Reckless through another world

Chapter 781 I love you so much

Chapter 781 I love you so much
After the ups and downs, Chen Mo lay down on the phoenix couch panting.

He has already stepped into half a step, and the cultivation base of the Great Sage has regressed to the early stage of the third revolution, but Chen Mo didn't care. There was no need for him to remain a child.

It's just that Chen Mo always feels that the boy's body will have a buff bonus, so he has been reluctant to use it.

However, he still took it out after keeping it. Anyway, it's useless to keep it, it's just a psychological bonus, and he still has to hand it over in the end.

When he was weak before, if he broke his body, his kung fu would not be able to work. Now that Chen Mo's body has been combined with yin and yang, there is no need to lock his body anymore.

The empress was resting on Chen Mo's arm, the dense pink on her body hadn't faded away, holding onto Chen Mo's body like an octopus, firmly sticking to Chen Mo's body.

"It turns out that my husband didn't lie to my concubine, but he really has such a huge cultivation base." The empress leaned up and pressed against Chen Mo's chest, quietly listening to the powerful beating of the heart in Chen Mo's body.

Recalling the horror in the morning, Rao even the empress felt a little scared.

The cultivation in Chen Mo's body exploded. If it weren't for the suppression of Chen Mo's outer ghost domain, the entire palace would have been blown up.

When the primordial spirit merged, the cultivation base poured into the empress' primordial spirit like sea water pouring in. Even the empress could feel the depth of cultivation in Chen Mo's body.

It's just that the solid cultivation base can be directly poured over, and the empress accepts it without the slightest rejection. The already deep cultivation base is now even more terrifying.

"How could I lie to Madam." Chen Mo put his arms around the empress, stroked the empress's hair, and seemed to be thinking about the madness of the two of them.

And the empress's body still had traces of the madness of the two.

The empress underestimated the strong cultivation in Chen Mo's body, but fortunately, the empress herself is a special existence, so Chen Mo's cultivation can be accepted without any intermediate transformation. Today's strength is even stronger.

If you only look at the individual strength and not the strength of the evil spirit, Chen Mo's current cultivation is not as good as the empress, but in terms of overall combat power, Chen Mo may not lose to the empress, and you don't know if you have never fought.

And after all, that is an algorithm that excludes evil spirits. Chen Mo has a seven-star evil spirit in his body, and the existence of the three-eyed Yama alone is enough to sweep away most of the great saints on Shenzhou.

Even not only Shenzhou, the great saints of the Heavenly Demon World are not the opponents of the three-eyed Yama.

Embracing Chen Mo's strong and powerful arms, the empress had a faint smile on her mouth. Apart from happiness and joy, all of her eyes were filled with Chen Mo's figure, and she just raised her head slightly to see Chen Mo's side face.

"Crack!" Slapped off Chen Mo's mischievous big hand, the empress scolded, "Does it belong to a dog, can't you eat enough?"

"That's right, people call me Chen Heigou." Chen Mo pursed his lips and smiled, and kissed the empress's delicate red lips.


I don't know how much time has passed, even with such cultivation, the empress was tossed and limp in Chen Mo's arms. Anyway, everything has progressed to this point. Chen Mo hugged the empress to take a bath by the way, but the empress had to die first Sneak behind the stone and wash yourself.

Chen Mo couldn't help but waited on the side of the big rock in the middle.

Quietly leaning against the hot spring pool, Chen Mo put a stack of towels on his forehead, closed his eyes slightly, and quietly enjoyed the quiet time.

Chen Mo felt very comfortable just by the empress's side, his tense soul relaxed, and his whole tense body also relaxed.

The long hair on the top of the head hangs down along the temples. When Chen Mo stretched his waist, he stroked his long black hair into a high ponytail. He opened his eyes slightly, a pair of red phoenix eyes opened, revealing the dark eyes .

