Reckless through another world

Chapter 786 Influence

Chapter 786 Influence
Chen Mo had already seen the surprised and touched expressions on the Empress's face, but Chen Mo just smiled lightly, "Just keep the touch in your heart."

The empress couldn't help but smile, but what Chen Mo said made the originally good atmosphere dissipate most of it.

What a straight guy.

But just as Chen Mo said, just keep the moving words in your heart.

A lot of words don't need to be said, everything is in silence.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the forbidden area to find out the problem of the forbidden area. If it can be solved, I will try my best to solve it." Chen Mo pursed his lips and smiled, took out two mint leaves from the mustard bag, put them in his mouth, carefully Chewing finely.

Looking up, the meteor in the sky has not stopped, even though it is daytime, it still caused a lot of vibration.

When the meteorite fell, the clouds in the sky were also shattered, dragging a dark red tail, drawing a long dark red road.

The more Chen Mo looked at it, the more he felt that the Shenzhou World was a huge program, but whether this program was for cultivating evil spirits, human beings, or emissaries of ghosts, Chen Mo himself didn't know.

If it goes directly into the core of the world like the Great World of Demons, maybe Chen Mo can find the hidden answer of the Shenzhou World, but he doesn't know it now.

I don't know if this is a breeding ground for evil spirits or a breeding ground for demon guardians.

Whether it's the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array outside, or the other shore sea where the endless wild ghosts hide, they are actually two defense mechanisms, and Chen Mo can get out of both places.

Zhou Tian's Star Dou formation could no longer stop him, and neither could the other shore sea.Although part of it is relying on his own strength, but most of it is actually the three-eyed Yama with the strength of the seven stars, so Chen Mo has this suspicion.

The empress stood quietly beside Chen Mo, as always.

"It seems that the promotion of that great power has ended, but I don't know how many steps he took, or he didn't walk at all. Unfortunately, has no one ascended yet?!" The old guys hidden in the world issued a decadent Lamenting, it seemed that he was expecting the newborn Great Sage to escape directly from this terrifying cage.

It's just that they were disappointed that they could still feel the presence of that breath, and the other party hadn't left the world of Shenzhou at all.

This can't help but make them wonder whether there is no so-called ascension or broken void at all, and they can only stay in the Shenzhou world after all, waiting for their lifespan to run out.

day after day.

"Another fellow Taoist has appeared."

The person in front of him turned his back to the person behind him, wearing a plain robe, and what he could see was his gray hair. Although he could hear his old voice, his body was still tall and straight, like a sharp sword soaring into the sky.

"Sir, didn't even the newborn Great Sage leave?"

"If that person is not bad, it should be the legendary undefeated King of Hades, Chen Xianzhi." The gray-haired gentleman in front of him said.

Valkyrie Cliff

A tall man with bronze skin slowly opened his eyes. As his eyes opened, everything in front of him seemed to become illusory, no, it was not illusory, but weakened, whether it was Whether the hardness is a stone or a mountain like a dragon, it seems to have weakened in the eyes of the big man in front of him.

"Release the alert. It is our people who are promoted to the Great Sage. Now the coercion should have been withdrawn." The chief arrester in Ziyi in Beiyun Prefecture heaved a sigh of relief, and the whole person sat down on the seat as if drained of strength. There was already a cold sweat behind him.

He was really terrified. The terrifying coercion of the evil spirits swept across most of Beiyun Prefecture.

With such a distance, the God Catching Gates of Beiyun Dacheng were all under attack. If some evil spirit really appeared in the world, maybe the whole Beiyun Prefecture would fall.

At that time, he, the chief arrester in purple, will have to bear the blame.

It's just a good thing that one of his own people is being promoted to the Great Sage. Although the higher-ups didn't make it clear, the chief arrester of Ziyi in Beiyun Prefecture still got some news.

As the alarm was contacted, the entire Beiyun State seemed to have experienced a big battle, and everyone was full of excitement and joy for the rest of their lives.

Of course, if they knew that it was only their catcher who was being promoted to the great saint, they don't know how wonderful their faces would be.

The moonlight is cool, the false stars in the sky are bright, and there will be shooting stars passing by from time to time.

Chen Mo happened to be sitting on the roof of the main hall, holding a wine gourd, looking at the bright moon that seemed so close, drinking quietly.

In ancient times, the saints and sages were lonely, and only the drinkers kept their names.

Chen Xianzhi himself belongs to the Kuyin school, that is, the kind of poems that must be written carefully, and then carefully pondered before he can come up with his own works.

It's not like those talented geniuses who can speak well, and can make a neat confrontation and famous sentences that have been passed down through the ages.

The empress leaned against Chen Mo, looking at the half-volume script in her hand, she seemed a little fascinated.

Even in the dark night, with the empress' strength, it is not much worse than the daytime.

Silent all night.

The two snuggled together quietly and spent the night.



Looking at the crystal-colored door-like thing in front of him, Chen Mo's expression was dignified. He had already felt several faint ghost auras, which seemed to be released unconsciously by the ghosts inside, but each one was very powerful. .

Chen Mo put his hand on the door in front of him. Although there was no resistance, he couldn't get in. He used the ghost domain to wrap his palm, but his eyes were like water, and he could put it in.

"It's amazing." Chen Mo couldn't help sighing.

To be honest, Huangquan gave him Chen Mo's upright and aboveboard behavior, which was actually half useless, and Huangquan was even reduced to a means of transportation for a while.

"Let's go, let's go back quickly." The empress nodded.

"Do you really want to go with me? I'll find out the reason and just come out." Chen Mo felt a little helpless, even though he knew that the Empress would go with him, but at this time, Chen Mo hesitated instead.

The empress didn't want him to go, and Chen Mo actually didn't want the empress to go, it might be easier for him to go alone.

"Let's go together, after all we have to go in and have a look." The Empress pursed her lips and looked at Chen Mo.


The fault tolerance rate of two people will be higher. After all, one person will make mistakes, and two people can avoid many problems. What's more, even the empress doesn't know what the situation is inside. Whether the original route can still be used is another matter. .

It would be troublesome if Chen Mo got lost inside.

To be honest, the Empress is worried.

I don't know where to worry, anyway, I just don't worry.

The group of elders behind the empress saluted slightly, and shouted in unison, "I wish the Lord and Your Highness good fortune."

Chen Mo just grinned, nodded slightly, and walked forward.

The ghost domain suddenly enveloped Chen Mo and the empress, and the two of them entered the door directly. There was a slight ripple in the door in front of them, and then it returned to calm, as if nothing happened just now.

(End of this chapter)

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