Reckless through another world

Chapter 789 Where is my head?

Chapter 789 Where is my head?

Of course, it wasn't just Chen Mo and the Empress who heard the cry for help, the two people not far away also heard the call for help.

"Brother Zuo, it seems that someone is calling for help." The young man beside him said in a low voice.

"Go, go and have a look." Standing beside him was a tall and straight young man, and there was obviously a little fear in his heart, and even a little anxiety.

Both of them had tokens and ghost cages around their waists, and they were also carrying a small bag. They didn't know what was in the bag, and it looked bulging.

Zuo Mingyu became more nervous, and clenched the golden sound transmission token in his hand. The sound transmission token was already warmed by him, but because of the material of the token, some coolness spread into his hand.

Zuo Mingyu was very anxious, the sound transmission token couldn't be opened, and he couldn't ask for help. The two of them, the brothers and sisters, were stuck in a place they didn't know at all.

The surrounding land is black, the sky is a touch of gray, even the surroundings are covered with a touch of gray mist, and the breath of fear is pervasive. Even if he is a golden seal god catcher, he is usually bold and skilled, but now he feels to deep fear.

"Brother, it seems to be right in front." It was the younger brother next to him, although he was afraid, but after all, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and he is also confident in his senior brother. As a ghost messenger, it is enough to control ordinary evil spirits.

After walking for less than a quarter of an hour, the two of them arrived in front of a corridor, and the sound had already stopped abruptly.

The scene in front of them is a village, but they have already arrived at the entrance of an alley, and looking through the entrance, they can only see a small half of the distance. The spine rushed to the head.

As if being stared at by something terrifying, the fear in my heart filled silently. Even the younger one's body couldn't help shaking, rattling, I don't know if it was the teeth or the bones. Trembling.

"Calm down, don't make a sound, don't make unnecessary movements." Zuo Mingyu gave his junior brother a trace of sincerity.

It's just that what he didn't notice was that his junior brother's shadow twisted with an abnormal movement.

Behind them, a pair of scarlet eyes stared at their backs from the corner of the wall.

"Whoosh!" The peeping eyes on the roof disappeared with a slight sound, and a distorted figure turned down from the top of the roof.

Su Lin gulped down a mouthful of saliva. He already felt that there was something behind him again. The feeling of terror and madness made him want to turn around uncontrollably.

"Crack!" Zuo Mingyu patted Su Lin on the shoulder. He also felt that feeling, but it was because of this that he should not turn his head back. Turning his head back meant he had to bear the law of killing. They are ghost emissaries, so Can last a little longer, but damn it.

"Don't look back!" Zuo Mingyu sent a voice transmission to Su Lin.


Crying came from behind them, and Su Lin's eyes narrowed sharply. It wasn't that he wanted to turn his head back, but that there was some huge force that wanted to break his head away.

"Run!" The ghostly aura in Zuo Mingyu's body escaped crazily, and an evil ghost in a suit appeared beside him.


A huge impact came, as if a super-powerful shell had bombarded it, and the evil ghost in a formal suit behind Zuo Mingyu was blown away, and even Zuo Mingyu spurted out a mouthful of reverse blood .

The actions of the two of them poked a hornet's nest, and countless terrifying ghost auras had already extended over.

The two ran in a panic.

"Brother, there is a way!" Su Lin's eyes lit up. Although it was only a narrow road, unlike those official roads between big cities, having a road meant life, so he didn't think much about it at all. Run straight away.

Anyway, I'm in a panic, when I don't fight, when will I fight.

As soon as Zuo Mingyu gritted his teeth, the ghost energy in his body dissipated crazily. The two ran for their lives, and with the help of his own evil ghost, they even threw the ghost behind him a distance away.

"It's broken!" Seeing two shadows not far away, Zuo Mingyu secretly said, and at the same time, because of the emergence of vitality, it suddenly turned into such a psychological gap of despair, Zuo Mingyu even felt that the sky was going to die They are two brothers.

