Reckless through another world

Chapter 769 Summons Chen Xianzhi

Chapter 769 Recalling Chen Xianzhi

Chen Mo cut off his head very decisively, and his body turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared in front of the Demon King.

When Chen Mo came back to his senses, he opened his eyes, and in front of him was the dilapidated city of Heavenly Demon, surrounded by endless ruins. The originally tall city walls and the interior of the city had been completely razed to the ground.

"It seems that the method of beheading is feasible." Chen Mo grinned, but there was not much smile in his eyes.

When Chen Mo was using the mustard bag, he had a flash of inspiration. He said, why is it so familiar? The Heavenly Demon King pulling him over should be a kind of behavior similar to falling into a dream.

The other party was not afraid of Chen Mo's death, and even spoke out, which made Chen Mo a little more suspicious. After all, how could he believe what a liar said, and Chen Mo was the kind of person who didn't believe in evil, since there was already a [-]% chance that he could rely on that If there is no way to leave, Chen Mo will do it.

Looking at the scorched earth in front of him, the giant city has been shattered, and endless scarlet qi and blood rushed to Chen Mo's body, forming a rushing river of qi and blood.

The black scorched earth was still burning with scarlet fluorescence.

The light red path of the magic soldiers in front of him has been shattered, and those demons who are still on the path of the magic soldiers have all been wiped out by the world barrier, and some have fallen into the cracks.

The wails of horror, or the din of death, or even the cheers of soldiers from the Tianzhu King's army behind him, to Chen Mo's ears, it seemed that none of them disturbed his mood much.

The meeting with the Heavenly Demon King brought a lot of pressure to Chen Mo. The force in the Heavenly Demon World is obviously stronger, but the martial arts in the Shenzhou World have no way out, and their lives can only be pinned on those evil spirits body.

"噗!" Taking a step forward, the body of the three-eyed Yan Luo has disappeared, and Chen Mo also walked out of the black mist.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Mo had already walked in front of Li Xiuzhen. Seeing that half of Li Xiuzhen's body had disappeared into the barrier, Chen Mo asked calmly, "A defeated general, how can you speak bravely?"

The voice is calm, even with a kind of detachment and indifference.

The light red magic soldier road disappeared beside Chen Mo, just like the rainbow in the sky would disappear, the magic soldier road gradually faded, and the broken barrier-like things in it also turned into little scarlet rays of light.

Hearing Chen Mo's question, Li Xiuzhen showed a smile on his face, he had already seen Chen Xianzhi.

Li Xiuzhen had already sensed Chen Mo's aura when Chen Xianzhi first appeared on the battlefield, but he still underestimated Chen Mo's aura. It was smashed.

"You're very strong!" Li Xiuzhen nodded, with a very serious expression on his face, maybe it's his respect for Chen Mo, or maybe it's his admiration for someone like Chen Mo who was born in a small world but can change his fate against the sky.

But at the same time, there was also a lot of embarrassment in his heart. After all, just now he was mocking the other party for shaking the big tree.

It actually shattered the entire Demon Army Road. Li Xiuzhen was almost at the scene of a car accident, and his face was almost swollen from the beating.

But on the other hand, Li Xiuzhen saw this miracle again.

It was the miracle created by this tall and handsome young man in front of him.

"We will come back." Li Xiuzhen said very seriously, looking at Chen Mo who was standing not far away.

The meaning in Li Xiuzhen's words is obvious, the gods of the Shenzhou world are determined to win, even if Chen Mo can stop them this time, he will not be able to stop them in the future, the time left for the Shenzhou world is running out.

When the barriers of the world are completely breached, war will break out in the whole world, and the Shenzhou world without top power will still be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"I'm looking forward to it." Chen Mo paused, then slowly turned around and left the battlefield.

Li Xiuzhen behind him has been obliterated by the barriers of the world. At the same time, there are countless demon armies, and even the entire Demon Army Road has begun to collapse. If there is no new Demon Army Road, the Tianzhu King's Department does not need to stay so many The armor is now.

Other small ghost domains can be divided.


"Are we winning now?"

"If you win, even the magic army road inside the royal department has been smashed by General Chen."

"Victory, we are victorious!"

The cheers from Tianzhu King's Department wave after wave.

"The generals are mighty!"

"The general is mighty!"

At the same time, watching all this, there are all the great saints of the Great Saint Council, but they seem to be frightened by Chen Xianzhi's strength, so many great saints did not speak, but remained silent.

The horror in his eyes also couldn't hide it.

"The Road of Demon Soldiers is broken!" One of the great saints said tentatively.

Although they all hoped that Chen Mo could smash the light red magic soldier road, but when Chen Mo smashed the magic soldier road, they seemed to be shocked, and looked at it from the perspective of Zhenyuan Dasheng. all of these.

"Old gentleman, you have taught a good apprentice." Another great sage sighed slightly.

Laojun is still confused now, he knows that his apprentice is very powerful, but in his opinion, it should be at most the combat power of the Great Saint level, but looking at it now, it has clearly crushed the combat power of the Great Saint level.

Not to mention the record of killing the saint with one sword, but when the ghost cannon was fired later, it even shattered the path of the magic soldiers arranged by the nine-star powerhouse.

Now Chen Mo has become the strongest person in the world of Shenzhou.

"This..." Laojun pondered for a while, but didn't say much.

Laojun knows how Chen Xianzhi behaves. Now that Chen Mo has found a way forward, it should also be a way forward for them old guys.

"That should be an evil spirit with a seven-star strength. Doesn't Shenzhou limit the promotion of evil spirits?" Another great sage paid the same attention as Lao Jun. They all noticed that Chen Mo's own strength had not broken through, but the evil spirits However, his strength continued to improve, and now it seems that he should be at the strength of seven stars.

"There is this possibility, no, it should be very possible, the strength of the evil spirits is not controlled by the world of Shenzhou."

"Besides, isn't our world itself the most suitable world for evil spirits?" The rest of the great saints also expressed their opinions.

"I think to recall Chen Xianzhi to Qin Tianjian, we need to conduct further analysis and investigation, and there are many ghost drivers, if so."

"I second, I suggest that Chen Xianzhi be recalled to Qin Tianjian."



"I also suggest that Chen Xianzhi be recalled to Qin Tianjian, and isn't he still studying the transformation of human beings into evil spirits recently? After all, Chen Xianzhi is a personal participant, and there are some things that require Chen Xianzhi to come back." The Supreme Master on the main seat nodded slightly and said.

So the tone for the entire meeting has been set.

 Calvin, this volume of Supreme Ghost Domain is over, and the next volume should be the end volume.

(End of this chapter)

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