The love story of a big director and a small editor

Chapter 90 Men Are Not Bad, Women Don't Love

Chapter 90 Men Are Not Bad, Women Don't Love

Ye Qingqing's eyes widened, and she looked at Song Jinnan suspiciously.She even felt that the man in front of her was not the Song Jinnan she knew.

Song Jinnan ignored Ye Qingqing's gaze and asked, "What's the password?"

"0705" Ye Qingqing said these four numbers in a daze.

Song Jinnan's hand holding the mobile phone was stiff for a while. He took a deep look at Ye Qingqing, and some emotion appeared in his eyes, but soon, he entered Ye Qingqing's mobile phone password as if nothing happened.

It's not that he doesn't want to think deeply about some things, but he's afraid that the result after thinking deeply will not be acceptable to him.Furthermore, there are so many coincidences in this world, maybe this is a coincidence.

Song Jinnan called Wen Lixi in front of Ye Qingqing and told him that he won't be going to the set this afternoon, and that when he wants them to go back, he can just drive them back here.Then, he hung up the phone without doing anything.

Taking advantage of Ye Qingqing's inattention, Song Jinnan saved her mobile phone number in her phone book, and the note was naturally "Brother Jinnan", and then called her own number before returning the phone to Ye Qingqing.

Anyway, his cell phone is turned off now, and when it is fully charged and turned on, he will be able to see the missed calls, and he will naturally know Ye Qingqing's cell phone number.

Song Jinnan didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his actions at all.

On the set, Wen Lixi looked at his mobile phone and didn't know what he was thinking. An Xia next to him was watching TV, and suddenly there was a line "a beauty is a disaster". Wen Lixi felt that the word was correct, so he followed it He said "a beauty is a disaster", and then got up and walked away.

An Xia looked at Wen Lixi's back inexplicably, and cursed in a low voice: "Go crazy!"

To be honest, Ye Qingqing was warmed by Song Jinnan's actions.Taking back the phone, Ye Qingqing looked at Song Jinnan with a smile on her face, and asked him, "Brother Jinnan, I'm going to sleep, do you want to come together?"

Song Jinnan was silent for a while, and then smiled like a thief, "Okay, since Xiao Wu invited me, it's not good for me to refuse, right? Let's squeeze together!"

Ye Qingqing didn't know what Song Jinnan meant at first, but when he spoke with such a smile, she understood immediately.

"Brother Jinnan, you are too bad, you know that's not what I meant!"

"Oh~ that's not what you mean, so what do you mean?" Song Jinnan smiled, "Also, men are not bad, but women don't love them! I'm bad for my own good, don't you want me to fight for the rest of my life? Bachelor?"

"Oh, I don't want to talk to you anymore!" Ye Qingqing waved her hand, stood up, and wanted to jump back to the room, but she didn't expect to be hugged horizontally just as she stood up to take off.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Song Jinnan carried Ye Qingqing back to the room with steady steps, and gently put her on the bed.

"You go to bed first, I'll be outside, call me if you need anything, don't get out of bed by yourself!" Song Jinnan rubbed her head and went out.

Ye Qingqing's expression was blank, her eyes were unfocused, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

I don't know what's wrong, just now being hugged by Song Jinnan, she suddenly felt that Song Jinnan's profile is really super handsome!Maybe it's really the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and now she actually feels that her Yixing idol has been eclipsed in front of Song Jinnan.

(End of this chapter)

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