Reckless through another world

Chapter 777 I'm Not Interested In Rights

Chapter 777 I'm Not Interested In Rights

Dr. Qin left soon, and the experiment of demonization still needs to be followed up. There is not much time to waste, and it is enough to find a professional for blood drawing.

"How much?"

Chen Mo looked at the tall empty jars erected not far away, with a strange expression on his face. Although the blood in Chen Mo's body was flowing continuously, so many large jars taller than a person were still transparent. It looks a little creepy.

If it were an ordinary person, he might not even be able to smoke half a can.

"This is fucking terrible." Chen Mo pursed his lips and said.

"Until the pumping capacity is full, Chen Tunshen's cultivation at the peak of the three turns, the vitality and blood in his body are already extraordinary, and he can't draw much if he is full." Shangguan Ziyun sat with Erlang's legs crossed, adjusting the surrounding instruments .

"Isn't Catching God afraid?" Shangguan Ziyun said with a sweet smile, walked to Chen Mo's side, and fixed the needles on Chen Mo's blood vessels.

Five needles are secured to one arm.

"Suck it." Chen Mo lay on the bed peacefully, not only his arms, but needles all over his body.

When Chen Mo liberated the ghost energy around his body, his blood surged rapidly.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it began to fill the glass jar not far away.

Fortunately, although Chen Mo's current body looks small, there is a lot of blood in his body, just because he is suppressed and compressed by his body.

If Chen Mo releases all the boosting skills and can even reach a body of a thousand meters, how can such a terrifying body lose too much blood, so Chen Mo feels that these are just bluffing, but they can't draw much blood from him.

It's just a pity that Chen Mo is still too young.

The speed of drawing blood is very fast, a glass jar is filled within a few breaths, and Chen Mo has an unknown number of needles in his body, an unknown number of glass jars are filled within a few breaths, one person tall, The thick glass jar with both arms folded quickly filled with blood.

On the other hand, Shangguan Ziyun was quite surprised. Although he knew that the blood contained in Chen Mo's body was as vast as the sea, he usually only saw Chen Mo, and he didn't have much experience of value.

Now, the glass jars have been filled one by one, and half of the tens of thousands of jars prepared have been filled, but Chen Mo's aura is still as stable as Mount Tai, and he doesn't mean to waver at all.

Looking at the green dots filling up one by one on the screen, Shangguan Ziyun was amazed.

"Prepare twice as many containers." Shangguan Ziyun took out the sound transmission token and said.


I don't know how long it has passed. When Chen Mo was bleeding, he was practicing by the way, and it didn't waste time. Moreover, because of the blood circulation, Chen Mo felt that his body seemed to be lighter.

Isn't it light? Most of the blood in the body has been sucked out. Anyone will feel light, and even feel like floating.

"It's ready." Shangguan Ziyun's voice sounded.

Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes and sat up from the instrument.

When Chen Mo stepped off the instrument, he felt that his feet were as soft as stepping on cotton, his body and face were all pale, even his face was very bad, and his lips lost their color.

Thinking of him, the ghost-controlling envoy who was at the peak of the third turn, half of his foot stepped into the existence of the great sage, but his footsteps were drawn weakly. One can imagine how much blood Qin Tianjian had drawn from him.

Chen Mo felt that his blood was enough for Qin Tianjian to last more than ten years.

"I'm not saying it's not a blood-making machine, but it's really a sheep's wool." Chen Mo looked at Shangguan Ziyun and said.

Anyway, they were old acquaintances, and they were too ruthless, and Chen Mo heard Shangguan Ziyun say that he would double the containers when he was on the way.

"It's okay, you're very strong, the blood is just drizzle. Come on, drink it." Shangguan Ziyun pursed his lips and smiled, which was indeed a little unreasonable, but Chen Mo was not affected much, after all, the blood was kept as well , How good it is to use.

Speaking of which, Shangguan Ziyun handed Chen Mo a cup of potion that had been prepared long ago.

"what is this?"

"Replenishing Qi and blood."

Chen Mo drank it all in one gulp, smashed it, and it still tasted sweet. As soon as the potion entered his stomach, Chen Mo's face suddenly looked better, with a little rosy.

"Good stuff." Chen Mo said unsatisfactorily.

"I'm going to leave first if I have nothing to do, there are still a lot of troublesome things waiting to be dealt with." Chen Mo put on his robe and put the black God-catching robe on his body.


After leaving the research room, it is the test base for demonization. Seeing Chen Mo coming up, Dr. Qin put down the crystal panel in his hand and said, "It will take a while for the results to be tested."

"Just let me know the result as soon as possible." Chen Mo nodded, and walked out of the research institute after speaking.

There is no way to expect more things. If the grimace in the body is not harmful, let's leave it for now. The most urgent thing is the extraterrestrial demon, and only by killing the extraterritorial demon can we rest assured to do research.

And Chen Mo felt that although the grimace in the blood looked weird, it seemed to be no different from usual.

"Perhaps we can give Hades an experimental sample and ask them to do a test." After leaving the research institute, Chen Mo thought about it, but shook his head slightly. , they care more about the ghost-level evil spirit who created the world of Shenzhou.

And it just so happened that Chen Mo also cared about that ghostly ghost, so other things can actually be put aside for now.

Back in his God-Catching Hall, Chen Mo took a hearty bath of fragrant soup, leaned against the tub in relaxation, stared at a stack of folded towels on his forehead, and the surrounding water was steaming.


"Master, what's the matter?" Chen Mo held the sound transmission token in his hand, and Laojun was on the other side.

"The Great Sage Council is meeting, and you are invited to attend. Maybe you will be selected as the No. 20 Great Sage." Laojun's voice came from the other side.

"Hehe, master, you know me, I'm not interested in rights." Chen Mo said with a smile, Chen Mo never valued his own identity, only strength is what Chen Mo valued, after all, a high position without his own strength is more impressive happy.

And that's very tiring, Chen Mo is just a pure martial artist, and he only wants to be a pure martial artist.

Could it be that Chen Xianzhi is not Chen Xianzhi because of his position?Maybe it's because Chen Xianzhi doesn't have a single position, so he's not him anymore.

These are all foreign objects, only what belongs to oneself is the most important.

Therefore, Chen Mo is very indifferent to those matters of fighting for power and profit, as long as they don't get in his way, just toss around casually.

Laojun laughed, he knew Chen Mo very well, Chen Mo really had such an indifferent temperament, he didn't care about fame and fortune at all, and it was even more so now that he became the Seven Star Ghost Emissary.

A detached state of mind can always make him go further. This is one of the reasons why Chen Mo can improve so quickly.

"I have to participate anyway."

"I see."

(End of this chapter)

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