Reckless through another world

Chapter 795 Who is it?it's me

Chapter 795 Who is it?it's me

Stepping into the air, although there is no step in front of him, Chen Mo walked up step by step as if he was stepping on a step.

The game cabin in front of him was still shining with brilliance, and the soft light from the tree hole fell down, forming a beam of light to reflect on the game cabin.

Chen Mo walked in front of the game cabin.

The game pod in front of him was not placed on the ground, but was dropped in mid-air, like a silkworm chrysalis wrapped around finger-thick thin vines, Chen Mo raised his hand slightly, the shocked expression in his eyes It has subsided a lot, but it is still in a state of shock.

"Unbelievable!" Chen Mo murmured, and put his hand on the game compartment. The game compartment made of alloy has already been covered with a layer of dust. It's still the same.

Chen Mo wiped it, and the text appeared in front of his eyes. It was Chen Xianzhi's name, ID number, and reserved communication number written on it.

These words are all simplified characters.

【Chen Xianzhi】

【Resident ID number:...】

[Resident communication number: ...]

Chen Mo has long known that this different world is not the so-called game world. After all, the game world still uses Chinese characters, simplified Chinese characters, but this world uses a different kind of characters.

Although it is somewhat similar to Chinese characters, the essence is different after all.

What's more, it's simplified Chinese characters, which is the only thing in the whole world that Chen Mo himself has.

But now, there happened to be three lines of simplified characters engraved on the alloy on the top of the game compartment. The silver-colored alloy became extraordinary again because of Chen Mo's wiping, like a dusty weapon showing its edge again, and Chen Mo It is the predestined person who uses the weapon.

How could Chen Mo not feel surprised, this thing is engraved with his name, his ID number, and his contact number. Chen Mo even felt that he was dreaming, and looked at himself from the perspective of dreaming.

If you don’t believe me, you can recall what you ate last night. If you recall the past at once, it’s a third-person perspective, not No.1.

And Chen Mo's current appearance is so consistent with that kind of dream and memory. He looks at his game cabin from a third perspective, and there are even these finger-thick vines wrapped around the game cabin.

They entangle the entire game room like a silkworm chrysalis, even if the words are exposed, they are only exposed by the gaps in it.

"Husband knows this thing?" The empress couldn't see so many ways, but she could see Chen Mo's complex expression, the shock, the shock of being shocked, and the familiar feeling that things are different... , complicated emotions were mixed together, which formed Chen Mo's complicated eyes.

It seemed that she had noticed something, so the empress asked.

"This thing should belong to me." Chen Mo didn't know how to speak for a while, after all, it was too unbelievable to say, even Chen Mo himself didn't know what his state was like.

Let's say it's time travel, but it doesn't look like it, let's say it's rebirth, his grandma is a bear, even the game room is in front of him, and she is reborn with a hammer.

The empress didn't know where to start asking, she looked at Chen Mo who was on the side, looking at his pensive look, there was some uneasiness in his expression, even the kind of timid look of being close to home, the empress did not continue to ask.

Chen Mo will naturally say what he wants to say, otherwise it would be useless even to ask you, let alone such a weird thing today.

Since this thing belongs to Chen Mo, how could it appear in the forbidden area of ​​Yunding Tiangong, and the forbidden area has undergone such a big change.

As if thinking of something, Chen Mo's complexion changed slightly. He remembered that the Empress said that the change of the forbidden area was more than four years ago, and the time when he replaced Chen Mo and walked the world as Chen Mo happened to be at that time.

"Is it really a problem with the game room, but it wasn't a problem with my neural device at that time?" Chen Mo couldn't help thinking, thinking in his heart.

"So there is no problem with my operation at all, it is a problem with the equipment." Chen Mo deeply agreed.

"Why don't you open it and have a look?" The Empress saw that Chen Mo didn't move at all, and now this thing looks like a coffin, maybe there is some terrible secret hidden inside.

"This thing should be connected to the entire Bodhi tree. If you open it rashly, there may be some hidden dangers."

Chen Mo looked up and saw that the entire game room was entwined with fine vines, and the whole was actually connected to this huge bodhi tree.

Even if the brilliance of the heart of the tree is sprinkled on the game warehouse, now it seems that the game warehouse is still connected with the Bodhi tree, and even if someone does not know it, it is reasonable to say that this thing is the heart of the tree .

If you open it hastily, maybe there will be some changes. Who knows that this thing is actually connected to the entire Bodhi tree.

However, Chen Mo still has to open it. If there is really something inside, it should be something he guessed. If other ghosts occupy his game compartment, Chen Mo will definitely peel the skin and cramps, grind the flesh and blood, The soul stays in Jiuyou forever.

"But after all, I still have to open it and have a look." Chen Mo seemed to have made up his mind, and pulled out the broken bronze knife at his waist. Without even needing to lower the knife, the vines in front of him had already retreated, and even The connected branches also began to recede.

The whole forms a huge bracket, holding the game cabin, but the game cabin in front of you has been seen at a glance.

Chen Mo can also see some of the situation inside through the transparent glass in front of him. Although the glass is full of fog, a lot of moss has grown on it, and a thick layer of dust has fallen on it, Chen Mo can still see the inside. A faint shadow.

Chen Mo's heart trembled, and he thought to himself, "Sure enough, there is something."

Even if you don't know when the game warehouse came to this world, but according to Chen Mo's own memory, more than four years have passed, the internal power supply has long been exhausted, and even the manual lock has been sealed.

"It's a pity, I thought there was still a backup power supply." Chen Mo laughed dumbly, then shook his head slightly. This is impossible, but the backup power supply can last for a while, but he wants to last for four years , but it is impossible, Chen Xianzhi's game compartment does not have a battery of that power.


A light knock, no matter whether it is an electronic lock or a manual lock, can't cause trouble for a great martial artist like Chen Mo, so just a simple knock, and the lock has been opened.


Dust surged, and white mist poured out from the cabin door. With the white mist gushing out from the hatch, the entire game room was also opened.

The place where the nutrient solution is placed is only the glass injection, and the nutrient solution inside is empty.

Although Chen Mo had sensed it a long time ago and even lowered his eyes, when he really saw the black shadow in front of him, Chen Mo was still stunned for a moment.

Who is in the cabin?

It's me in the cabin!

(End of this chapter)

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