Reckless through another world

Chapter 775 Half the Survival Rate

Chapter 775 Half the Survival Rate
Chen Mo remained calm on the surface, but he thought of one thing. The empress had sent him a letter asking him to go to Beiyun Prefecture again. Originally, Chen Mo thought it was the empress who missed him, but after thinking about it carefully, the empress seemed to have said about him a long time ago. importance.

"I know Master, I will investigate clearly." Chen Mo nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, whether it was a human or a ghost, it didn't change or affect Chen Mo much.

First chatted some words, and some subtle attitude of Qin Tianjian.

Laojun is at ease, as long as Chen Mo is still the ghost emissary of the Qin Tianjian, and Chen Xianzhi is running around for the survival of the Shenzhou world, then there is no need to find out the truth about other things, and he can even be somewhat confused.

About half an hour later, Chen Mo stood up and said goodbye.

"Xianzhi, don't be too brave, the master is not dead yet." Seeing that Chen Mo was about to walk out of the hall, Laojun said.

Chen Mo's footsteps paused slightly, then he smiled, turned around and saluted, "I understand."

Walking out of the main hall, the smile on Chen Xianzhi's face gradually disappeared. His blood is the key to creating evil spirits. Now that his strength has broken through again, Qin Tianjian's attitude towards him seems a little subtle.

Moreover, Chen Mo himself didn't want to deal with Dr. Qin. Chen Mo always felt that the other party's gaze was very strange sometimes. Dr. Qin's gaze was like looking at an experimental subject on the dissection table.

Although he had a lot of contact with Dr. Qin, Chen Mo didn't give Qin Sheng the tissue on his body. Sure enough, when he gave it this time, the other party seemed to notice something.

Although the other party did not speculate on the existence of the attribute panel, after all, the attribute panel is too incredible.

But the other party also made a rough idea of ​​the source of Chen Mo's own strength, and even accidentally linked Chen Mo's behavior of killing life and absorbing energy and blood with evil ghosts.

If Chen Mo didn't know that he has an attribute panel, Chen Mo would have thought that his own was an evil ghost in human skin.

"I still have to go to Beiyun Prefecture. The empress should know something. Maybe she can figure out my identity. As for finding the ghost-level evil spirit who created the Shenzhou World Ghost Domain, let's let it go."

"No matter how you look at it, I feel that the Lord of the Underworld is not a good existence." Chen Mo thought in his heart, he wanted to go to the Hades, but the evil ghost Lord of the Underworld last time gave Chen Mo a lot of oppression, Chen Mo has He had a hunch that the map of the underworld was not small, and the other party was so secretive that he even used the evil ghost avatar for the conversation.

Not to mention the strength of the Underworld Lord, at least the strength of the evil ghosts is top-notch in the world.

Moreover, the method of controlling evil spirits in the underworld is obviously different from that of ordinary ghost emissaries.

So Chen Mo plans to wait for some time and prepare adequately. At least he has to wait until he advances to the Great Sage, with full strength and good luck. Even if he finds that ghost-level evil ghost, he will have some strength to control it. This kind of evil spirit doesn't need to make everything into someone else's wedding dress because of lack of strength.

In the world of Shenzhou, the Great Sage rank is the apex. Chen Mo has already stepped into the Great Sage with half of his feet, and the remaining half is still at the peak of the third turn. At this time, it is better to wait for the trouble of the underworld. Anyway, there is plenty of time.

There is a difference between recklessness and giving away a head. If you wait two more days and you won't die, why be so anxious.

"Chen Xianzhi is back?" Dr. Qin's expression brightened.

"Return to the doctor, Chen Chashen has arrived at the research institute."


"Forget it, I'll invite you." Dr. Qin rushed out to greet her.

"Chen catcher came back so quickly." Dr. Qin couldn't hide the joy on his face.

After all, Chen Mo is an important part of the evil ghost test, and it is very important for Qin Sheng to ensure the existence of Chen Mo himself. Although Dr. Qin also wants to know what Chen Mo himself is, but now is not the time to explore.

And even if you want to explore, you can get those body tissues donated by Chen Xianzhi, and you don't need to dissect them directly.

So Chen Mo is very happy to be able to come back to Dr. Qin.

"Troubleshoot Dr. Qin's idea. The Tianzhu King's Department has something to do, so I'll be back. I don't know how far the experiment of turning into a ghost has progressed." Chen Mo cupped his hands and fisted. Some disgusted.

But fortunately, he only told his master, which shows that Qin Sheng didn't want to break up the relationship, but a show of intimacy, otherwise, Qin Sheng could have directly reported his guess to the Great Sage Council.

So it can't be said that the other party is wrong. Although Chen Mo felt a little upset in his heart, the other party did it very thoughtfully.

Chen Mo is upright and aboveboard. He always asks why he does things. He can't just turn his back on the other party's guess, let alone forbid the other party's thoughts.

So Chen Mo didn't show much else, he was just following a normal form.

Come by as usual and ask some experimental questions.

Dr. Qin is also a human being, and at first glance, he knew that Laojun had already told Chen Mo about the conjecture, but looking at Chen Mo's current appearance, it seemed that he was not affected by the evil spirit in his body, and Dr. Qin was amazed instead.

But it's a good thing not to be affected by the evil spirits, and this actually shows the peculiarity of Chen Mo, so Dr. Qin is more interested.

"Chen catches the inside, the experiment has been preliminarily completed." Dr. Qin said with a smile.

Chen Mo followed Dr. Qin into the research institute, passed through many gates, and came to the experimental site. There are hundreds of experimental cabins inside, many of which are already empty, while some of the experimental cabins are full of ghostly aura.

You can even see many scarlet ghost eyes.

Hei Wuchang, Dr. Gao and others on the side were still paying attention to the changes in the data. When they saw Chen Mo coming in, their faces were filled with joy and amazement. It was an emotion of 'finally seeing a living person'.

After all, they saw Chen Mo's deeds in the Tianzhu King's Department, and of course they knew Chen Xianzhi's fighting power. Even now that Chen Mo walked in, he didn't look like a martial artist, but like a terrifying evil ghost.

"Dr. Gao, tell Chen Chushen about the experimental data." Dr. Qin said.

"Yes, doctor." Dr. Gao excitedly walked to Chen Mo's side and slid the crystal panel in his hand.

"There are a total of 47 experimental subjects, [-] of which survived, and one with a four-star strength..."

"47% survival rate, and there are four-star strength man-made evil spirits." Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, almost half of the survival rate, such a probability is already very high, not to mention there are four-star strength Demons appear.

Although there are also reasons because it is the strong one who destroys the earth.

"So, in fact, my blood played a very important role?" Chen Mo asked suddenly, looking at Heiwuchang while talking, and at the same time glanced at Weihui who was not far away.

He didn't expect Wei Hui to be the first thing he thought of. It can only be said that the battle on the battlefield left a deep impression on Wei Hui and the others.

"That's right, God-catching blood is the key, even me..." Hei Wuchang talked about what happened back then.

Chen Mo showed a pensive look.

"I will keep a lot of blood, but if you let me be a blood-making machine, then Qin Tianjian will be disappointed." Chen Mo grinned.

(End of this chapter)

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