Reckless through another world

Chapter 787 Changes in the Forbidden Area

Chapter 787 Changes in the Forbidden Area

The opened door is indeed like a door, but the world inside the door is in stark contrast to the world outside the door.

It even made Chen Mo wonder for a while whether this is another world.

The sky is gray, and the land you step on is black scorched earth. Of course, it's not just black scorched earth, but also large black unknown soil, mixed with a touch of red.

Chen Mo looked back, and there was an open door behind him, and the scarlet door was open to the inside.

"Is this a forbidden area?" Chen Mo looked at the empress beside him.

Wearing a black Yuanlong python robe, a snow-white fox-fur scarf, and a black-gold Hirata crown on her head, the empress shook her head slightly and said, "There is definitely something wrong with the forbidden area. The original forbidden area was just a small space, but Obviously not now."

In the empress's description, the original forbidden area was a small space with a big tree in the middle. The huge ancient bodhi tree alone occupied more than half of the space. There was a low table under the ancient bodhi tree. Normally, the empress always Is to stay in the forbidden area.

Until four years ago, the forbidden area suddenly changed, and none of them could enter the forbidden area. Later, they thought of a way, and the ghost emissary who owned the ghost domain should be able to enter.

But after all, this is the place where the female emperor's strange body is located. If anyone comes in and takes control of this place, the entire Yunding Tiangong will be controlled by others.

So we can't let the people of Taishang Daozong take action. If they have evil intentions, it will be bad.

Who knows, there is no place to look for when you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it. Not long after leaving the house, I met Chen Mo, a potential stock with a ghost domain, so I simply cultivated it. Anyway, finding one at random is definitely not reliable .

Of course, the empress is not a whore for nothing, knowing that betrayal requires a price, so the empress offered a price that Chen Xianzhi could not refuse.

The empress's fiancé, the future lord of Yunding Tiangong, with such a great condition, is it possible to offer a higher price than this?

The empress doesn't believe that someone can open it, and it's for such a young man who has just been born.

Therefore, at that time, it was regarded as being tied to Chen Mo.

This is also a kind of fate.

I have heard this a few times, but Chen Mo didn't react at all. Even if he wanted to prostitute for free, did he resist?

"So, ma'am, your body is also missing?" Chen Mo asked in surprise.

This is so fucking strange, if the empress' body is gone, then the empress in front of her is alive and well, logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this.

"That's just the mother body in which I was born. Of course, it can be regarded as the body, but now this king has become a special existence and is no longer subject to the original mother body." What are you thinking.

"Haha." Chen Mo smiled. In fact, he doesn't care, it doesn't matter what the body is, anyway, he has already done it.

And just as the empress said, now she has become a special existence and is no longer subject to the original body.

But Chen Mo grew up fast, and the empress really fell in love with Chen Mo. It was too difficult to find someone who fit her heart in every way, but fortunately, she cultivated one.

"So we just need to find the bodhi tree, right?" Chen Mo said looking at the quiet surroundings.

"That's right, even if the concubine's body has become a special existence, the main body must be in our hands. Moreover, now that this place has become like this, we need to assess the danger." The empress' face became serious.

This place has changed a lot, and Yunding Tiangong is built on top of this thing. If the bottom erupts, the entire Yunding Tiangong will be sucked into the vortex, and there will not be one or two casualties.

Therefore, just in case, you need to calm down the danger in advance, otherwise you will not be able to sleep soundly.

"Hush, something is coming." Chen Mo didn't speak, and even the coercive ghost energy in his body was completely contained, and transmitted to the empress through the holy energy.

The empress's expression changed slightly, obviously she also noticed that something was coming, and the breath in her body gathered, but the empress was still indifferent, her tall and straight figure was elegant and disdainful, as if she was not waiting at all, but waiting for the other party to come meet.

"Every edge...every edge."

There was a very heavy sound, some like the sound of iron plates colliding, and at the same time there were dull footsteps, and the sound of footsteps came from far to near.

It's dull as if you can't control your own body, the kind of power that you can't control your body after becoming a dead body, and can only be used to the maximum.

The black mist in front of him seemed to be getting thicker, and the sound was getting closer.

The sound was getting closer, and Chen Mo finally saw what was in front of him.

The thing in front of me is very tall, taller than Chen Mo, at least two meters tall, with a bone-crushing machete dragging in its right hand, the machete has been curled, and there is even a lot of bright red flesh mixed with the curled blade.

There is still a person on the left shoulder of this ghost, but the other person is already unconscious, with a lot of knife wounds on his body, and blood is flowing down this ghost's arm.

There are still a lot of iron wires on the back of the machete, and there are layers of flesh and blood on the wire, and it is still dripping with blood. It seems that He just killed a person with the machete in his hand, and it was a brutal killing. After all, this kind of blunt knife cuts down. It may not kill people.

The whole ghost in front of him was wearing a mask, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes. The mouth of the mask was sewn up with wire, which looked like the bloody mouth of a ferocious ghost.

"It's a four-star strength ghost just after entering. It seems that there are not a lot of ghosts here." Chen Mo pondered, the ghosts in front of him didn't seem to be looking for them, but walked quietly. walked over in front of him.

As the sound of footsteps receded, and the sound of the blade touching the ground faded away, the ghost in front of him left behind a shadow.

And the person on the ghost's left arm seemed to have woken up due to the jolt. He happened to see Chen Mo and the Empress standing not far away. His eyes suddenly burst into a strange brilliance, and he let out a slight growl.


Chen Mo just watched quietly, and the Empress just watched quietly. Neither of them intended to reach out. After all, in such a terrifying scene, it is not normal for someone to call for help. Of course, even if the person in front of them is really human , Chen Mo will not save him.

The risk is too great, everything depends on the task first.

And Chen Mo has already seen it. Most of the people in front of him have stepped into the killing pattern of this evil ghost. They are not dead now, but because the killing pattern is happening, not because of his stubbornness.

It's not that Chen Mo has rescued those martial arts who triggered the law of killing, but most of them died.


There is hope in the eyes of the person who is held on the shoulder.

That was the hope of life, he didn't want to die, but the man and the woman didn't take any action, they just watched all this indifferently.

The reason is that the risk is too great for Chen Mo to take the risk.


The evil ghost with the knife paused slightly, and he turned his head slightly along his right shoulder, and a pair of scarlet ghost eyes just looked directly at Chen Mo.

The iron wire at the corner of the opponent's mouth seemed to be tilted even more.

(End of this chapter)

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