Reckless through another world

Chapter 772 Your Apprentice May Not Be Human

Chapter 772 Your Apprentice May Not Be Human
It takes a few months for a genius to go from acquired to innate, and it takes several years to grow.

But if one wants to go from innate to heavenly, one needs not only one's own cultivation but also the same state of mind, but Chen Xianzhi's phenomenon is very abnormal, as if there is no bottleneck at all.

After the battle, Chen Xianzhi will be promoted, and he will take one step up from his current level, even several steps up.

Qin Sheng has discovered this problem since he was paying attention to Chen Xianzhi a long time ago and called up the dossier of Chen Xianzhi's road. Today's incident, while shocking him, also reminded Qin Sheng of the sealed case. file.

Of course, the file records Chen Xianzhi's detailed information, and it is also a file for investigating Chen Xianzhi.

Ever since he paid attention to Chen Xianzhi, Qin Sheng has brought out all the files of Chen Xianzhi, and none of them has been pulled down. He may have forgotten some of the things Chen Xianzhi has done now, but Qin Sheng has kept everything It's all in my mind.

The end result of the dossier is just one sentence.

"It is suspected that killing creatures will quickly improve the cultivation level."

Basically no one knows this sentence, only Qin Sheng knows it, and he summed it up by himself, and it is not even written in the file.

Ordinary people can understand one or two bursts, and even three or five bursts are no problem, but Chen Mo's frequent jumps are of the same order, and most of them are jumps after killing many creatures after the war.

Qin Sheng paid attention to this matter.

Looking at it now, not only Chen Xianzhi's strength has improved, but the evil spirit in Chen Xianzhi's body has also improved even more, even reaching the strength of the legendary Seven Stars, which is the strength that can strike the Great Sage horizontally.

Qin Sheng's expression suddenly became serious.

"Chen Xianzhi, what the hell are you?!" Qin Sheng asked in his heart. He really wanted to ask Chen Mo what he was, and why he could have such a terrifying improvement every time he killed a creature.

Just like...

Like a ghost.

"Teacher, Chen Xianzhi should be back soon. The affairs of the Tianzhu King's Department are over, and even the path of the magic soldiers is broken." Dr. Gao said, he has not even come out of the shock right now. .

Their Qin Tianjian Research Institute has also studied the magic soldier road, which is something arranged by the legendary nine-star powerhouse, which can transport soldiers across the barriers of the world, but he didn't expect Chen Xianzhi to be so fierce.

And the evil spirit that was driving was even more vicious.

Dr. Gao even felt that the Great Sage is not necessarily Chen Xianzhi's opponent now, and the evil spirit in the Great Saint is not as strong as the multi-eyed evil spirit.

Qin Sheng came back to his senses all of a sudden, nodded slightly, and quietly put away the thoughts in his heart.

Chen Xianzhi's problems really bothered him, but now it seems that Chen Xianzhi's problems are not a big problem, and even the Qin Tianjian Research Institute still relies on Chen Xianzhi's blood.

It is also very good for Qin Tianjian that Chen Mo can come back sooner.

It's just that people who are not of my race have different hearts.

Maybe it's not a problem now, but after a long time, when Chen Xianzhi can't control it, it will be a big problem. Maybe the source of the blood in Chen Xianzhi's body also comes from this problem.

In other words, Chen Xianzhi himself has problems.

Maybe some high-level evil spirits put on human skin and mixed in with humans.

Or maybe Chen Xianzhi found a way to communicate with the evil spirits, betrayed human beings, and became a traitor.

Of course, maybe Chen Mo doesn't know that he is not a human being.

But thinking of Chen Mo's mental assessment and Chen Mo's answer sheet, both of them show that Chen Xianzhi himself belongs to the human camp, and he is also a human being with a bottom line and principles in his heart.

"Oh!" Qin Sheng secretly sighed in his heart.

Chen Xianzhi was too suspicious.

As a multi-ghost driver, there is no bottleneck, as long as you slaughter creatures, you can be promoted. Even blood has become the key point to create evil ghosts, and the erosion speed of evil ghosts, etc., thinking about those details, Chen Xianzhi is too much. suspicious.

"In the research institute, you and Dr. Wuchang will watch first, and I will go out." Dr. Qin said, and then hurried out of the research institute.

Dr. Gao was a little puzzled, but still nodded, watching his teacher walk out of the research institute and walked to Hei Wuchang's side.

"Doctor Wuchang, let me show you something good." Dr. Gao handed the crystal panel to Heiwuchang who was looking at the experimental cabin.


"Dr. Qin will go to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing, what's the matter today?" Laojun looked at Qin Sheng who was sitting beside him in surprise, and asked.

"There is something that I need to let you know in advance." Qin Sheng nodded slightly. He was so busy every day that he didn't have time to chat with others. If it wasn't because of Chen Xianzhi's problem this time, Qin Sheng wouldn't even know. Come and talk to Laojun.

"Old gentleman, your apprentice may not be human." Qin Sheng organized his words, even hesitated, and finally said it out.

To be honest, Qin Sheng didn't want to tell Laojun about this matter, but as Chen Xianzhi's master, he was also one of the few links between Chen Xianzhi and Qin Tianjian. This matter had to go through Laojun, otherwise, the rest of the matter It's not easy.

The words are not surprising and die endlessly.

The tea that Laojun drank almost spit out in one gulp, and sprayed on Qin Sheng's face opposite him.

"Your apprentice is not human!" Laojun scolded angrily.

"Old gentleman, don't be in a hurry, you can take a look at this first." Qin Sheng set up the crystal panel, which showed Chen Mo controlling the three-eyed Yama. The three-eyed Yama, which was 2000 meters away, shattered the magic soldier's road .

The boundless ghost aura, against which the three-eyed Yama is like ghosts and gods.

"I've watched it a long time ago, and it's a live broadcast. Qin Sheng, you won't just rely on this, right?" The expression on Laojun's face did not change much.

"Of course not."

"And these." Qin Sheng took out the suspicious points one by one, and of course, there is also the file that Qin Sheng sealed up, which was specially analyzed for Chen Xianzhi, and it recorded everything since Chen Xianzhi practiced martial arts.

"Chen Xianzhi, the master of many ghosts, has a very fast promotion speed. In less than four years, he has gone from a scholar who does not know martial arts to the level of a great saint. Even the evil spirits in his body are very low in erosion. There is another point, which was originally a secret. , but I tell you."

"The key to man-made evil spirits is Chen Xianzhi's blood. Only by fusing Chen Xianzhi's blood can artificial evil spirits be produced."

"The Great Sage wants to raise an evil ghost, but he can't even raise it, and even the strongest is only six-star strength, but Chen Xianzhi raises six evil spirits, one has a seven-star strength, and one has a six-star strength, and the remaining four are all strong. It's five-star strength, where does he get his energy, where does his blood come from."

"There is only one thing, he can absorb the blood of the creatures he killed." Qin Sheng said solemnly.

"Geniuses naturally have unique features of geniuses, and the world of Shenzhou needs Chen Xianzhi."

"Everyone has a secret. Whether Chen Xianzhi has it or not, it's not harmful to the entire Shenzhou world." Laojun was actually shaken at this time, but he still firmly defended his apprentice.

"First month, let's see off the guests!" Laojun directly asked his entourage to see off the guests.

"Master, you..."

"see a visitor out!"

(End of this chapter)

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