Chapter 780
Because of the proximity, Chen Mo could fully feel the magnificence of the Empress' chest.

The numbness around the ears has not faded away, but Chen Mo feels the closeness of his body.

Compared to Chen Xianzhi standing there in a daze like a piece of wood, the empress gradually moved down her delicate red lips, and slowly pressed them close to Chen Mo's neck.

Chen Mo could even sense the hot air exhaled by the empress, and his body trembled slightly as if he had been electrocuted.

And then Chen Mo felt something soft printed on his neck, it was his lips.


Chen Mo suppressed a mouthful of saliva, his body was already soaked in heat and pink, and the charming atmosphere was even more uncontrollable.

"Who can stand this!" Chen Mo shouted crazily in his heart.

Even the Great Saint class can't stand it, okay?

Yuanshen seemed to have sensed Chen Mo's strangeness, so he began to operate autonomously, and his body suddenly recovered three points of clarity.

Chen Mo suppressed his soul with a backhand.

His body was getting hotter and hotter, Chen Mo didn't actively respond, looking for the empress' red lips.

Although the two are already familiar with each other, every kiss still seems to be the same as before. The bodies of the two are shocked like an electric shock, but the fit is tighter.

The Empress closed her eyes tightly, her eyelashes fluttered slightly, and a blush appeared on her face, and even Ruyu's neck seemed to be stained with a light pink mist, which looked extremely attractive, and her soft moan would make Chen Mo even more initiative.

Chen Mo moved down inch by inch from the empress's delicate red lips to Ruyu's neck, and the empress raised her chin slightly, her eyes were so delicate that water dripped out, and her half-jawed eyes turned into a faint blush.

The empress's body is all attached to Chen Mo's body, wrapping around Chen Mo's body like a water snake.

The hair was entangled, and a faint fragrance came from the empress's hair, and Chen Mo even smelled the faint fragrance from the empress' body.

Chen Mo could feel the heat in the body in front of him even through his regular clothes, the silk-like skin.

Chen Mo hugged the empress by the waist.It's just [-]% of his cultivation base, and now his road ahead is smooth and safe, so he will give up the [-]% of his cultivation base. As long as he works hard, he will soon be able to make up for these cultivation bases.

The empress suddenly felt her body lighten. It turned out that she had been hugged by Princess Chen Mo, and her face was blushing. The empress leaned against Chen Mo's arms, wrapping her arms around Chen Mo's neck.

With a slender body, you can feel the amazing charm of this stunner's body just by hugging Chen Mo.

"Left and right are only [-]% cultivation."

Chen Mo's thoughts flashed by.

"Go to the apse." The empress said softly.

Although the voice was very soft, Chen Mo was still a half-step sage, how could he not hear it? With a smile on his lips, Chen Mo was surrounded by a faint ghost fog.

There is a layer of scarlet mixed in the ghost fog, and the ghost domain has been opened by Chen Mo unknowingly.

The three-eyed Yan Luo itself is a terrifying evil spirit with a seven-star strength, and now the ghost domain displayed is even more tyrannical, and it is impossible for even the Great Saint to break through.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Mo had already arrived at the apse.

As soon as he walked into the apse, Chen Mo's heart trembled. What caught his eyes was the bright red tent. Chen Mo couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Everything in front of him seemed to have been arranged a long time ago, and everything was so beautiful. orderly.

The entire apse was arranged like a wedding room.

The eyes are all bright red, and it is hard to imagine that everything in front of them will appear in the strange kingdom.

There was also a little clarity in Chen Mo's eyes.

He is going to get married, no matter what, the person in front of him is his sweetheart, the person who will walk by his side for the rest of his life, regardless of the other party's race, regardless of the other party's cultivation level, and regardless of the other party's purpose.

Chen Mo can distinguish the mind of the person in front of him, that kind of sacred sense of ritual is something that others cannot give Chen Mo.

The corners of Chen Mo's eyes gradually became moist, and then he smiled, looked at the empress leaning on his arms, and said softly, "Let's get married, marry me."

The Empress was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect Chen Xianzhi to ask this first at this time.

It's not for marriage, and there is no so-called strong alliance, because when the empress valued Chen Mo at that time, Chen Mo was an innate martial artist who controlled two evil spirits and a fledgling ghost guard. Unlike now, Chen Mo has already attacked the big Holy, the seven-star evil spirit smashes the devil soldier road.

There is no timidity in facing the Nine Star Heavenly Demon King.

Maybe it was just out of pure curiosity at the beginning, even with a little nurturing meaning, but now it is no longer that kind of mentality.

The elders in Beiyun Prefecture don't mind the Empress raising a pretty boy, but it is not acceptable for a pretty boy to become the queen's husband, and now Chen Mo has confirmed that he is not a pretty boy, he just simply likes the Empress.

Chen Mo stood quietly in front of the wedding room. He didn't hear the empress's response, so Chen Mo didn't dare to take a step forward.

Chen Mo doesn't care about other things, and age is not a hindrance to them, but Chen Mo is a principled person, and now he sees the empress's heart, Chen Mo also needs to respond to her, he can marry a wife but he will never play with her.

It is also because of the fact that he is relatively withdrawn, so Chen Mo is more dedicated.


The Empress responded softly.

"Ma'am." Chen Mo looked down, called softly, and then strode towards the wind couch.

The scarlet ghost domain enveloped the entire apse. Chen Mo kicked Ling Kui out of his body, and then gently placed the empress on the phoenix couch.

Unravel Luo Chang lightly.

"Husband, come for your wife." The empress gently got up and took off the black God-catching robe on Chen Mo's body. The God-hunting robe itself is a civil and military robe plus a half-armor robe, which is very difficult to untie, just like removing armor, and The Empress patiently untied them one by one.

Today's empress is like a virtuous wife removing her husband's armor after returning from the war, with a happy smile on her face.

After removing the armor, there was a pure white inner shirt. Chen Mo was not used to being served by the empress, but he still blushed and asked the empress to take off his inner shirt.

And the empress herself began to take off her regular clothes in front of Chen Mo.

With just a simple undo of the last few key buttons of the regular clothes, the whole clothes have slipped off the empress' body.

The face of the empress, who only had the last underwear left, was as red as a red cloth, but she still walked two steps forward and came in front of Chen Mo.

A perfect body appeared in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo doesn't know the definition of perfection, but he feels that the most perfect person in the world is the empress.

Chen Mo had already reacted, swallowed with a grunt, and Chen Mo's eyes seemed to swallow the empress whole.

The queen's arms gently stopped Chen Mo's neck, and exhaled, "I am still a virgin, I hope my husband will take pity on me."

"Want me!"

Chen Mo took advantage of the situation to press up, and immediately lowered the tent...


(End of this chapter)

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