The love story of a big director and a small editor

Chapter 87 Don't Always Touch My Head, I Will Not Grow Tall

Chapter 87 Don't Always Touch My Head, I Will Not Grow Tall
Knowing that the little girl on the back was shy, Song Jinnan stopped standing here and made people look at her like a monkey.

"Elder Sister, can you lend us a room for the time being, please send the ice cubes?"

"Okay, okay, I'll take you to the room right now." The eldest sister was a warm-hearted woman, leading Song Jinnan and the others to the door of a room.

Open the door, "This is my daughter's room, she went to play at her aunt's house in the city, so you can put ice on your girlfriend here!"

The eldest sister left after speaking heartily, leaving Song Jinnan and Ye Qingqing behind.

Ye Qingqing, who had never dared to look up, suddenly felt a little embarrassed to look at Song Jinnan. It's not that she had been misunderstood about her relationship with Song Jinnan, but at this moment, she was actually shy!

Song Jinnan put Ye Qingqing on the stool and sat down, and then carefully took off her shoes. He didn't care if it was dirty or not, and sat down on the ground, putting Ye Qingqing's feet on his lap.

Song Jinnan didn't seem to hear what the eldest sister said before, and didn't react at all.

Ye Qingqing didn't understand Song Jinnan's attitude, but since he didn't say anything, she wouldn't either.In her consciousness, she hoped that Song Jinnan and Song Jinnan would be a couple.

The eldest sister quickly brought ice cubes to Song Jinnan, and Song Jinnan carefully applied them to Ye Qingqing.

Ye Qingqing felt extremely comfortable when the icy cold feeling was applied to her hot ankles.

"How is it? Do you feel better?"

"Yeah, much better."

At this moment, Song Jinnan's phone rang, "You do it yourself first, I'll answer the phone."

Stuffing the ice cubes into Ye Qingqing's hands, Song Jinnan stood up and took out her cell phone.

Wen Lixi opened the phone.

"What's wrong?" Song Jinnan asked.

"Why haven't you come here yet?" Wen Lixi didn't answer, she didn't answer the question.

Song Jinnan glanced at Ye Qingqing who was staring at him, saw her smirking at him, he stepped forward and rubbed her head.

"I still have something to do, so I might have to go there later. Besides, it doesn't matter if I'm here or not, the assistant director is there."

Wen Lixi over there was silent for a while, Song Jinnan thought he was gone, so he hung up the phone without thinking, just at this time, the phone was completely out of battery and died directly.

When Wen Lixi called again.What I heard instead were the words "The phone you dialed is turned off".

Wen Lixi was silent for a while, since when did Song Jinnan, a workaholic, become so irresponsible?

Wait for Song Jinnan to take back the phone.Ye Qingqing couldn't help but said: "Brother Jinnan, if you are busy, go first, I can't go like this, and I don't want to go either."

Song Jinnan patted Ye Qingqing's head, "I'm not busy, you don't want to leave, do you want to spend the night here?"

Ye Qingqing choked, and didn't say anything, just when Song Jinnan thought she wouldn't talk anymore, Ye Qingqing said something suddenly.

"Brother Jinnan, have you ever told you that you are fine?"

Song Jinnan froze for a moment, then shook his head.

"Then I told you today, brother Jinnan, you're so kind." Ye Qingqing smiled foolishly, looking at Song Jinnan with teeth but eyes.

Amused by Ye Qingqing's appearance, Song Jinnan rubbed her head, making her hair messy.

Ye Qingqing pretended to be angry, her cheeks puffed up, and she slapped Song Jinnan's troublesome hands off her head.

"Don't touch my head all the time, I won't grow taller!"

(End of this chapter)

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