Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 120 Cruel facts!

Chapter 120 Cruel facts! (Four)
"Clang, clang, clang."

Like a fierce collision between cold weapons, a series of stirring sounds echoed in the sky.

"A!" "Om!"

The attacks of Da Jia and Da Needle Bee became more and more fierce, Ju Horn and Double Needle frantically attacked Flying Mantis in an attempt to defeat it.

The dizzying battle made the others worry about the Flying Mantis.

Perhaps it is due to the deterrent power of the flying mantis, Da Jia and the big needle bee, who have the same goal, have a tacit understanding, and the flying mantis, who is one against two, is in danger all around under their offensive!
"The situation is not good, it still feels too forced."

"It's too big to be one against two anyway. Doesn't it mean that he still has a water-type Pokémon? Why not release it."

"This Flying Mantis is very strong. Is it the legendary dual-purpose? I can't even understand it. How did it defend against the attacks of two Pokmon at the same time?"

"Yi Ming, Flying Mantis, come on! I trust you!"

Among the crowd, the photographer was using the camera to capture the scene of the battle, and the reporter also began to explain.

"...As you can see, the criminals who entered the trading field are being counterattacked by the righteous boy. According to insiders, this boy is from Tianlan Middle School, and he is the talented player who was widely rumored before——Yi Ming. "

The TV images and news are spreading like wildfire to every household in H City.

"Hey, hey, watch TV, Yi Ming is fighting the robbers in the trading field."

"What?! Really! I couldn't record it in school before, and I definitely have to record it this time."

"It's an exciting battle, and it's too hardcore."

"The champion of the city's trainer competition, I feel it is Yi Ming's. The gap is really too big, the 31st level Flying Mantis!"

"Wow, Yi Ming is so handsome! A serious man is the most handsome."

"It's the flying mantis."

Mu Han's eyes shone with splendor, and he murmured softly.

In the Hualan gymnasium, she fought fiercely with the fast-swimming frog, and the flying mantis, which showed super strength, left a deep impression on her.

And the scene in front of him is so similar to the original one.

"If you don't retreat, the fate of Dajia and Big Needle Bee will be the same as that of the fast-swimming frog."

With a flat expression, Mu Han came to a conclusion.

She has experience as a temporary gym owner. Although her battle experience is not comparable to that of other gymnasium owners, it is also not comparable to ordinary players.

Therefore, she could see at a glance that the Flying Mantis was at a disadvantage on the surface, but in fact it was the calm before the storm. If there was no reaction, the Flying Mantis would turn into a violent scythe storm and destroy everything.

"Flying Mantis, level 31."

Tianlin, who was also watching the TV screen, became short of breath.

He clenched his fists tightly, his body tensed, and his brows were full of unwillingness.

Tianlin had never met Yi Ming in the game, so he didn't know about the existence of Flying Mantis like Mu Han did, and therefore, the appearance of Flying Mantis made his heart fluctuate unavoidably.

He realized that when he was improving, Yi Ming was also improving rapidly.

"However, these gaps are nothing, I will catch up sooner or later, just wait!"

He gritted his teeth, looked at Yi Ming in the TV, and said in a cold voice.

With the resources of Xia Bo, the owner of the Red Lotus Gym, Tianlin found a way to buy the Fire Stone with the Union Coin, which made the Katie Dog evolve into a Wind Speed ​​Dog.

The level of the wind speed dog has also been raised from the previous level 18 to level 23.

Already good enough, Tianlin felt that the gap between himself and Yi Ming was constantly narrowing.

Tianlin who made the oath, because even if Yi Ming's strength improved, he couldn't improve much.

But the cruel fact that Tianlin doesn't know is that apart from the addition of the Flying Mantis, Yi Ming's Pokémon have undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only the level of the Koga Ninja frog has been raised to level 36, but the fire-breathing dragon has also inspired the blood of the dragon, gaining The title of the Purple Flame Dragon has reached level 35 by leaps and bounds!
Moreover, Chenglong Pikachu also joined the team, and Chenglong's level is as high as 25, which is two levels higher than his wind speed dog.

"The power of consecutive cuts can be continuously superimposed."

In the eyes of others, being jointly attacked by Da Jia and Da Needle Bee, the Flying Mantis was a passive defense, full of dangers, but in Yi Ming's view, it was the Flying Mantis who gradually gained the upper hand.

Continuous chopping, also known as continuous cutting, can continuously superimpose power.

Moreover, the title of Flying Mantis's title of Insect King also increased the power of the continuous slash. Under this situation, as long as it lasts for a while, the power of the continuous slash will become more and more terrifying, and the balance of victory will also tilt towards the Flying Mantis.

The rest of the people didn't know this, but Da Jia and Da Needle Bee, who fought against the Flying Mantis, experienced this deeply.

No matter how they attack and how they cooperate, the sickle of the flying mantis can always resist their attacks, making them feel depressed when they attack.

What surprised them was that with their attacks, the Flying Mantis seemed to be used to this rhythm. From the beginning, they retreated and barely resisted, and now they can even wield a sickle to launch a counterattack!

The strength of the counterattack was getting stronger and stronger, and the shocking scythe waved, and even faintly produced a cyclone!
"Da Jia, Big Needle Bee, get out first."

Lao Dao vaguely sensed that something was wrong, and made a decisive decision not to let Da Jia Da Needle Bee and Flying Mantis get entangled.

"Om." "A!"

Big Needle Bee and Da Jia had planned this for a long time, trying to stop the entanglement with Flying Mantis.

But how could the Flying Mantis, who had risen from the battle, allow this to happen, with its blade-like wings flapping its wings and chasing after it, its chopping power became even more ferocious!

At this moment, something dramatic happened.

Originally, it was Big Needle Bee and Da Jia chasing and attacking the Flying Mantis, but now it is the Flying Mantis that is suppressing the attack of Big Needle Bee and Da Jia!

Big Needle Bee and Dajia tried to get out of the attack range of Flying Mantis, but they seemed to be stuck in a swamp and couldn't move.

"The big needle retreats, and the big Jia uses his strength to fall!"

The premonition of uneasiness became stronger, and Lao Dao looked solemn. In order to stop the Flying Mantis from slashing more and more crazily, he had no choice but to make this choice.

Leverage throw is a fighting style move. The disadvantage is that it will counterattack after the opponent attacks, but the hit rate of this move is 100%. It is a good move to prevent the flying mantis from continuing to accumulate power.


The impatient Dajia was also suppressed and out of anger, instead of retreating, he gave up his defense and took over the flying mantis's consecutive slashes!

Flying Mantis' terrifying slash hit Dajia, and the burning sensation of tearing made Dajia howl in pain, and it, who took the Flying Mantis's slash, also grabbed Flying Mantis' arm, and successfully performed a leverage throw!

The Flying Mantis was pulled up by Dajia with great momentum, and immediately fell heavily to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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