Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 128: The Flying Mantis Fiercely Fights the Yanshen Pillar!

Chapter 128: The Flying Mantis Fiercely Fights the Yanshen Pillar!

"Flying Mantis, release a vacuum wave on Yanshen Pillar."

Since the trial appeared, Yi Ming naturally had no reason to retreat, and took the lead in instructing the Flying Mantis to attack.

Vacuum wave is a fighting move. Flying mantis wields a sickle to release vacuum wave, which is very effective for the rock-type Yanshenzhu.


The sound of piercing the sky sounded, and the flying mantis scythe waved and drew, and the vacuum wave was released rapidly, hitting the Yanshen Pillar accurately.

However, the vacuum wave only left a slight trace on Yanshenzhu's body, and did not cause significant damage.


The orange light spot of the Yanshen Pillar was changing, and the rock arm was raised to point at the flying mantis, and an electric arc flickered, as if it was constantly charging.

"It's the charging beam, Flying Mantis, cast shadow clone."

It's hard to imagine a rock-type Pokémon that can unleash the electric-type charging beam skill, but it's true.

Due to the extremely fast speed of the charging beam, even the Flying Mantis is not slow, but it is more cautious to release the interference of shadow clones than to dodge directly.


The Flying Mantis quickly cast its shadow clone, and in an instant, more than a dozen silhouettes of the Flying Mantis appeared around the Yanshen Pillar.

The appearance of the shadow clone obviously interfered with the Yanshenzhu. Its charging beam still surrounded the arm, but it did not release it.

"General flying elements are not effective against Yanshen Pillar. If this is the case, flying mantis and cross scissors."

More than a dozen silhouettes of flying mantises rushed towards the Yanshen Pillar at the same time, with their twin scythes forming a cross, they slashed at the Yanshen Pillar viciously!

Facing the attack of the flying mantis, the orange light spot of the Yanshen Pillar stopped changing. When the charging beam was released, the rock's arm swung suddenly, and the charging beam suddenly became arced like a long whip!
Hit by the charging beam of the Yanshen Pillar, the ten shadow clones suddenly disappeared in a trance.

It didn't hit the Flying Mantis itself.


The cross scissors hit the back of Yanshen Pillar viciously!

With a muffled sound, cracks even appeared on Yanshenzhu's body, and its rocky body seemed to lose its balance and fell forward.

However, at this moment, its rock arm whizzed backwards strangely and hit the flying mantis!

Arm hammer!


In a hurry, the Flying Mantis only had time to set up the sickle to defend.

However, even so, being hit by Yanshenzhu's arm hammer, the Flying Mantis flew backwards as if hit by a speeding truck. If it hadn't had wings to maintain balance, it would have fallen to the ground.

"Quick battle and quick decision, the power of Viridian won't last long."

Seeing that the Flying Mantis was injured, Yi Ming immediately released the power of Chang Pan without hesitation to recover the injury of the Flying Mantis. At the same time, he also released the special effect of the power of Chang Pan with all his strength. Yi Ming's own physical strength was rapidly drained, making Fei Tian Mantis' strength is temporarily enhanced.

The level of the Flying Mantis was briefly raised from level 32 to level 35!

Flying Mantis breathed out a turbid breath, with a dignified expression, and the numbness from his arms gave him a deep understanding of the power of the Yanshen Pillar.

"Yan Shenzhu, it's really not easy to mess with."

Yi Ming also secretly sighed.

Right now, even if Flying Mantis is forced to use the power of Chang Pan to temporarily increase its strength, it will only reach level 35, which is still a full 5 levels behind Yanshenzhu!

There was a slight sound of rubbing against rocks, and at some time around the Yanshen Pillar, several boulders that were as big as it appeared, and the next moment, the Yanshen Pillar threw the boulders into the air continuously, and threw them at the flying mantis!

Falling rocks!

Several boulders seemed to be thrown by a trebuchet, and two of them were still shattered in mid-air, forming a rain of stones, which quickly smashed towards the flying mantis, covering almost all the avoiding directions of the flying mantis.

"Move close to it at high speed."

Yi Ming quickly judged the weak point of the falling rock's attack, which was directly in front of the Flying Mantis, as if the Yanshenzhu had expected that the Flying Mantis would not dare to approach it easily.

However, this became its fatal mistake.


The Flying Mantis reacted quickly, tapped the ground with its toes, and burst out with extremely fast speed, dragging out afterimages!

As if turning into a gust of wind, the Flying Mantis quickly flew behind Yanshenzhu!

"It's now, even chopping."

There was a gleam in Yi Ming's eyes.


The Flying Mantis burst out with astonishing aura, and the twin scythes glowed with a sharp and cold light, whizzing and slashing towards the back of Yanshenzhu continuously!

"Bang bang bang!!"

In just an instant, several deep marks of destruction appeared behind Yanshenzhu, and of course Yanshenzhu would not allow the Flying Mantis to continue attacking, and left the ground with the help of the rock's arms and body, and immediately released it.

With a bang, the ground centered on the Yanshen Pillar collapsed, and the shock wave knocked out the Flying Mantis.

However, with the help of its wings, the Flying Mantis stabilized its figure again, and the consecutive chops swayed out like a violent storm!

It knows that once the Yanshenzhu breaks away from its own attack and the power of the slash disappears, what awaits it will be a catastrophe.

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

Different from the thick and steady attack of Yanshenzhu, the attack method of Flying Mantis reveals dexterity and vigor, and there is also a bit of domineering in it!

Under the frenzied attack of the Flying Mantis, the power of the continuous slash continued to increase, and the momentum continued to rise!


The Yanshenzhu Company was hit, and seemed to have sensed the danger. Under the threat of the flying mantis' rapid slashing, the orange light spots turned into red.

Arm hammer!

The tiger's vigorous arm hammer attack, trying to knock the flying mantis into the air.

However, the Flying Mantis, who had already taken precautions, would not be hit. Instead of retreating, it advanced, and dexterously approached the Yanshen Pillar, entering the dead angle of the Yanshen Pillar's arm hammer.

Immediately, the continuous slash continued, and the sickle kept attacking the back of Yanshenzhu.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!"

Gravel splashed, the attack of the Flying Mantis became fiercer, and there was even an increasingly urgent sound of piercing through the air as the scythe was swung!
Following a series of rapid attacks by the Flying Mantis, the red light spots of the Yanshen Pillar flickered even faster.

Iron wall!

Brute force!

After releasing the iron wall, the defensive power of the Yanshen Pillar rose rapidly, and a layer of metallic luster bloomed on its body surface. Immediately, it unleashed a brute force attack, displaying astonishing strength and momentum. smash it!


The pupils of Flying Mantis shrank, and the astonishing momentum of Yanshenzhu's attack was like overwhelming mountains and seas. Those who were slightly unsteady in their will would definitely be shocked.

However, the Flying Mantis can't, the twin scythes are evaporating traces of white air, and they perform the combo attack with superimposed terrifying power!


There was a loud bang on the ground. It was Yanshenzhu's brute force attack that was successfully pushed away by the Flying Mantis and hit the ground!
The failure of this attack also meant the defeat of Yanshenzhu.

"Right now, cross scissors!"


The Flying Mantis's eyes burst into light, and it dodged to the side of the Yanshen Pillar. Before it could raise the rock arm, it cast the cross scissors and hit it viciously.

Yan Shenzhu, his physical strength is completely exhausted!

(End of this chapter)

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