Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 122 Trainer Academy?

Chapter 122 Trainer Academy?
"Brother Yi Ming, it turns out that you are so powerful. The Flying Mantis has reached level 31, no, it's level 32! It's four times that of my Ba Dahu!"

Xiao Nan couldn't restrain the excitement in her heart, and said while holding Yi Ming's hand tightly.

"I'm sure, you brother Yi Ming is already this powerful."

Yi Ming patted Xiao Nan's head and said with a smile.

"Brother Yi Ming, what you said yesterday must be true, right?"

Xiao Nan suddenly remembered something, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"What did I say yesterday?"

Yi Ming raised his eyebrows slightly, not knowing what Xiao Nan said was his own.

"Brother Yi Ming, apart from Flying Mantis, you also have two Pokémon over level 30!"

"Well, yes, of course it is true. When have I lied to you, little fool."

Yi Ming bent his index finger and scratched Xiao Nan's nose, causing Xiao Nan to hold her nose and complain: "Brother Yi Ming, if you keep scratching your nose, it will blow my nose off."

"Oh, like this, what does that matter? Even if Xiao Nan doesn't have a nose, she will look good in the future."


"Of course it's true. When you grow up, you will be more beautiful than your pink Butterfly."

Yi Ming spoke seriously.

There is no doubt that Xiao Nan is a real beauty.

Is it more beautiful than Ba ​​Dahu?
Listening to Yi Ming's words, Xiao Nan's eyes sparkled with longing, and she jumped up and down happily.

Not long after, Yi Ming and Xiao Nan returned to Aunt Chen's house, only to find that Aunt Chen's house had guests.

And this guest, whom Yi Ming also knew, was actually the principal of Tianlan Middle School.

"Oh, I said Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, Yi Ming, your principal is visiting your house, and you are not at home, so I will ask your principal to come and I will sit here and wait for you, just when I was talking about you, you come here gone."

Aunt Chen, who was still reserved at first, enthusiastically gave way to Yi Ming after seeing Yi Ming finally arrived.

In fact, just now, Aunt Chen almost had an embarrassing incident because of her self-righteousness.

That's what she thought Yi Ming's principal was looking for Cheng Qiang, but he just knocked on the wrong door.

Her family had contact with Principal Tianlan before, and it was that Cheng Qiang was a little short of entering Tianlan Middle School. Therefore, Aunt Chen had tried to find a relationship before, but she didn't get accommodating, so Cheng Qiang and Yi Ming is not in a school.

This time she saw Principal Tianlan coming to the door in person, and subconsciously thought that Principal Tianlan came here deliberately because of the previous incident. After all, because of Cheng Qiang, there have been many visitors recently, so it may not be impossible.

But it turned out that the principal didn't knock on the wrong door, he really came to look for Yi Ming.

"Yi Ming, young and promising, hehe."

Seeing Yi Ming, the headmaster immediately put on a friendly and friendly smile, and warmly patted Yi Ming on the shoulder.

"Hi principal, what can I do for you?"

Yi Ming went straight to the point and asked the principal why he came here.

I also want to go home and see what kind of Pokémon the champion-qualified Elf Egg is, and I don't have the leisure to chat with the principal.

"Actually, I also stopped by to bring you something."

As he said that, the principal took out a special palm-sized piece of paper from the inner pocket, on which was the school badge and school seal of Tianlan Middle School. From the words on it, Yi Ming could tell that this was a special quota for the city's trainer competition.

"Oh, isn't this the quota certification form? My family Cheng Qiang also has it, hey, but there seems to be some differences."

Aunt Chen stretched her neck, and after seeing the paper clearly, she couldn't help but said.

"Hehe, that's right. This is the qualification list for the city's trainer competition. Each school has two to three places. There is no need for tomorrow's preliminaries."

After speaking, the headmaster changed the topic, looked at Yi Ming seriously and said.

"However, this is not an ordinary quota certification list. It is the only certification list for the top 36 of the 36 top schools in the city. That is to say, this thing not only does not need to go through the qualifiers, but can also directly enter the top 36 participating competitions. competition."

It's a pity, while the headmaster was talking, he didn't notice the slightest change in Yi Ming's face, and he thought it was a pity in his heart.

Yi Ming didn't have any special reaction, but Aunt Chen at the side was surprised: "Is there such a thing?"

She originally thought that Cheng Qiang's getting a place in the school was already a big deal, but she didn't expect that there are grades for this place. Cheng Qiang's place just doesn't need to enter the preliminaries, but this certification can only be obtained by the 36 top schools in the city. The only place available, not only does not require complicated qualifiers, but also directly recommends and competes for the top 36!
"You don't need to participate in tomorrow's qualifiers, and then according to the schedule, you will see whether you are the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and then go to the competition. Represent our school in the competition. You must work hard to win glory for the school. Today you are the school Proud, the school will be proud of you in the future!"

The headmaster was as emotional as a speech, and even Aunt Chen and Xiao Nan beside him became serious, but Yi Ming didn't have a special reaction, and took the certification form calmly.

"I see, the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, right?"


The principal nodded.

In Aunt Chen's eyes, Yi Ming's neither salty nor indifferent attitude was considered uncooperative, but the principal was still smiling and didn't mean to mind it at all, which surprised Aunt Chen greatly.

"By the way, there is one more thing. I wonder if you have heard of it. The country is about to set up a trainer academy in the imperial capital, which will be open to students from all over the country. It is rumored that students will be selected in the trainer competitions in various cities."

It seems that Yi Ming's enthusiasm for the city's trainer competition is not high, the principal thought for a moment and revealed.

"Trainer Academy?"

Yi Ming was startled, then nodded slightly.

The trainer academy was most likely an idea that came up after the students collectively returned from the game.

The purpose is to gather students who have entered the game and possess Pokémon, and organize them into a new effective defense force at the national level to prevent new world changes.

Yi Ming, who owns the system, knows that all weapons in the real world have lost their effectiveness.

"I believe that with your strength, if there are no accidents, it will be no problem to stand out in H City and even the whole country. Once you enter the Trainer Academy, your future will be bright."

The principal patted Yi Ming on the shoulder again, full of praise.

After a few more polite words, the principal who had completed the task got up and left, and Yi Ming also returned to his home, leaving behind Aunt Chen who was still digesting the news.

"Knock knock knock."

Seeing that the principal had left, Aunt Chen was very sorry that Cheng Qiang hadn't come out of the room to show his face.

"Cheng Qiang, why didn't you come out? Principal Tian Lan finally came here, so you have to show a familiar face."

"What is he looking for me for? Shouldn't he be looking for Yi Ming?"

There was a strong voice in the room.

"That's right, he came here to look for Yi Ming, and Yi Ming wasn't at home just now, so I asked the principal to come in and sit with us."

Aunt Chen said so.

As soon as these words came out, there was no movement in the room for a while.

Aunt Chen shook her head and couldn't help but said again: "Are you saying it's strange? The headmaster made a special trip to send Yi Ming a quota certification form, and it's different from your certification form. Not only does he not have to participate in the preliminaries, You can also directly compete for the top 36, and there are only 36 places in the entire H city! Why haven't I heard you say this, Chengqiang?"

A dead silence.

Seeing that there was no movement, Aunt Chen lost interest in continuing the conversation, so she went to the kitchen to get busy.

After a while, only the suppressed cry of collapse could be heard faintly from Cheng Qiang's room.
"It's too much, it's too much, woo woo woo, don't be so shocking!"

(End of this chapter)

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