Reckless through another world

Chapter 790 Joint Surgery

Chapter 790 Joint Surgery
"Head, my head, it's impossible, it's impossible..." The eyes of the head held by Su Lin widened suddenly, filled with unbelievable fear.

But Zuo Mingyu calmed down a lot. He quietly looked at the head in front of him, as if he was thinking about why he hadn't died yet, or since when his memory had gone wrong.

Chen Mo seemed to have expected that the heads of the two of them were in the burden, but seeing the terrified expressions of the two and their disbelief, Chen Mo didn't say anything.

Chen Mo let out a light sigh. The two people in front of him didn't die straight as he expected, or turned into something terrifying. They just held their heads in a daze, one muttered in disbelief, The other just watched quietly.

"Your state is very strange. Even though your head has been cut off, you are not dead." Chen Mo frowned slightly, his fingers moved regularly on the black token around his waist, as if he was thinking about the state of the two of them.

"But although he is not dead, he should not be far away from death." The ghostly eyes on Chen Mo's forehead carefully observed the two of them, the aura of life on their bodies was disappearing rapidly, while the aura of terror in their bodies became more and more intense .

Chen Mo guessed that the evil spirits in their bodies should have saved their lives, as if some kind of glue was used to connect them. Although the head and body were separated, they were still tightly connected.

But obviously this glue is slowly disintegrating. If it is not reinforced, the two people in front of them will die soon, and the evil spirit in their body will also wake up.

Chen Mo is not afraid of the awakening of the evil spirits in their bodies. There are only two golden seals on the left and right. Although the quality of the current golden seals is much higher than that of his back then, for him now, Catching God and the golden seals are both There is no difference.

"If their heads are connected, will they be brought back to life?" the Empress asked.

"Joining? Makes sense!" Chen Mo's eyes lit up, and at the same time, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. If there is anyone in this world who can do a joint, then Chen Mo should be the only one left.

Of course, there may be people in Qin Tianjian and Hades, but Chen Mo's skills are directly obtained from the person he once had contact with who changed his head.

It's just that the person who changed his head replaced his own head with the body of the evil spirit, while the two people in front of him simply connected their own heads.

"Now there is a chance to save you, but I can't guarantee the success rate, do you agree?" Chen Mo asked.

In the current state, if they want to survive, then Chen Mo will try his best to let them survive. If they want to stop and give themselves a happy time, Chen Mo can also satisfy them.

Being stronger not only means that Chen Mo is better at fighting, but also means that Chen Mo has more knowledge, more supernatural powers he can use, and more means, whether it is killing people or saving people, there are more means. .

Of course, to really talk about it, of course the method of killing is easier and easier.

So Chen Mo gave them a choice, no matter what their choice is, Chen Mo will try his best to save them, after all, they are God catchers, and Chen Mo is God catcher, he has this obligation.

The voice directly appeared in their minds, whether it was the wailing Su Lin or the silent Zuo Mingyu all looked at Chen Mo, Chen Mo saw an amazing light from his eyes, it was the light of hope to live .

"I want to live, please catch God and save me."

"Me too, please save me."

The voices of the two came together.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Mo took half a step forward.

"Ghost Realm!"

The scarlet light shrouded the two of them, and with Chen Mo's waving, the scene in front of him suddenly began to change, turning into a laboratory, ghostly aura surged, the mustard bag trembled slightly, and all the experimental instruments were shaken. Appeared in front of Chen Mo.

There was no need for them to make any movements. The two of them were already supported and lying on the instrument. Apart from the instrument in the mustard bag, the instruments around which the black ghost energy condensed also gathered.

The holy energy in Chen Mo's body penetrated into their bodies, as if they had eyes, Chen Mo saw the situation in their bodies.

"As expected." Chen Mo nodded slightly. There was a mass of black threads in Zuo Mingyu's body. head.

The black silk thread is like the silk thread used to sew a puppet, and it looks like moving tentacles, winding, but Chen Mo can feel that the thing in front of him seems to be alive.

There are many silk threads connecting the head, but more threads extend from his body to Su Lin's body, connecting Su Lin's head to his body through these black threads.

And the evil spirit in Su Lin's body is already ready to move, which is why Su Lin's spirit is obviously much worse than Zuo Mingyu's.

"It seems that it is because of the evil spirit in your body. Because of this evil spirit, the head and body can still be connected. Now it seems that the only way to suppress the evil spirits in their bodies is the joint." Chen Mo's body The equipment in has changed.

In the ghost domain, Chen Mo is the god in the ghost domain, not to mention that now that the three-eyed Yan Luo has stepped into the seven-star strength, Chen Xianzhi in the ghost domain, as the first limiter, has already become stronger.

"Please save my junior brother first." Zuo Mingyu sighed. He already felt bad. Now that the evil spirit is in his body, even he, the first beneficiary, feels a lot. His junior brother, the second beneficiary, should be dying already, if he doesn't save him, it will be too late.

"Are you sure, if the success rate of saving your junior brother is [-]%, then your success rate is [-]%. If you save your junior brother now, you will only have a success rate of less than [-]%." Chen Mo asked.

And Su Lin, who was lying flat on the instrument beside him, had already begun to lose consciousness, as if he would die at any moment.

"Sure, I beg God to save people." Zuo Mingyu pursed her lips, and finally closed her eyes.

"He has a good brother." Chen Mo murmured, and then started to connect Su Lin. The fusion of flesh and blood is actually not that difficult, and even the blood vessels can be finely controlled.

The most troublesome thing is the problem of the meridians, and the problem of the nerves. If these are not connected well, even if the person is saved, it is probably a high paraplegia, or a person who can no longer practice. Perhaps because of the blockage of the meridian, the dantian has problems and becomes a mortal.

As a ghost slayer, if he becomes a mortal, he will be devoured by the evil spirits in his body due to the lack of energy and blood in his body if he can't last for half a year, and the final result is death.

What Chen Mo is doing now is delicate work, using instruments to reattach Su Lin's head, and at the same time restore everything to its original state.

It just seemed to feel the change in Su Lin's body, the evil spirit in his body began to move around, and the black ghost energy began to dissipate.

(End of this chapter)

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