The love story of a big director and a small editor

Chapter 89 You Treat Your Family Very Well

Chapter 89 You Treat Your Family Very Well

However, hearing Song Jinnan's tone, it seemed the same as before, and Ye Qingqing felt relieved.

"If I say it's fine, do you plan to spend your whole life here?" When Song Jinnan said this, his tone was not very good.

Ye Qingqing who was in the bathroom stuck out her tongue when she heard this.She's not stupid, she'll spend her whole life in this place, stupid~ idiots won't live their whole life here, okay?
With a "snap", Ye Qingqing opened the door, and saw Song Jinnan standing at the door expressionlessly, with her hands raised high.If Ye Qingqing didn't know that he was going to knock on the door, otherwise, she would have thought he was going to hit her.

Shrinking her neck, Ye Qingqing smiled shyly: "Hey~Brother Jinnan." Although seeing Song Jinnan was still a little awkward, Ye Qingqing didn't want to make their relationship unnatural because of this embarrassment.

Song Jinnan snorted coldly, and withdrew his hand. After all, he couldn't help it, and asked, "If I didn't call you just now, do you plan to stay here all day?"

Ye Qingqing instantly shook her head like a rattle, "How is it possible, I still have to go out to eat." Moreover, even if she wanted to stay, the family would not agree!
Song Jinnan still snorted coldly, and squeezed Ye Qingqing's face as if venting hatred. Although his appearance was a bit fierce, the strength in his hands can be said to be lacking.

Although Ye Qingqing still had a smile on her face, she was imagining the scene where she trampled Song Jinnan under her feet and he kept begging for mercy.

Get angry, but keep smiling.

The eldest sister kept Ye Qingqing and Song Jinnan here for lunch. Ye Qingqing agreed immediately, thinking that there were no restaurants in this place.On the contrary, Song Jinnan has always been embarrassed because of face.

While talking with this family, Ye Qingqing kept bringing food to Song Jinnan.She was a little skeptical, if she didn't pick up food for Song Jinnan, Song Jinnan wouldn't use his chopsticks to pick up food.

"Sister, you are very good to your family!" The eldest sister did not forget to tease Ye Qingqing and Song Jinnan while eating.

Ye Qingqing just smiled, without nodding or explaining.Hearing this, Song Jinnan was quite happy. He quietly glanced at Ye Qingqing's reaction, seeing that she was still eating with a smile on her face, the smile in his eyes became even stronger.

After dinner, the eldest sister's family went to take a nap, and told Ye Qingqing that if they wanted to rest here, they could still go to her daughter's room, and if they wanted to leave, they would close the door for her.

The two people sitting in the living room were staring at each other at this moment, as if they were competing whose eyes could last longer.

In the end, it was Ye Qingqing who was defeated. She has always been an impatient person.

"Brother Jinnan, you..." Ye Qingqing seemed to be struggling and didn't know how to speak.After thinking and thinking, she finally said: "Brother Jinnan, I want to rest here first, and I will go back with them when An An and the others finish work. If you have something to do with the crew, you can leave me alone. Go back to the set, and I will go back to the hotel with you when the time comes."

Song Jinnan frowned first, and then said to Ye Qingqing, "Give me your mobile phone."

Ye Qingqing was stunned for a moment, but she didn't realize it for a moment. When she did, Song Jinnan had already taken out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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