Chapter 97

Ye Qingqing looked at Yi Sihui who was surrounded by the crowd, Song Jinnan tenderly looked at Ye Qingqing who was smiling all the time but obviously didn't want to laugh, reached out and fondled her messy hair.Then, she combed Ye Qingqing's hair with her hands.

Ye Qingqing raised her head and glanced at Song Jinnan. When she looked at Song Jinnan, her eyes were no longer cold, but genuinely smiling.

Slowly, the crowd gradually quieted down.Ye Qingqing looked at them and asked with a smile, "Are you done? Stop talking?"

As soon as Ye Qingqing finished speaking, she became really quiet now, and a needle could be heard falling on the ground.None of the parties spoke. No matter how much they wanted to say, the spectators would have the moment to finish.Moreover, Ye Qingqing specially asked them to talk. Some things would only be endless if someone who argued with them said them.Before they ran away, they had already thought about how to confront Ye Qingqing, but Ye Qingqing ignored them, which was very boring. Even if there were still a lot of words to vent, they felt that it would be better to rot in their stomachs and not say it out good.

After waiting for a while, seeing that no one spoke again, Ye Qingqing said: "Since you have all finished speaking, then I will speak. I hope that you can stop interrupting when I am talking. After I finish speaking, you will talk." Whether you want to call the police or do something, that's your business. You don't have any opinions, do you?"

Ye Qingqing paused for a while, seeing no one was talking, she said again: "First of all, let me tell you the reason why I went to her room. Yesterday, this woman came to my room. I believe there is surveillance, since everyone has seen it I went to her room and naturally saw her come to my room! I asked her to come in and sit for a while, but all of a sudden she said she had a stomachache and asked me to go up to his room to help her take the medicine. I wanted to I refused, but seeing her so uncomfortable, I couldn't get over the hurdle of my conscience. As soon as my heart softened, I went to get her medicine. At the same time, I also saw the necklace she said. I gave her the medicine, and she After sitting here for a long time, I went up. After that, Director Jin and I went out, and it was already midnight when I came back. After that, what happened now. However, if I knew that today would If something like this happens, even if I die, I will not go up to get her medicine."

"This is my own timeline I explained. I just want to say something about her broken necklace. First, I don't need to go get her things. I'm afraid I'll get my hands dirty. Let’s talk about money. Although my salary is not much, I still have a monthly income of millions. You said that I can afford that broken necklace with two months’ salary. Do I need to steal to ruin my reputation? No shit in your head! Second, you are all so sure that I stole her stuff, but do you have proof? Did you see me take her stuff? Just because I was the only one who went Isn't it too bullying for the people in her room to say that?" At this time, Ye Qingqing changed the subject again: "But, I want to tell you, this broken necklace is here with me, but I don't care where it is." Got it, I didn't let it go after all, right, Miss Yi?"

After Ye Qingqing finished speaking, she nodded Yi Sihui with her chin, and looked at her with a bright smile.After that, Ye Qingqing said again: "Having said so much, I just want to tell you one thing. Sometimes, what you see is not necessarily true. Use this place more often in the future!" She nodded her head with her finger.

(End of this chapter)

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