Reckless through another world

Chapter 768 Chen Xianzhi Beheaded Again

Chapter 768 Chen Xianzhi Beheaded Again
Chen Mo doesn't know more things, but from the other party's narration, Chen Mo can probably guess that this is the reason why the Heavenly Demon World invades other worlds so urgently.

They need other worlds to supplement their own.

As for the nine-star cultivation base promised by the Demon King, Chen Mo scoffed.

If the other party can show their cultivation base, where are the five people in front?
Why does he exist as the sixth man?

I just took my cultivation base and ran away. If I don't abide by the responsibility of bringing this ruined world, is there anything in this world that can kill a nine-star powerhouse?

That is something beyond the Tao, simply put, it is something beyond the rules.

Can't look at it with common sense.

I have to say that the other party is very good at speaking, and the situation should be the truth. After all, the truest lie in this world is the truth, and it is more convincing to lie to people with the truth.

It's a pity that the other party was too anxious, and there was even a feeling that the Great World of Heavenly Demon would be broken at any time.

So Chen Mo speculated that the other party lied to him, of course the most important thing was that Chen Mo believed in equal value exchange, and even he himself was a stubborn person.

"It's a pity." The Demon King sighed slightly, with a lonely expression on his face.

Just like an old man in his twilight years who wants to pass on his mantle.And Chen Mo is the poor boy who jumped off a cliff and discovered the opportunity. He came from the countryside with Ling Yunzhi in his heart, and just needed the inheritance and empowerment of the old senior.

"Maybe you don't know what the nine-star powerhouse represents, but since you don't want to, then force it. It's just a pity that your world is destined to be swallowed up."

"Is it really going to devour the world?" Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the scarlet in Danfeng's eyes flashed past.

"Why me? Not someone else. It should be easier to find it in the demon world. After all, there are so many eight-star powerhouses." Chen Mo chatted with the other party without saying a word, but But looking for a chance to get out, he can't always be stuck here.

If it took a long time without his conscious control, the evil spirits in his body might have problems.

At this point, Chen Mo has almost confirmed his suspicions, the other party should be lying to him.

"The way of heaven has changed, and all the demons are infected. When the demons sit in this seat, they will be controlled by the way of the mutation. Only the strong in other worlds can suppress the way of heaven that suppresses the changes in the world of demons, and the demons are the same as it. Instead, they were suppressed." The Demon King answered patiently.

It's as if he didn't notice Chen Mo's strangeness.

"Since I don't accept it, please trouble seniors to send me out. What happens in the future, we will see the truth on the battlefield." Chen Mo clasped his fists and said.

The Demon King shook his head slightly and said, "If you can't get out, you must either accept the inheritance, or wait for the body outside to die, and then you will die here too. You may not be able to survive the battle between the Divine Continent World and the Demon World." Participated in it."

Chen Mo grinned, and the scarlet light in his eyes flickered slightly, "Senior, is this picture poor and you saw the dagger?"

"Why do you want to be poor and see it with a dagger?" asked the Heavenly Demon King.

Chen Mo chuckled, and said that he slightly adapted the story of Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin, set the background in the world of Shenzhou, and told such a story to the Demon King.

The Demon King quietly listened to Chen Mo's story without saying a word. After Chen Mo finished speaking, the Demon King nodded slightly, and said with a kind smile on his face, "If you understand it that way, it is true."

"It's true that the time has come for Tuqiong to see you with a dagger, but how did you find out?" The Demon King was a little puzzled.

Although some of the people who have been here before have discovered it, and some have not, but those who discovered it are rarely able to leave. Even if they leave, their bodies have probably disappeared long ago. Useless.

So the Demon King was very relieved, and he still wanted to ask Chen Mo's opinion.

"I didn't find out that there is such a guess, but it's more of a guess with more versions, only one point." Chen Mo paused.

"What?" The Demon King asked curiously.

"I'm not greedy." Chen Mo grinned.

"Not being greedy is indeed a good quality, but it's a pity that what should be destroyed will eventually perish." The Demon King shook his head slightly.

"Do you know why there are extraterrestrial demons and why so many worlds are destroyed?" said the demon king.

"The world of the demons needs to be continued. If I guess correctly, other worlds should be devoured. As for the specific operation, it should be a large-scale invasion. I really don't know what is the substance that can make your world of demons continue. "Chen Mo said.

Then he shook his head. He had a rough guess, but he really didn't know the specific operation.

"This is one aspect." The Demon King nodded.

"I'm really curious why the nine-star powerhouse dragged a half-dead world, and even searched for other worlds to devour it."

In Chen Mo's view, a nine-star powerhouse like the Heavenly Demon King can leave. Why drag a half-dead world? The countless Heavenly Demons will die after they die. After all, the life and death between life is normal. Could it be that this kind of strong man can't see through, can't see through, and must bring the whole world to live forever?

Hearing Chen Mo's question, the Demon King fell silent, as if he didn't want to answer Chen Mo's question, and even seemed to ignore Chen Mo's question.

Chen Mo glanced at the Heavenly Demon King in the middle of the magma pool with some surprise. The distorted flesh and blood in the opponent's body seemed to be more energetic, and even some blue veins appeared on the opponent's forehead.

Chen Mo frowned slightly, it seemed that he couldn't get anything, and the state of the Demon King was also very bad.

"Senior's condition is very bad." Chen Mo narrowed his eyes, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hahaha, no one has dared to talk to me like that for so many years." The Demon King laughed loudly, even his slightly gray face turned rosy, and the other party seemed to be sizing up Chen Mo with his deep eyes.

Chen Mo's heart became more and more stable, and the other party's condition was getting worse and worse, but even though the other party's condition was so bad, they didn't even attack him. Chen Mo felt that he probably wouldn't die.

But if you won't die, you won't die, you still have to find a way to get out.

"Senior, you don't intend to answer my question?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, and said that he wanted to take out the mint leaves from the mustard bag, but he found that he didn't seem to have the mustard bag. Although everything was the same, but he The state of the body is not the state of the physical body at all.

Chen Mo suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he looked suddenly enlightened.

"I'll tell you about this before you die." The Demon King said with a smile, as if he didn't care about Chen Mo's life or death.

"Since senior doesn't say anything, there will be a later date." Chen Mo grinned.

The palm becomes a knife.

The sword flashes,
Chen Mo chopped off his head with a knife.

The Demon King stared blankly at Chen Mo's actions, as if he was thinking about whether people are so strong these days?
Surprised, he laughed loudly, "Interesting, interesting, really interesting!"

(End of this chapter)

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