Reckless through another world

Chapter 776 Planning ahead

Chapter 776 Planning ahead
Hearing Chen Mo's words, Dr. Qin and the others didn't have any big reactions, and they even guessed this ending a long time ago.

No one would willingly become a hematopoietic machine without freedom.

What's more, they were facing Chen Xianzhi, the strongest creature on the surface in the world of Shenzhou. He would not choose to imprison himself in the Qin Tianjian, his ambition was not here.

"No, I have blocked the news. Except for the researchers in the laboratory, the only ones who know about this news are Laojun and you." Dr. Qin said with a smile.

Although he said he didn't mind, Dr. Qin actually didn't give up his research on Chen Mo.

It was just that Chen Mo brought it up out of the blue, and Chen Mo's attitude was still very firm, so they couldn't force Chen Mo to stay.

Even if they want to keep Chen Mo, they won't be able to, so it's better to have a better attitude.

"However, in order to be able to create more evil spirits to save the world of Shenzhou, we really need the blood of Chen Catcher, and Catcher is so good, maybe it can be inherited by future generations, and we need to make a contribution from Catcher." Dr. Qin said awe-inspiringly .

"Inherited." Chen Mo murmured, his genes might really be inherited.

"Shen catcher, don't you know your own situation? Your blood is the key to creating evil spirits, and we also saw a grimace in the blood of catcher gods. Maybe there is an evil ghost hiding in your body. Or..." Dr. Qin didn't finish speaking, but stopped and looked at Chen Mo.

"Or, I am a hidden evil spirit, isn't it?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, with a smile on his face, and said that he took out two mint leaves from the mustard bag and put them in his mouth. Thinking about it, Dr. Qin's suspicion also has its reasons.

As soon as this remark came out, Dr. Gao and the others were taken aback for a moment.

There are not many people in the research institute, just a few. After all, it needs to be kept secret, and these people are enough.

Except for Dr. Qin and Hei Wuchang, everyone was a little surprised, but in a blink of an eye they suppressed the surprise in their eyes. Doubts were just doubts. Bold guesses and careful verification were the scientific attitude Dr. Qin had always warned them about.

It's not unacceptable for an evil ghost in human skin to hide in the human world, it's just a feeling of fear.

After all, no one knows if the person next to him is still joking with him, or even the very familiar person has already been replaced by the evil spirit. If you think about it carefully, you will feel fear to some extent.

So this suspicion only made them feel the chill in their backs, and even felt that the temperature around them had dropped a lot, and they felt a slight shuddering feeling, except for some creepy feelings and a faint sense of fear when they thought about it, there was nothing else.

On the contrary, Heiwuchang's ghostly eyes flashed with excitement. Although he was also afraid, he was more fanatic. Anyway, he would not die as an evil ghost.

Since you won't die, you can die like crazy.

"It's possible, but judging from the current performance, this suspicion is not tenable. Instead, I suspect that there is another evil ghost that has not shown itself." Dr. Qin shook his head slightly.

There was no abnormality in Chen Mo's vital signs. Even the entire research institute mobilized and found no abnormality in Chen Mo. If Chen Mo himself was also a ghost, he should have reacted a long time ago.

Although Dr. Qin didn't guess the truth, Chen Mo was still shocked. There is no shortage of smart people in this world.

The other party has already analyzed the source of part of Chen Mo's strength from those cases.

"Let's look at the ghost face in the blood first." Chen Mo didn't hesitate, as long as his strength is real, he doesn't need to think too much about the rest, as unreasonable guesses will make him neurotic.

"God catcher, please."

Chen Mo nodded, and followed Dr. Qin to another connected laboratory, with white walls, countless precision instruments, and bursts of flickering talisman patterns. With the development of talisman technology to this level, Shenzhou World is still Very level.

And not only the talisman technology, but also large-scale instruments, which have initially formed a system.

"Excuse me, chief arrester, let some blood come out." Dr. Qin said.

Chen Mo controlled the blood in his body to seep out from under the skin and drip directly onto the petri dish of the microscope.

After controlling the instrument, Dr. Qin signaled to Chen Mo that he could read it.

Chen Mo leaned forward and looked at the blood under the instrument.The blood wriggled slowly as if it was alive, but the lines of the cells formed a grimace, as if it was natural.

It's not like looking at something else and suddenly a scary grimace pops out in front of the screen.

That kind of horror is just the horror of being taken aback, and then you will know and be prepared, and you won't feel much horror when you look at it again.

It's just that it's there, it's just that it was discovered by someone.

The faint sense of terror that it exudes makes people feel that it is about to come out of it and come to the side of the observer. When it blows gently with a "huh", there is a chill around the neck, and the cold death slows down. Slowly occupy the brain.

Chen Mo frowned, this thing is really weird, Chen Mo himself didn't know there was this thing in his body.

"Is it just in the blood, is there any other tissues?" Chen Mo raised his head and asked Dr. Qin who was beside him.

"Yes, after knowing that there are ghost faces in the blood, I have stepped up to study other tissues, all of which have them, and all of them have their eyes closed, with a faint smile on their lips." Dr. Qin nodded and said solemnly.

At the same time, Dr. Qin was observing Chen Mo's expression.

Seeing the look on Chen Mo's face, Dr. Qin couldn't help but doubt that Chen Mo really didn't know.

"What are these things, are they evil spirits or a symptom?" Chen Mo felt uneasy, but he was suppressed by Yuanshen instead. The more stable he is at this time, the more he must not panic, so Chen Mo directly expresses his uneasiness. It was suppressed.

"do not know."

"The time is too short, and there are not enough experimental materials, and I don't know what these things are." Dr. Qin shook his head.

He really didn't know, from the moment he knew there was a grimace in Chen Xianzhi's body to when Chen Mo came back, he couldn't even get the test results, let alone know those circumstances.

Chen Mo took a deep breath and grinned. No matter what the grimace is, it seems that his body does hide some secrets, some secrets that even he doesn't know.

But this is also normal, after all, Chen Mo has traveled through, and still has the original attribute panel, if there is no secret, then it is hell.

"Check it out for me." Chen Mo nodded.

At the same time, a sense of urgency also rose in Chen Mo's heart. The plan to control the god-level ghosts in Shenzhou has to be advanced. Only Chen Mo with power can feel at ease.

And now it seems that everyone can transform evil spirits, but he can't. After all, after he becomes an evil spirit, whether his blood will be useful or not is another matter. Qin Tianjian will not gamble.

(End of this chapter)

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