"It's over." Su Lin also looked desperate. Behind them were a bunch of evil spirits chasing them, and there were two distorted shadows in front of them. From this point of view, didn't he just walk on a dead end?

"Rush over!" Zuo Mingyu was furious in his heart, and sent a sound transmission to Su Lin who was beside him. They can only rush over now. As long as they still have blood to transform into ghosts and summon evil spirits, they still have a chance to survive. If they can't rush through, they will definitely be torn to pieces and eaten alive by the evil spirits behind them.

"Brother, those two are obviously more terrifying!" Su Lin clenched his back molars, and the terrifying coercion emitted by the two shadows approaching quickly because they were running was obviously more terrifying , I feel fear even at a glance.

"I have no choice but to rush over."

"Huh." Chen Mo let out a light snort, and there were actually two interesting things running towards the two of them.

Doubt flashed in the eyes of the empress at the side, but she still let go of the fear and coercion in her body, but the two interesting things didn't seem to stop, but ran hard instead.

"Only rushed over."

When the two of them got close, they saw clearly the appearance of the person in front of them. It was a man and a woman. The man looked very young, and he was wearing a robe like a god's catcher, but it was black. , black base material, blood-red texture, golden edge banding, you can feel the power just by looking at it.

It's just that seeing this pattern, Zuo Mingyu and Su Lin were not afraid but joyful. The golden thing on the man's waist was not a cage of evil spirits, it was a black token, a black token of God's capture, or even a The black robe of the gods, although they don't know what level it is, but it is obviously the robe of the gods.

"Brother, that's our man, and he's super strong!" Su Lin's eyes burst out with astonishing light, and he felt that he had seen hope, and the Wu Xiu in the robe of God Catcher was obviously a member of God Catcher .

And it's pure martial arts, with a terrifying and coercive body that is very tyrannical.

"Golden seal, silver seal? It's a pity." Chen Mo sighed imperceptibly. These are obviously two gods.

"My lord, the two of us are the gods of Yunzhou City."

"Yunzhou City Gold Seal Zuo Mingyu."

"Yunzhou City Silver Seal Surin."

The two hurriedly saluted with fists together, "My lord, there is something chasing us from behind, let's go quickly."

"God catches the door and catches the gods, the undefeated king of hell, Chen Xianzhi." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, cupped his fists and said, at the same time, Chen Mo glanced not far behind them, where there was something following them, clearly there was nothing.

Looking at these two people, Chen Mo's eyes flashed a pity, the quality is very good, what a pity!
"Catcher God?!" Zuo Mingyu and Su Lin exclaimed at the same time. They had heard that there was a position of catcher God in the legend, but in reality they only knew about the chief arrester in purple clothes.

So the two of them suddenly realized, no wonder they had never seen this black dress before, it turned out to be the robe of God Catcher.

The two were happy at the same time, and when they looked at each other, their eyes were full of joy.

The empress looked at the two in front of her with a strange expression, and Chen Mo who was talking beside her.

Chen Mo sighed, the two people in front of him might not realize it yet.

"Meet Catcher!"

"Don't be too polite."

"There are ghosts chasing us behind Catcher."

"You guys, do you still remember when it started like this?" Chen Mo asked.

The two looked at each other, as if they didn't know what Chen Mo meant.

"Do you remember when yours came in?"


"My head hurts!"

"Wait, where's my... head?" Zuo Mingyu wanted to hug his head, but he suddenly realized that his head seemed to be gone.

"Head, head, head, my head!" Su Lin searched wildly, but he just shook his arms randomly.

Because they don't have heads on their necks at all.

no head!
This is also the reason why Chen Mo and the Empress looked at them with the same eyes.

"You guys unpack the burden behind your back." Chen Mo's voice sounded.

Hearing Chen Mo's words, the two hurriedly unpacked their bags.

It was their heads that were contained in the bundle.

(End of this chapter)

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