Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 121 S-rank mission completed!

Chapter 121 S-rank mission completed!

Although he succeeded in stopping the Flying Mantis' continuous slashing attack by relying on his fall, Dajia also paid the price of serious injuries, staggering and almost falling.

"It's now, Big Needle Bee, poison attack!"

Seeing the neutral position of the flying mantis, Lao Dao immediately gave instructions to the big needle bee.


The compound eyes of the big needle bee flashed scarlet, and the white right needle glowed dark purple, and it quickly poked at the flying mantis on the ground.

"Flying mantis, wings attack defense."


The Flying Mantis also heard the whistling sound, and without hesitation, it spread its blade-like wings, unleashed its wings to attack and remove the giant needle of the needle bee, and at the same time, with the power of the wings, the Flying Mantis quickly flew up , the sickle shot left and right towards the big needle bee at close range!

Double hit!
Caught off guard, the big needle bee was hit in an instant. In pain and fear, it raised its double needles to prevent the flying mantis from chasing after the victory.

And this seems to be within the expectations of the Flying Mantis. The Flying Mantis did not intend to take advantage of the victory to knock down the Big Needle Bee. Instead, it took advantage of this gap to swing its sickle sideways and cast an air attack on the still unrelieved Dajia. cut!

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

Two air piercing sounds sounded, and Da Jia, who had been hit by the consecutive slash before, was hit by the two air slashes without any suspense!

While screaming in agony, Da Jia fell to the ground, having already lost his ability to fight!
Air Slash is a flying move, and it is very effective for Dajia of the insect type. In addition, he was hit by the flying mantis's continuous slash before, and Dajia was already seriously injured. How can he resist the air slash at this moment.

After taking down Dajia quickly, the Flying Mantis lightly tapped the ground, bursting out at an extremely fast speed again, rushing towards the Big Needle Bee.

"Cleave it, cut it with a cross, and get rid of it."

Yi Ming's gaze was fixed on the big needle bee who still had strength.

"Big needle bee, dangerous, crazy attack!"

After Dajia was defeated by Flying Mantis's swift and flowing attack, Lao Dao's heart tightened, and his tone became a little eager.

Facing the astonishing attacking flying mantis alone, the needle bee felt fear in his heart.

And under the fear, it moved a little slower, the double needles were shaken away by the Flying Mantis's splitting, and then the Flying Mantis's cross scissors slashed viciously in front of its chest!
The severe pain made the big needle bee let out a whine, and instinctively waved its double needles to force the flying mantis to dodge.

However, without Dajia's interference, its movements were so slow in the eyes of the Flying Mantis. After the sickle counterattacked and resolved it, its blade-like wings unleashed its wings to attack, blowing the Big Needle Bee away!

The weak Big Needle Bee flew upside down for several meters and fell to the ground, already losing the ability to fight.

"Wow, I won! The Flying Mantis really won with one against two!"

"The battle of flowing clouds and flowing water is really beautiful, just like the art of fighting."

"MD, I'm in love with Flying Mantis, it's so cool."

"Yi Ming is amazing, it seems that the champion of our city's trainer competition is in Yi Ming's pocket."

"For sure, it goes without saying."

The Flying Mantis fought against the Dajia Flying Mantis. The hearty and smooth battle made their blood boil, and they couldn't help but exclaim.

In front of the Flying Mantis, both the ferocious-looking Da Jia and the Big Needle Bee looked so vulnerable.

[Flying Mantis defeated Dajia and gained battle experience: 2560. 】

[Flying Mantis defeated the Big Needle Bee, and gained battle experience: 2840. 】

[Because of the qualification of Flying Mantis, additional battle experience points: 1810. 】

[Detect the 1v2 battle of Flying Mantis, and get an additional 3000 combat experience points. 】

[Ding, the Flying Mantis battle experience is full, the level has been increased to: 32! 】


The Flying Mantis who broke through the bottleneck had a flash of light in his eyes, which was fleeting, and his aura rose like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath.

The emergence of new power made Flying Mantis immersed in it.

"Retreat separately!"

Seeing that there was no hope at all, Lao Dao made a decisive decision, shouted loudly, took back the two Pokmon and wanted to run away!
They also know that without the support of Pokmon, even if they are strong enough, human bodies cannot be compared with Pokmon at all.

So seeing that the general situation was over, they simply wanted to run away!
"Flying Mantis, catch them, don't hesitate to strike."

Yi Ming smiled sarcastically.

want to run?Is it that easy?
Just as Yi Ming thought, the speed of the few of them couldn't outrun the Flying Mantis at all, and they were deliberately blocked by the crowd of onlookers. After a while, they were stunned three times by the Flying Mantis with the back of the knife and thrown together.

As for Lao Dao, seeing that his companion was easily controlled by the Flying Mantis, he gave up fleeing and walked in front of Yi Ming by himself.

"I didn't expect it to be folded in the hands of a brat."

Lao Dao looked at Yi Ming deeply, he couldn't think that the action he thought he was sure of today would be ended by the young man in front of him.

"Your Pokémon got it from Team Rocket, right?"

Yi Ming remembered the Rockets players he had met before, and mentioned the Rockets points.

I don't know what kind of mission they did to get the points that can be exchanged for these Pokmon in the Rockets.


Lao Dao and Yi Ming confronted each other, his muscular body seemed so tall and concise.

"Snatched from the Rockets at the end of the countdown?"

Yi Ming suddenly understood.

Just like the stall owner before, he took advantage of the opportunity to return to the real world in an instant when the countdown ended.

"That's right, our original plan was to snatch the Rockets' warehouse while the Rockets were conducting secret operations, but the process was more difficult than planned. Although we managed to break into the warehouse in the end, I only had time to get these Pokmon .”

About to be arrested, Lao Dao's tone was still flat, and there was even a playful look on his face, as if this crazy action was just a game in his eyes.

"Secret operations?"

Yi Ming keenly caught the key words in his words.

"I don't know, do you think that we who have just joined the Rockets have the opportunity to get in touch with the secret operations of the Rockets?"

Lao Dao smiled sarcastically, and let the security guards come handcuff him and his companion.

He took a deep look at Yi Ming, not at all worried about the situation where he was arrested, and said in a calm tone: "The changes in the world are still going on, I have a hunch that we will meet again."

"Maybe, if you can get in one more game."

Yi Ming was noncommittal, because after entering the game and coming out of the real world, his position would change accordingly. Even if he was imprisoned, if Lao Dao could enter the game again, that would be it. So he did not deny Lao Dao's statement.

Seeing the four of them being escorted away, Yi Ming didn't enjoy the admiring and envious eyes around him at all, and couldn't wait to take Xiao Nan back.

Because the task has been shown as completed.

The elf egg of the champion-qualified Pokémon has been obtained!
(End of this chapter)

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