The love story of a big director and a small editor

Chapter 86 Don't Refuse, Hurry Up

Chapter 86 Don't Refuse, Hurry Up

In an instant, Ye Qingqing wanted to die. If he fell today, she would not have to live.

Just when Ye Qingqing was about to fall, Song Jinnan who was beside him reacted quickly and put his arms around Ye Qingqing's waist with one hand, and grabbed her left arm with the other.

The imagined pain did not come, but was embraced by a warm embrace, and Ye Qingqing opened her eyes with trembling eyelashes.What I saw was Song Jinnan's magnified handsome face.

Ye Qingqing didn't come back to her senses until Song Jinnan straightened her body, and she felt severe pain from her right foot.

"What's wrong?" Song Jinnan looked at Ye Qingqing nervously.

Ye Qingqing, whose face was wrinkled in pain, bent slightly, put her weight on her left foot, and touched her right foot with her hand.


Knowing that Ye Qingqing must have sprained her ankle, Song Jinnan sat Ye Qingqing on the ground, took off her shoes and socks, held her tender little feet in his palm, and attached her swollen ankle with one hand .

Song Jinnan's movements were completely beyond Ye Qingqing's expectations. She subconsciously wanted to pull back her feet, but she didn't expect that this movement made Song Jinnan's grip even tighter.

"Don't move." Song Jinnan gave Ye Qingqing a serious look, and then looked down at her feet.

Ye Qingqing was frightened by Song Jinnan's appearance, after that, she didn't move any more, let Song Jinnan hold her feet obediently, and then watched him put on socks and shoes for herself.

Ye Qingqing was in a daze, she didn't even hear Song Jinnan talking to her.

"Why are you in a daze, did you hear what I just said?" Song Jinnan patted Ye Qingqing's head lightly.

"Ah? What did you say?" Ye Qing came back to his senses and asked stupidly.

Song Jinnan stroked his forehead, and then repeated the same thing to her.
Repeat what he just said.


Ye Qingqing nodded embarrassingly, "Understood."

Patting the dust on his knees, Song Jinnan stood up from the ground, and then reached out to hug Ye Qingqing.He squatted down in front of her.

"Don't refuse, come up quickly." If she hadn't refused before, such a thing would not have happened.

Ye Qingqing touched her nose, this time she didn't refuse again, she jumped up slightly, and lay on Song Jinnan's back.

"Be patient, there are a few families in front, we'll go and ask later to see if there are any ice packs, and put them on for you."

"Okay." Ye Qingqing's soft and waxy voice sounded in Song Jinnan's ear.

Song Jinnan suddenly lowered his head and smiled, he suddenly wanted time to stop at this moment forever.

Ye Qingqing smelled the unique scent of Song Jinnan's body, her mind was muddled, and she gradually fell asleep on his body.

Hearing the sound of even breathing coming from his ears, Song Jinnan stopped and looked back at the person on her body.The smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

When Ye Qingqing woke up, Song Jinnan had already gone to someone else's house.

"Where is this?" Ye Qingqing rubbed her eyes with her hands, and whispered in Song Jinnan's ear, her voice was soft, and the listener was in a happy mood.

"Are you awake?" Song Jinnan tilted his head slightly, even if he couldn't see Ye Qingqing's face now, he knew she must be pouting.

"Yeah." Ye Qingqing yawned, nodded, then looked around, and found several pairs of eyes looking at her.

Ye Qingqing was taken aback, then lowered her head abruptly, and buried her head on Song Jinnan's neck.Oh my god, why are you staring at her like that?

 Ask for a ticket~ask for a ticket~ask for a ticket~
  La la la ~ say important things three times ~
(End of this chapter)

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