Reckless through another world

Chapter 778 The Promise Fulfilled

Chapter 778 The Promise Fulfilled

Speaking of Chen Xianzhi, the old gentleman is satisfied, not only satisfied with Chen Xianzhi's cultivation and fighting power, but also satisfied with Chen Xianzhi's behavior.

Now hearing what Chen Mo said, Lao Jun found that he had not misread this apprentice from the beginning to the end, whether it was when he was weak or when he had become the most powerful creature in Shenzhou on the bright side.

Chen Xianzhi is still Chen Xianzhi, and has never changed.

This is what Laojun is most satisfied with. Chen Xianzhi may be very persistent in his cultivation, but as a warrior, if he doesn't even have the heart to go further, then what's the use of practicing martial arts?
Chen Mo's persistence is actually a good character.

Many seniors in the rivers and lakes have only practiced to a certain level, and they feel that they are almost done, so they don't go further in exploring martial arts, and even accept apprentices to open the mountain gate to spread their own martial arts.

It's not that Chen Mo felt that they made a mistake in accepting apprentices to preach, but that as warriors, they shouldn't stop looking for the way forward.

Martial arts practitioners are like sailing against the current, if they do not advance, they will retreat.

Many people do not practice martial arts for the sake of practicing martial arts.

Part of it is for revenge, part of it is to get ahead, and part of it is a family heirloom.

In order to be able to go further, there are too few warriors, they no longer explore, stand still, and even build the martial arts into a cultural circle of hello, me, hello, everyone, and seniority.

Chen Mo does advocate Taoism, but Chen Mo also recognizes the principles of Buddhism, even after thousands of years of Confucian culture, Chen Mo himself is biased towards Confucianism, which is something inherited in his bones.

It is also because of this that Chen Mo is more pure when the three religions are integrated into one.

That's right, it is pure, a pure walker, a person who understands the Tao.

So Chen Mo doesn't like it and doesn't bother to let Chen Mo discuss seniority and establish a good relationship.

Sitting in the lobby, Chen Mo quietly waited for the opening of the Great Sage Council.

With the change of the sound transmission token, the scene in front of him also changed. Nineteen phantoms sat around the long stone table, and everyone looked at the newcomer Chen Mo.

"Chen Xianzhi, the God of the God Catchment Gate, has seen all the great sages." Chen Mo got up and saluted.

No matter what, etiquette is always thoughtful. Chen Mo is not the kind of person who looks at people with his nostrils. He will only be arrogant in battle. He usually looks like a gentle and elegant scholar. concentrated.

"This is Chen Xianzhi!" Such words appeared in the hearts of the sitting great sages. It's not that they haven't seen Chen Xianzhi before, but they saw it from other places. It's the first time they actually saw Chen Xianzhi.
They were all looking at Chen Mo, looking at the gentle-looking young man in black God-catching robes, they couldn't help but nodded slightly.

In any case, although Chen Mo looks awe-inspiring, but the courtesy he should have is not bad at all, and the whole person's appearance is also very good, even the great sage always judges people with eyes first, so it is natural to look good Can make a good impression first.

"The undefeated King of Hades, Chen Xianzhi, is indeed an unrivaled genius."

"Yes, Laojun has taken in a good apprentice."

"With Chen Catching God here, this is the blessing of Shenzhou."


Every word and every word of the people, the tone of their voices revealed their praise for Chen Mo, and they even slightly cupped their hands to congratulate Laojun.

The old gentleman returned the salute one by one with a smile, the smile on his face could not be covered up, how could he miss such a good time to pretend, the great sage is also a human being, and he must be showing off to his outstanding apprentice .

Even the powerful people in the Romance of the Gods are like this to their disciples, let alone the great saints.

None of the great saints objected, and everyone agreed that Chen Mo would become the No. 20 great saint of the Great Saint Council. He could even choose a royal family to guard at random, or he might stay in the Qin Tianjian, but they were all rejected by Chen Mo. Refused.

Chen Mozhi is not here.

The whole process was very smooth, and there were no different opinions.

After seeing Chen Xianzhi's strength, all the Great Sages had no intention of objecting, and they couldn't object anyway. Fighting alone, who else is Chen Xianzhi's opponent now?

As the Great Saints in the Great Saint Council, they are all old monsters, and they play very well with compromise tactics. After all, politics is a game of compromise, and their ultimate goal is to defeat the Great World of Demons. Even more stupid.

And Chen Mo's temperament of indifference to fame and fortune made the great saints like it even more. How wonderful is this kind of martial idiot who doesn't want anything.

So no one objected, which also made the whole process very smooth, and the proposal was finalized after some courtesy.

In fact, even without this name, Chen Mo would not think too much about it. The functions of each part are different. Chen Mo himself knows that he is not a capable decision maker, so it is enough for him to have a name.

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing, no matter which world it is, his own strength is the most important and the simplest thing.

This is especially true in this high-armed world, where personal force is the most important measure.

After the meeting, Chen Mo went to Laojun to explain his intention to leave, but said that he would go to the world of mortals to find a chance for him to become a great sage.

Laojun agreed with a smile, and did not expose Chen Mo's lie.

After all, Chen Mo can become a great sage as long as he retreats for a period of time, and he doesn't need to look for opportunities in the world of mortals.But since all his apprentices said so, as a master, he pretended to be confused and didn't expose Chen Mo.

Afterwards, Chen Mo contacted Chu Kuangge and had a drink.

Although Chu Kuangge's talent is also peerless, but in such a short period of time, he has only reached the peak of the first rank, and is about to enter the second rank.

Chu Kuangge smiled and told Chen Mo that he was surpassed. Although he felt uncomfortable, when he thought of Chen Xianzhi, he suddenly became enlightened.

When leaving, Chu Kuangge told Chen Mo that rigidity is easy to break, not to be too stubborn in everything, and not to be too strong.

Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

Then I went to the research institute to take a look at the old Taoist priest. The souls of the Great Sage Withered Bones and the old Taoist priest were still inseparable.

Even if he woke up, he would either fight for his body with the Great Sage Zhenwu, or he could just watch quietly.

Chen Mo sighed slightly, no matter what, he was the pioneer of a road. Chen Mo admired the fearless spirit of the old Taoist priest, but Chen Mo himself would not do such a thing.

"I have already said, give me time, and I will surpass them." Chen Mo said with a complicated look on his face. Back then, he did not have the strength to stop the plans of the eight peerless sects. Now that he has the strength, things are people. No.

After finishing speaking, Chen Mo left the research institute, and instead of boarding the giant ship, he directly chose to shoot the shuttle.

The shooting shuttle is much faster than the giant ship. If it is released accurately, it should be able to reach Beiyun Prefecture in a while.

"Beiyun Prefecture." Chen Mo said.


The shuttle flew out of Qin Tianjian, turned into a meteor and went straight to Beiyun Prefecture.

The shuttle dragged its long tail in the sky, pierced through thousands of clouds, and crashed down.

(End of this chapter)

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