Reckless through another world

Chapter 779 Beiyun Prefecture Meets the Empress

Chapter 779 Beiyun Prefecture Meets the Empress
The shuttle fell with a bang, and the surrounding earth and rocks splashed, and half of the mountain was directly blasted to pieces.

Feeling such a shock, the monsters fled in all directions.

The chosen place was originally a place with few living creatures, so it didn't cause any casualties, but the movement was too loud. Although it was not as good as a meteorite, hitting the shuttle was almost equivalent to a small meteorite landing.

"Crack!" The front door of the shuttle in front of you opened,

Evaporating white steam emanates from the inside of the shuttle.

"It's fast, but there's too much movement." Chen Mo waved his hand, and the steam in front of him was waved away, revealing a pair of slightly scarlet eyes.

There was still a little bit of scorched earth on the ground, which was the long scratches caused by the shuttle flying down. Chen Mo put the shuttle in front of him into the mustard bag.

Looking up, there will be meteors shining in the sky from time to time, a few are shooting shuttles, and most are extraterrestrial demons.

"I'm back again." Chen Mo sighed. Although he didn't leave for a long time, he returned to the ground of Shenzhou again.

A faint fear and coercion emanated from Chen Mo's body. Chen Mo found the right direction, rose from the ground with a bang, and turned into a stream of light and went straight to Yunding Tiangong in Beiyun Prefecture.

In the Yunding Heavenly Palace, the empress lay lazily on her side on the throne, and there were stacks of memorial-like things on the table in front of her.

And the Empress quickly read these one by one and then commented.

The huge Yunding Tiangong is still operating in an orderly manner. All the weirdness in the entire Beiyun State, but all those who are born with wisdom will join the Yunding Tiangong. Beiyun Prefecture is managed by Yunding Tiangong like an independent kingdom of Weird.

"Huh?" The empress who was watching the memorial was slightly stunned, and there was an extremely familiar but particularly domineering aura that came straight to Yunding Tiangong.

It's just that the other party came very secretly and didn't disturb the other people on the Yunding Tiangong. It seemed that they were almost there in the blink of an eye.

Chen Mo in the sky took a step forward, and the whole person appeared at the entrance of the hall.

"Who dares to trespass into the Empress' Palace!" shouted the two elders in the hall. They only saw a vague black shadow. When the other party came, the boundless ghost energy in his body surged and rolled like dark clouds in the sky.

Moreover, although the scarlet in the black mist flashed by, it was as majestic and terrifying as the sea of ​​tides. As long as you took a look at it, you would feel like you were in the vortex of evil spirits.

The ferocious ghost hand seemed to have reached out to them.

"Elder Ming, Elder Hui, you are safe and sound." A calm and gentle voice sounded, as if they were very familiar with these elders.

Elder Ming still looks like a woman in palace attire. She looks more than 30 years old, with a look of surprise on her goose egg face. However, Elder Ming seems to have made a turn after such a long time. Wonderland.

Another elder, Chen Mo, has also met her before. The other elder has been standing beside the empress, she doesn't talk much, and she is taciturn, but her cultivation level is not low at all.

Riches and honors do not return to their hometowns like traveling at night in brocade clothes. Although Chen Mo is not considered returning to his hometown, after all, his wife's home is still half of his hometown.

If it wasn't because Chen Mo likes to keep a low profile, maybe the entire Yunding Tiangong would be shocked just by appearing on the stage.

"This voice?!" Elder Ming and Elder Hui were startled at the same time, and their hearts were shocked. Of course they would not forget such a familiar voice, and they had clearly recognized the owner of the voice.

The surrounding ghost energy surged, and the ghost energy around Chen Mo's body faded away, revealing Chen Mo's own face.

Chen Mo had a smile on his face. He was dressed in a black god-catching civil and military robe. His tall and straight figure was even more extraordinary, and his long and narrow Danfeng eyes were curved into crescent moons with a smile.

"I've met my uncle." The elders and elders of Ming had surprise expressions on their faces, and they were immediately relieved, and hurriedly saluted and said hello.

Such a terrifying aura, just by taking a look at it, I feel that I am facing the endless horror of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Now I see that it is their uncle. It is unbelievable. It seems that Chen Cai was a heavenly man when Longhushan separated. His cultivation base, although coercive and terrifying, is not like it is now.

Now Chen Xianzhi's whole body is like a vortex of evil spirits, suppressing endless evil spirits in his body, and the pressure of the body protection alone makes them unable to move.

This is because Chen Mo restrained his aura. If Chen Mo released all the fear and coercion, the masters in the tribulation period would be suppressed and unable to move, and they would be deeply terrified.

The most primitive fear originating from the body is irresistible to any creature, whether it is a human being or a martial artist.

Now even those terrifying evil spirits will take a detour when they see Chen Mo.

"Hey." Chen Mo clasped his fists slightly and smiled.Hearing the names of the two, Chen Mo also glanced at the empress, but the empress's expression did not change as usual.

Chen Mo pursed his lips and said in his heart, "It's still the same, very arrogant."

"Okay, you guys go down first." The empress waved her hand lazily, holding a memorial in her hand.

The two elders and the surrounding maids who couldn't even notice Chen Xianzhi's existence hurriedly exited the hall after hearing what the empress said, but the two elders who walked out of the hall looked at each other and smiled, and then tacitly sent all the maids and guards around dismissed.

"Madam is doing well these days." Chen Mo strode up.

"The concubine is all well." The Empress smiled, Chen Mo's polite manner was really interesting, of course, if Chen Xianzhi's paws could be more peaceful, the Empress might really believe Chen Xianzhi's nonsense.

Chen Mo sat directly on the throne, and immediately embraced the empress, who was lying on Chen Mo's lap.

The empress was not short in the first place, she was leaning sideways on the throne, and she was wearing ordinary clothes, which could show her curves.

"Don't make trouble, there are still memorials that I haven't finished reading." The empress's jade hand caught Chen Xianzhi's big hand on her waist, and it was even slowly climbing.

Chen Mo directly took the memorial from the Empress' hands and put it on the table beside her.

"Now, my wife and I just want to talk about romantic affairs, not business affairs!" Chen Mo said very forcefully, poking his neck.

The empress herself is a strong person, Chen Mo's sudden strength made the empress stunned, and the blush flashed across her face, "It's up to you."

"do you miss me?"

The empress wrapped around Chen Mo's body like a water snake, and her delicate red lips moved to Chen Mo's ear, and whispered to Chen Mo, "I want to, I want to dream."

The empress's voice itself has a lazy magnetism, and now it's like a magic voice in my ears, accompanied by the hot air in Chen Mo's ears, causing a tingling feeling in his body, and the whole person seems to have melted up.

(End of this chapter)

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