Reckless through another world

Chapter 773 Maybe The World Is Sick

Chapter 773 Maybe The World Is Sick
After driving Qin Sheng out, Laojun looked at the teacup in front of him. The amber tea in the teacup just reflected Laojun's face.

Looking at the calm and dignified face in the tea, and even frowning slightly, Laojun was in a daze.

"Bada!" The tea cup in front of him was covered by the tea bowl, Laojun didn't say much.

In fact, even if he didn't say anything, the suspicion in Laojun's heart did not dispel. It might be better to say that Laojun was avoiding this question. After all, it was his apprentice who was suspected, and he was an excellent apprentice.

At the beginning, Laojun just thought that Chen Xianzhi should belong to an unborn genius, unparalleled in talent, and the best in a generation.

But it doesn't mean Laojun is a fool, Laojun just pretends to be confused.

Everyone has more or less secrets, and these secrets cannot be known to others. No matter whether it is a great figure or a vicious existence, they actually have secrets that they cannot tell. This will not appear because of personal behavior style. difference.

The kind of person who doesn't have any secrets is either a fool, or not far from a fool.

Laojun just felt that Chen Xianzhi probably had a secret that he couldn't tell.

After all, Chen Mo is a master of many ghosts, and he practiced quickly. If he said that he didn't have any secrets, he would have seen a ghost.

It's just that now that Dr. Qin has made it clear, Laojun has also thought about it carefully.

Chen Xianzhi is too in line with what Qin Sheng said.The cultivation base increases rapidly, and each time it is improved after the war, or after slaughtering many creatures during the war.

He is also a multi-ghost master, able to use multiple evil ghosts, while others can only control one evil ghost.

There is also the problem of Chen Mo's blood.

When I heard the news for the first time, Laojun was also taken aback. Chen Xianzhi's blood was the key to creating evil spirits. Laojun did not expect this, and even began to doubt Chen Mo's identity involuntarily.

As for Qin Sheng who walked out of the hall, Qin Sheng didn't have much dejection on his face, instead he showed some smiles, but these smiles just appeared and were put away by Qin Sheng again.

In fact, Qin Sheng didn't think he could persuade Laojun, because these Laojun would not directly bring Chen Xianzhi back, nor would he arrest Chen Xianzhi.

Moreover, Chen Xianzhi may not be able to do anything with the current force, but it is better to cut flesh with a blunt knife.

As long as doubts are left, a seed has been planted in Laojun's heart, and this seed will inevitably take root and germinate after the soil of doubt.

When this seed of doubt grows into a towering tree, Laojun will definitely become more and more suspicious, and maybe in the end he will cooperate with Qin Tianjian to suppress Chen Xianzhi.

After leaving quickly, Dr. Qin went straight to the research institute. There was still a lot of experimental data waiting to be collected in the research institute. Everything was very busy. Of course, the most important thing was to save the world of Shenzhou, and everything else could be put aside.

On the way back, the more Qin Sheng thought about it, the more he felt that Chen Xianzhi's identity was extraordinary.

"It may be that ghosts control people, or that Chen Xianzhi is actually a human being, but has the characteristics of evil spirits. Chen Xianzhi should not have the characteristics of immortality. I don't know without experiments. It is really a creation." Qin Qinsheng said There was a smile on his face, it was a kind of longing, even a little crazy in the paranoia.

Standing on the deck of the giant ship, Chen Mo watched the giant ship slowly leave the Tianzhu Ghost Domain. Strange to say, Chen Mo felt a faint throbbing, as if the ghost domain in front of him was a living thing, and it looked like Like a demon that chooses to devour people.

But the other party was very stable, just watching Chen Mo quietly, and then with the boundless ghostly aura coming back, the giant ship had already left the Tianzhu King's Department.

"Zhou Tian Xingdou big array, 360 five nodes, if the world of Shenzhou is a world of middle and high martial arts level, it is true for ordinary martial arts, but Shenzhou itself is a huge ghost domain, which can create such If the existence of Huangquan is not a nine-star-strength evil ghost, then it is a real ghost."

Chen Mo murmured in his heart.

Nine is extremely numerous, and the nine-star powerhouse is already an existence standing on the top of thousands of worlds, let alone the nine-star evil ghost.

Chen Mo smashed the demon soldiers with the three-eyed Yan Luo with seven-star strength, which showed the tyranny of the evil spirits, and human martial arts could not be compared with them.

Immortality is immortality, killing is promotion, if thousands of evil spirits walk out of Shenzhou, Chen Mo doesn't know if there is anything in this world that can stop evil spirits.

Chen Mo felt it quietly. Because of the promotion of Yama with Three Eyes, Chen Mo himself could feel the ghostly aura even more majestic, and he could feel more clearly the powerful evil spirits entrenched in Shenzhou.

They do not interfere with each other, and even many evil spirits among them are still shrinking their territory.

More are hidden in human martial arts, as long as someone triggers their killing rules, they will be killed.

"This supreme ghost domain is really a huge cage, not only restricting countless human martial arts, but also restricting countless evil spirits." Scarlet red flashed in Chen Mo's calm eyes, and the ghost eyes flickered slightly .

Chen Mo, who had already stood at the pinnacle of the Shenzhou world, saw the tyranny of the evil spirits. This kind of horror was not comparable to that of the heavenly demons.

Although celestial demons are considered immortal, they will eventually be consumed, and some celestial demons cannot get celestial demon insects to revive them because they have no resources. Like celestial demons, invaders of thousands of worlds, what they want is not just to continue The life in one's own world is also for plundering resources.

It's just that they should have found the wrong world this time. The strongest in this world is not human beings, but something more terrifying, but they haven't felt the horror of these things yet.

"Maybe Heaven is sick." Chen Mo sighed. The existence of evil spirits is too contrary to common sense. If the evil spirits are allowed to expand steadily, all places in the world where there are humans will be slowly eroded, even if you become an angel of ghosts. It's just lingering on, relying on the power of evil spirits to resist evil spirits.

Even the ghost master itself is an unstable existence, parasitized by evil spirits, and using the power of evil spirits is also being assimilated by evil spirits, and will only become the nourishment of evil spirits in the end.

If you want to live, you must keep practicing and keep moving forward.

Evil ghosts are like cancer cells, and now they are only restricted by the Supreme Ghost Realm. If the Heavenly Demon opens the Ghost Realm and releases horror, they won't want to know.

"If you want to continue walking, you have to release the evil spirits, and if you release the evil spirits, you have to harm the heavens and the world. Hahaha, this is a dilemma."

"Thinking about something?" Zhang Changsheng asked.

"Well, I'm thinking about the future of the Shenzhou world and the future of martial arts." Chen Mo grinned.

On the other hand, Zhang Changsheng was quite helpless. He had a premonition that he had a chance in the Tianzhu King's Department, so he came here. He didn't expect that the war would end immediately after he came. Dreamy feeling.

Following Chen Xianzhi, unexpected things can always happen.This is the truth that Zhang Changsheng himself summed up.

(End of this chapter)

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