He said why there was a familiar feeling when he saw the eyes on the other party's face. The right eye of the other party was the giant eye in the sky in the mind of the demon.

"That's right." The Demon King nodded slightly.

Surprised that Chen Mo sorted it out so quickly, and at the same time, the Demon King was very satisfied with choosing Chen Mo as his successor.

"I refuse." Chen Mo didn't hesitate at all.

Originally, Chen Mo didn't want to be a demon, but now that even the demon king is in such a miserable state, he doesn't want to.Although the extraterritorial celestial demon is powerful, if it is this kind of extraterritorial celestial demon, it really can't attract Chen Mo's attention.

Not to mention being absorbed by the Heavenly Demon World.

It is impossible for Chen Mo to take over the other party's seat. If this situation happened in his own world, Chen Mo should reach out if he can reach out, but the Heavenly Demon World is the Heavenly Demon World.

As for the Heavenly Demon King saying that the world of Shenzhou cannot go any further, Chen Mo already has plans.

Although the cultivation base can't improve, it is clear that the strength of the evil spirits will not be suppressed. With this case, as long as the Shenzhou world shrinks into an iron king, many demons will come to deliver food.

Even Chen Mo felt that birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable for life, even the world is no exception, the universe has a lifespan, since the nine-star powerhouse has transcended the Tao, why should he be so obsessed with a broken world?
The Heavenly Demon King didn't seem to be surprised by Chen Mo's choice. There are only six people who have been able to walk in front of him for so many years. Chen Mo is the weakest of the six, but his mind is not weaker than those people.

(End of this chapter)

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