Open your eyes, the moon in the sky and the stars in the sky are just reflected in your eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" The empress' voice sounded from behind Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked back, it was the empress wrapped in a bathrobe.

"I didn't think of anything."

"Ma'am, look, I just said that you insist on sneaking to the other side of the stone." The cunning in Chen Mo's eyes flashed.

The empress blushed, "Hmph,"

"Do you want to rub your back?" Chen Mo asked, spreading his hands.

"What is back rubbing?" The Empress looked at Chen Mo with questioning eyes, her eyes were clearly saying that you don't want to do it in a fair way, right?

Chen Mo shrugged and said, "It's a custom in my hometown to rub your back when you take a bath. Boys rub both sides, and girls rub four sides."

"Rub all sides?"

"Of course, if the chest is more majestic, it must be rubbed on all sides. If it is a flat racecourse, there are only two sides."

In the end, Chen Mo got his wish and integrated the bathing culture of the northern part of his original world into another world.

Of course, with the figure of the empress, she must rub all sides.

"If you want to open a bathhouse, forget it, I'm not that old pervert from Zilaiye." Chen Mo shook his head to drive out his sudden thoughts.

"Ma'am, why did you choose me?" Chen Mo asked.

"I finally asked this question. I have been waiting for a long time, and I thought my husband would not ask questions." The empress stretched her waist, showing a successful smile, but Chen Mo could still see a trace of anxiety in the empress' eyes.

"Uneasy, what is the uneasy?" A thought flashed in Chen Mo's mind, but he didn't ask any more questions, but quietly waited for the empress to continue.

"At first, it was just because I happened to meet you and felt that you were very interesting. What I want to say is that your style of acting is very interesting."

"If a hero saves the beauty, it's either to take precautions before they happen, or to wait until they make a move, and then interrupt them. It's just that you, my husband, hold their necks and tell them to chase after them if they like it. It's not acceptable to use sloppy methods. I took it." The empress smiled sweetly.

There are ripples of light in the beautiful eyes.

In fact, it is very simple to like someone. If something about him suddenly suits your appetite, you will find that this person is worthy of liking.

A small thing is enough, even a smile, a word, or a thing.

It doesn't need to be so utilitarian, let alone so much thinking, just go after it if you like it.

"But the most important thing is that there is a problem with the forbidden area of ​​Yunding Tiangong in Beiyun Prefecture because of my husband's ghost domain. Only the ghost domain can enter and exit, and the forbidden area cannot allow outsiders to enter. The forbidden area is related to the entire Yunding Tiangong and Shenzhou, so... ..." The empress looked serious.

"The concubine thought that since this is the case, it's better to be tied to her first. Anyway, after all these years, I just met an interesting person, who has a ghost domain and is in line with my liking."

Hearing the empress's words, Chen Mo's head suddenly turned black. Good guy, it turned out that he was really raised as a little boy or even a pet at first.

So now it's actually a counterattack, right?
"And this king's marriage can only be decided by this king himself!"

After the empress finished speaking, the whole person relaxed a lot, but careful observation revealed that the empress also had a trace of imperceptible tension, and the empress secretly glanced at Chen Mo's expression.

Chen Mo listened quietly, pursing his lips, and at the same time, those thoughts flashed through his mind, the more he thought about it, the more the black line on the top of his head became fuller.

Seeing the time flow quietly, while Chen Mo's face was very calm, the empress's face became more and more nervous, and she even opened her mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but she didn't say anything.

Seeing the nervous expression of the empress, Chen Mo suddenly laughed, thinking about what to do so much, in fact, as long as he likes it is enough, not to mention that both of them are married now.

Back then, he didn't understand anything, and Chen Mo himself was not greedy.

Of course, force value has always been an important criterion. If you don't even have the ability to compete with Chen Xianzhi, you should stand back first.

"That's the thing, I guessed it, Madam just say it straight, I will definitely do my best." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Well, I really like you so much."

(End of this chapter)

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