Reckless through another world

Chapter 794 Game Storage

Chapter 794 Game Storage

Chen Mo looked at the scene in front of him in a daze as if he had lost his soul.

The nature in front of me is extremely beautiful.

The tree hole in the Bodhi tree occupies a vast space, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a world of its own. There is a white light in the sky, and the soft light has a little warmth. The temperature increased by two minutes.

The trees and vines were entangled, and a small coffin-like thing was suspended in midair.

Looking carefully, it turned out that it was not suspended, but was hung by the branches in the tree hole. Although it looked very scattered, it formed a faint aesthetic feeling. Like a living thing, it even moved slightly.

There was no wind in the tree hole, but the leaves swayed automatically without wind.

The empress also had a look of surprise in her eyes. She didn't know it before. After all, although the bodhi tree was huge before, it didn't have such a huge space, and it didn't find this tree hole.

There is no entrance at all.

The tree that has been in the forbidden area of ​​Yunding Tiangong in Beiyun Prefecture for so long is no secret to the empress, and even if there is, it has already been discovered.

This is the first time the empress has seen the current scene, not to mention the stone statues standing around. The stone statues look a bit messy, but something can be seen vaguely. These stone statues are all in the appearance of evil spirits.

Although I don't know what kind of evil spirit it is, even most of them have been damaged and covered with moss, but there are still some intact ones standing or leaning on them, or looking at them.

The empress didn't bother Chen Mo, but just waited quietly.

With Chen Xianzhi's mentality and the power of Yama with Three Eyes, it is impossible for anything to affect him, so Chen Mo's abnormal expression must be his most real reaction, so the empress does not want to disturb him.

"I really didn't expect this thing to appear here." A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Mo's mouth, his voice was full of exclamation, and there was also some feeling that things were right and wrong, especially complicated.

The slender Danfeng eyes are slightly narrowed, half inner double eyelids cover most of the pupils, although most of the black and white pupils are covered, but the power is more pure, it seems that as long as the person in front of him opens his eyes, everything in front of him will follow. of death.

"Three-eyed Yama." Chen Mo's voice was flat, and he slowly opened his eyes. The scarlet in the eyes rolled up, and the black pupils suddenly turned red, and shrank into a small dot at the same time. It looked very strange, like It is like opening the yin and yang eyes.

At the same time, the voice also came out from Chen Mo's mouth.


Black ghost energy escaped from Chen Mo's body, and a terrifying evil ghost stood behind Chen Mo, just like Chen Mo's original shadow.

The Empress only reacted at this time, and looked behind Chen Mo. There was nothing there, but it seemed that it was only because of the light and shadow that it could be seen clearly. There seemed to be a light black shadow standing upright, and it became clearer the more I looked at it.

The scarlet ghost eyes flicker, the ghost eyes are surrounded by white whites, pale white, and the center is a little scarlet pupil, just looking at this eyeball can feel a great threat, the fear in the heart Both seem to be triggered.

The Empress turned her head slightly, even if she has [-]% of Chen Mo's cultivation, she can't look directly at the evil spirit behind Chen Mo. Evil ghosts are countless times more terrifying.

This is a qualitative difference.

And the empress also wondered why Chen Mo summoned such a terrifying evil spirit.

"Check it carefully for me, but if there is anything wrong with it that puts this thing in front of me, it will be killed!" The voice squeezed out from Chen Mo's teeth.

Chen Mo didn't believe it.

He wouldn't believe that this thing would come to this different world with him.

Chen Mo felt that someone had arranged for him, that someone had moved this thing before his eyes, or that they had simply entered the illusion of some powerful evil spirit, and he didn't know it at all.

So Chen Mo needs to be tested.

He needs to know that this thing is not brought over by others, and he also needs to know that he is not in some kind of haunted place of terrifying evil spirits.

"Check it out for me!"

As the words fell, scarlet light burst out from Chen Mo's body.

In a short while, the Kungfu Ghost Domain has surpassed the trunk cross section of the Bodhi tree, and the figure of the three-eyed Yama is also constantly rising. Although he is still standing behind Chen Mo, he has already seen his true face .

The three-eyed Yama has already filled this huge area in an instant, and the scarlet ghost eyes projected in all directions, with a faint scarlet light, the entire space is already under the control of the ghost domain.


The steaming ghostly air radiated out, covering everything around.

Chen Mo needs to make sure that there is no evil spirit that is hostile to him around, and that the coffin-like thing in front of him is not taken by someone, nor is it created by some evil spirit.

And for a whole quarter of an hour, Chen Mo didn't find anything through the three-eyed Yama.

"How could there be nothing?" Chen Mo thought to himself for a moment, but he really didn't find anything. If he didn't find anything with the strength of the three-eyed Yama Seven Stars, either the opponent was very powerful, not at the same level at all.

Another reason is that everything in front of me is real, not a created environment, or being drawn into the ghost realm by evil spirits.

Chen Mo recalled the experience of being pulled into a dream by a fearful ghost again. The dream was indeed real, but after all, it was somewhat different from reality. Moreover, Chen Mo also discovered the secret of the evil ghost and broke free from the dream.

"Nightmare, try it." Chen Mo did not give up. This matter deserves to be taken seriously by Chen Mo, no matter how careful he is.



Chen Mo moved his fingers, took out two mint leaves from the sachet, put them in his mouth, and chewed them carefully.

"Husband, why are you so cautious?" Seeing that Chen Mo had relaxed a bit, the empress asked, and then looked at Chen Mo with her pair of phoenix eyes.

"Madam doesn't know, this thing shouldn't appear here." Chen Mo turned his head, and the eyes of the two of them immediately stuck together, but now there is not so much tenderness, and there is thought in the eyes.

With Chen Mo's eyesight, Chen Mo may see through even if he is covered by Ghost Domain, let alone only a faint layer of soft light.

Chen Mo is very familiar with this thing, after all, he has been lying down for more than 20 years.

Isn't this coffin-like, shimmering Mithril radiance the game warehouse in his impression?

Moreover, it was his own game room, and his name was engraved on it, in simplified characters.

"This matter is actually a long story." Chen Mo took a deep breath, the evil spirits outside his body had returned to his body, the surrounding ghost domain was also gathered by Chen Mo, and Chen Mo also started to walk towards the game warehouse go.

Stepping out with one step, as if stepping on the steps, volleyed up.

(End of this chapter)

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