Chapter 96

Standing behind Yi Sihui, her support team didn't expect Ye Qingqing to admit it, one or two scolded her for being shameless and a thief... In short, they used all vicious words on Ye Qingqing.

Song Jinnan, a big man, felt that these words were harsh, but Ye Qingqing seemed to be deaf, and he didn't feel any pain to these words.

Ye Qingqing looked at Yi Sihui with a smile, and raised her eyebrows, "What? You can't do it? Didn't you say that as long as I return the necklace to you, you can give up your life? Why am I just proposing such a small thing to you now?" You can’t do even small requests, and what you just said about feelings is just lying to others!”

"Ye Qingqing, don't go too far!" Yi Sihui couldn't help it after all, and looked at Ye Qingqing viciously. Before, she was still a Qingqing, but now she shouted out Ye Qingqing's full name angrily. .

Ye Qingqing picked out her ears, "I'm here, you don't have to shout so loudly, I'm not deaf yet, I can hear you!"

"You..." Yi Sihui was speechless by Ye Qingqing's anger, her chest heaved violently, but Ye Qingqing deliberately looked at her innocently.

Yi Sihui only felt a mouthful of blood choked in her throat, which couldn't go up or down, it was extremely uncomfortable.

Yi Sihui looked at Ye Qingqing, stepped forward suddenly, and gave her a heavy slap when no one was prepared.Ye Qingqing was dumbfounded by the slap, and Song Jinnan was also dumbfounded. When Song Jinnan came back to his senses, his eyes were gloomy, and he stepped forward to return the slap to Yi Sihui, he heard two applause.

"Papa" I saw Ye Qingqing didn't know when, she pulled Yi Sihui to her, and slapped her hard with both left and right bows.

After the beating, Ye Qingqing exclaimed that she had enjoyed it, and her left hand was a little numb from the beating, which was enough to show how much strength she had used.

Song Jinnan hurried forward and held Ye Qingqing in his arms, fearing that Yi Sihui would make a sudden attack like before.

Yi Sihui felt that she was going crazy. She was slapped twice by Ye Qingqing last time, and this time she slapped her twice again. Moreover, Song Jinnan was protecting her, not herself.She suddenly raised her head sadly and laughed loudly, with tears rolling down her cheeks, no one could bear to see this appearance.But Ye Qingqing and Song Jinnan didn't think so.

Ye Qingqing believed that everything Yi Sihui suffered was caused by herself, if she didn't want to frame herself, such a thing would never have happened.

And Song Jinnan looked at Yi Sihui without any sympathy and pity in his eyes. He wouldn't just let her get away with the slap she slapped Ye Qingqing just now.

A group of melon-eating people who thought Ye Qingqing was in the wrong couldn't help it now, some supported Yi Sihui, comforted her, and told her not to be sad.And some, directly stepped forward and asked Ye Qingqing to apologize to Yi Sihui for what she just asked Yi Sihui. If Ye Qingqing didn't do this, then they would directly call the police.

Ye Qingqing was also speechless for a while. When Song Jinnan wanted to speak, she signaled him not to speak. She must resolve this matter by herself.

Just like that, Ye Qingqing took Song Jinnan's hand, and the two of them stood quietly, listening to a group of people chattering, she looked at them as if she was watching a monkey performance.There was a smile on her face, and the dimples at the corners of her mouth were deeply sunken, but there was no trace of a smile in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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