Reckless through another world

Chapter 771 Dr. Qin's Suspicion

Chapter 771 Dr. Qin's Suspicion
"Ghost energy has been born, and the body has been transformed. It should have acquired the characteristics of immortality." Dr. Gao was holding the panel in his hand, which recorded the data of the death row volunteer in front of him.

Anyway, they will definitely not make the move to release the condemned prisoners. They will never be released, and they will never really have much personal freedom.

When signing the agreement with death row prisoners at the earliest, it was stated that they could only get a little freedom, and such a thing as release was not even considered.

"Wait a little longer, there should be more evil spirits born, and there should be stronger evil spirits among them." Dr. Qin nodded slightly, and left the transforming evil spirit in front of him. Dr. Qin walked to several other evil spirits. In front of the experimental cabin.

The situation in the experimental cabin was similar, those experimental subjects were releasing black ghost energy.

"Doctor, take a look at this, he seems a little different." One of the staff called out to Dr. Qin.

Dr. Qin walked over quickly. The experimental subject in the experimental cabin in front of him seemed to have been skinned. The skin in the body had completely disappeared, revealing the scarlet subcutaneous tissue, bloody and bloody, and even the face so.

He could only see a pair of ordinary eyes, which didn't seem to have been transformed, they were still human eyes, but upon closer inspection, there seemed to be deep malice in the eyes.

Apparently, the person in front of him has already completed his transformation, becoming a vicious ghost with a strength of two stars.

For ordinary innate martial arts, it should be in a state of crushing, but the specific experiment has not been released, and the results are not easy to conclusive, and it is necessary to let artificial evil spirits and real evil spirits fight to get more specific data .

"More powerful power!" Compared with the first man-made evil ghost with corpse spots, this one obviously cares more about his own power. The current power is different from his original power, but he feels that the current power More tyrannical than his previous strength.

"Record the data." Dr. Qin nodded in satisfaction.

From the unmanufacturable anxiety at the beginning to doubts, even Dr. Qin felt that he was on the wrong path. The case of Heiwuchang was probably a coincidence and a special case among special cases, so the whole experiment reached a bottleneck.

Later, the tension and apprehension before the experiment.

Now that he has seen the birth of the artificial evil spirit, Dr. Qin feels more satisfied than all the experiments he has done before. After all, the entire artificial evil ghost plan is comparable to the artificial human emperor, and even more durable and powerful.

"Ask when Chen Xianzhi will come back, we need more blood." Dr. Qin asked Dr. Gao, who was on the side.

"I'll go and ask now." Dr. Gao nodded fiercely. No matter what Chen Xianzhi is, since his blood can create evil spirits, the strategic value of it is obviously more valuable than Chen Mo's single-handed force.

Therefore, Dr. Gao felt that Chen Xianzhi should not have left the Qin Tianjian Research Institute, and he did not need to go to Naoshizi's Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation to fight the extraterritorial demons. As long as Chen Xianzhi was alive, he would be able to generate a steady stream of troops to stop those extraterritorial demons.

Although the heavenly demons rely on the heavenly demon insects to be immortal, the man-made evil spirits are also immortal, although they will be blown up.

But it will recover soon, the ghost energy will be exhausted, and it will recover after death. Compared with the time growth of the demons, it is obvious that the man-made evil ghosts are better.

That's why Dr. Gao felt that it was a waste of money to be a leader like Chen Mo.

Who made Chen Xianzhi like to go, so they didn't urge him. Now that Chen Xianzhi's blood has been confirmed to be useful, they can't let Chen Xianzhi go to be the leader.

This is a strategic resource, if it is gone, it will be a big loss for the entire Shenzhou.


After a while, Dr. Gao walked in from outside the institute with an unbelievable expression on his face, and even his expression became a little more dazed. After seeing Dr. Qin, he grabbed Dr. Qin's arm and said, "Doctor!"

"What's the matter, you look like you've seen a ghost." Dr. Qin asked with some doubts, obviously stimulated.

And when he thought of Dr. Gao urging Chen Xianzhi to come back just now, but now Dr. Gao is like this, Qin Sheng's pupils shrank unavoidably, and he felt uneasy, whether something happened to Chen Xianzhi, or he had already died in battle.

"No, something happened." Qin Sheng immediately became nervous. If something happened to Chen Xianzhi, the experiment could be declared over.

Without Chen Xianzhi's blood, how could the experiment continue.

Dr. Gao shook his head slightly, with a strange look on his face, and then said, "Doctor, you can see for yourself."

Qin Sheng took over the crystal panel, and such a picture was played on the panel.

"Demon Bing Road, is there really something wrong with the Tianzhu Royal Department guarded by Zhenyuan Great Sanctuary? No, it looks like an attack on Tianma." Qin Sheng clicked on the playback, and Chen Mo's call was played on the crystal panel. The scene of Yama with three eyes.

And I also saw that the three-eyed Yan Luo was good at facing the wind, and he actually rose to a kilometer in a short period of time. He was not even satisfied, and directly reached the level of 2000 meters.

"This is...!" Qin Sheng looked at the three-eyed Yama in horror, and lost his voice in shock. The three-eyed Yama in front of him was able to reach such a terrifying situation. His ghostly aura swept the sky, and even the giant ship All the ghost gas meters on the board were beeping, and it seemed that the next meter would explode.

"It's not over yet." Dr. Gao said in his heart. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have thought that Chen Xianzhi's combat power could reach that level, but that's the fact.

The black light ball condensed by the three-eyed Yama on the crystal panel is like a collapsed black hole.

Then it exploded.

Even the screen was annihilated by the black light, and there was no grass growing where it passed. The thick and tall sky demon city wall was razed to the ground in an instant, and the place where the beam of light went was the strong magic soldier road.

After a few breaths, the magic soldier's road began to become dim, and after a few more breaths, with the sound of clicking, the magic soldier's road in front of him was directly torn open by the three-eyed Yama ghost cannon.

Then it was out of control like a river breaking its bank.

The barrier of the Demon Soldiers Road shattered suddenly, and the long bloody road carrying countless demon soldiers not far away also collapsed inch by inch.

"At least it's an evil ghost with a seven-star strength. Is it true that Chen Xianzhi can be strengthened by killing people as expected?" Dr. Qin frowned.

The first feeling was shock, but then, Dr. Qin remembered the previously sealed file instead.

Chen Xianzhi's promotion path was so fast that everyone couldn't react. In the blink of an eye, Chen Xianzhi had already accomplished something that others could not do in a lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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